In this file we define the class and methods for computing a Gaussian Kernel.
In this file we define the class and methods for computing a Hamming Kernel.
In this file we define the class and methods for computing a Laplace Kernel.
In this file we define the class and methods for computing a Linear Kernel.
In this file we define the class and methods for computing a Polynomial Kernel.
In this file we define the class and methods for computing a RationalQuadratic Kernel.
In this file we define the enum and utilites method for the kernels.
In this file we define the Bernoulli distribution.
In this file we define the Beta probability distribution.
In this file we define the Binomial distribution.
In this file we define the Categorical distribution.
In this file we define the Cauchy probability distribution.
In this file we define the ChiSquared probability distribution.
In this file we implement the exponential law.
In this file we define the FisherSnedecor probability distribution.
In this file we define the Gamma probability distribution.
In this file we define the Geometric distribution.
In this file we define the HyperGeometric distribution.
In this file we define the LogNormal probability law class.
In this file we define the Logistic probability law class.
In this file we define the NegativeBinomial distribution.
In this file we define the Normal probability law class.
In this file we define the Poisson distribution.
In this file we define the Student probability distribution.
In this file we define the utilities constant and method for the Law namespace.
In this file we define the Weibull probability distribution.
In this file we define the joint Bernoulli distribution law.
In this file we define the joint Cauchy probability law.
In this file we define the joint Gamma probability law.
In this file we define the joint Normal probability law.
In this file we define the multivariate Normal law.
Declaration of the RandBase class.
This file contain