STK++ 0.9.13
Arrays Tutorial 2 : The Constructors

Constructors depend of the structure of the array you want to obtain.

In this tutorial we will review all the existing arrays and the different way to create them.

Review of the classes

class Description
template<typename Type> class Array2D;
template< typename Type, int SizeRows_ = UnknownSize, int SizeCols_ = UnknownSize, bool Orient_ = Arrays::by_col_>
class CArray;

The STK::Array2D and STK::CArray classes are the most general classes for storing scalars. The values are stored in anarray of range (beginRows:lastIdxRows)x(beginCols:lastIdxCols).

template<typename Type> Array2DVector;
template<typename Type> Array2DPoint;
template< typename Type, int SizeRows_=UnknownSize, bool Orient_ = Arrays::by_col_>
class CArrayVector;
template< typename Type, int SizeCols_=UnknownSize, bool Orient_ = Arrays::by_row_>
class CArrayPoint;

The STK::Array2DVector, STK::Array2DPoint, STK::CArrayVector and STK::CArrayPoint classes allow to store scalars in column and row vectors. The values are stored in arrays of range (begin:lastIdx).

template<typename Type> Array2DSquare;
template< typename Type_, int Size_ = UnknownSize, bool Orient_ = Arrays::by_col_>
class CArraySquare;

The STK::Array2DSquare class is a general class for storing scalars in a square matrix. The values are stored in an array of range (begin:lastIdx)x(begin:lastIdx).

template<typename Type> Array2DDiagonal;
The STK::Array2DDiagonal class is a general class for storing scalars in a diagonal matrix. The values are stored in an array of range (begin:lastIdx)x(begin:lastIdx) with zero outside the diagonal.
Only the diagonal values are effectively stored in an Array2DDiagonal array.
template<typename Type> Array2DUpperTriangular;
template<typename Type> Array2DLowerTriangular;
The STK::Array2DUpperTriangular and STK::Array2DLowerTriangular classes are general classes for storing scalars in triangular matrices. The values are stored in an array of range (beginRows:lastIdxRows)x(beginCols:lastIdxCols) with zero in the respectively lower and upper part of the array.
Only the non-zeros values are effectively stored in the arrays and the upper part (respectively the lower part) is the part of the array such that j>i (resp. i>j), where i represents the index of the row and j the index of the column.

Constructors for the Array2D family containers

Constructors Examples
Default constructors. Create an empty Array of scalar Type.

In the following example

Array2D<Real> a; // a is an empty array of Real (double by default)
a.resize(10,10); a=0.; // a is now an array of size 10x10 with the value 0.
Array2DVector<Real> b; // a is an empty column vector of Real
b.resize(10); b=0.; // b is now an array of size 10x1 with the value 0.

Construct an array with fixed ranges for the rows and the columns and Optionally an initial value.
Array2D<Type>( Range const& I, Range const& J);
Array2D<Type>( Range const& I, Range const& J, Type const& v);
Array2DVector<Type>( Range const& I);
Array2DVector<Type>( Range const& I, Type const& v);
Array2DPoint<Type>( Range const& J);
Array2DPoint<Type>( Range const& J, Type const& v);
Array2DSquare<Type>( Range const& I);
Array2DSquare<Type>( Range const& I, Type const& v);
Array2DDiagonal<Type>( Range const& I);
Array2DDiagonal<Type>( Range const& I, Type const& v);
Array2DLowerTriangular<Type>( Range const& I, Range const& J);
Array2DLowerTriangular<Type>( Range const& I, Range const& J, Type const& v);
Array2DUpperTriangular<Type>( Range const& I, Range const& J);
Array2DUpperTriangular<Type>( Range const& I, Range const& J, Type const& v);

The following code build an array of Real (double by default) with rows in the range 2:4 and columns in the range 0:9 (this is the default, but can be 1:10 if the macro STKBASEARRAYS=1 is activated). The array is initialized with the value 2.

Array2D<Real> a(Range(2,3), 10, 2.);

The following code build a vector of Real (double by default) with columns in the range 0:9 (this is the default, but can be 1:10 if the macro STKBASEARRAYS=1 is activated). The array is initialized with the value 2.

Array2DVector<Real> a( 10, 2.);

Copy constructor. The resulting array is either a copy of the array T (if ref == false) or a reference of the array T (if ref == true)

Array2D<Type>( const Array2D<Type> &T, bool ref=false);
Array2DVector<Type>( const Array2DVector<Type> &T, bool ref=false);
Array2DPoint<Type>( const Array2DPoint<Type> &T, bool ref=false);
Array2DSquare<Type>( const Array2DSquare<Type> &T, bool ref=false);
Array2DDiagonal<Type>( const Array2DDiagonal<Type> &T, bool ref=false);
Array2DLowerTriangular<Type>( const Array2DLowerTriangular<Type> &T, bool ref=false);
Array2DUpperTriangular<Type>( const Array2DUpperTriangular<Type> &T, bool ref=false);

The following code copy the array a in a new array b and create a reference of the rows and columns of c with range I for the rows and range J for the columns.
Array2D<Real> a(10, 8);
Array2D<Real> b(a); // b is now a copy of a
// c is a reference, if an element of c is modified, the corresponding element of a is modified
Array2D<Real> c(a.sub(I,J), true);
The following show how to get a reference on a column and a reference on a row of an Array2D.
Array2D<Real> a(10, 8);
Array2DVector<Real> c(a.col(1), true); // c is now a reference on the column 1 of a
Array2DPoint<Real> p(a.row(1), true); // p is now a reference on the row 1 of a

Constructors for the CArray family containers

Constructors Examples
Default constructors. Create an empty Array of scalar Type.

In the following example

CArray<Real> a; // a is an empty array of Real (double by default)
a.resize(10,10); a=0.; // a is now an array of size 10x10 with the value 0.
CArrayVector<Real> b; // a is an empty column vector of Real
b.resize(10); b=0.; // b is now an array of size 10x1 with the value 0.

Construct an array with fixed ranges for the rows and the columns and Optionally an initial value.
CArray<Type>( Range const& I, Range const& J);
CArray<Type>( Range const& I, Range const& J, Type const& v);
CArrayVector<Type>( Range const& I);
CArrayVector<Type>( Range const& I, Type const& v);
CArrayPoint<Type>( Range const& J);
CArrayPoint<Type>( Range const& J, Type const& v);
CArraySquare<Type>( Range const& I);
CArraySquare<Type>( Range const& I, Type const& v);

The following code build an array of Real (double by default) with rows in the range 2:4 and columns in the range 0:9 (this is the default, but can be 1:10 if the macro STKBASEARRAYS=1 is activated). The array is initialized with the value 2.

CArray<Real> a(Range(2,3), 10, 2.);

The following code build a vector of Real (double by default) with columns in the range 0:9 (this is the default, but can be 1:10 if the macro STKBASEARRAYS=1 is activated). The array is initialized with the value 2.

CArrayVector<Real> a( 10, 2.);

Copy constructor. The resulting array is either a copy of the array T (if ref == false) or a reference of the array T (if ref == true)

CArray<Type>( const CArray<Type> &T, bool ref=false);
CArrayVector<Type>( const CArrayVector<Type> &T, bool ref=false);
CArrayPoint<Type>( const CArrayPoint<Type> &T, bool ref=false);
CArraySquare<Type>( const CArraySquare<Type> &T, bool ref=false);

The following code copy the array a in a new array b and create a reference of the rows and columns of c with range I for the rows and range J for the columns.

CArray<Real> a(10, 8);
CArray<Real> b(a); // b is now a copy of a
// c is a reference, if an element of c is modified, the corresponding element of a is modified
CArray<Real> c(a.sub(I,J), true);

The following show how to get a reference on a column and a reference on a row of an CArray.

CArray<Real> a(10, 8);
CArrayVector<Real> c(a.col(1), true); // c is now a reference on the column 1 of a
CArrayPoint<Real> p(a.row(1), true); // p is now a reference on the row 1 of a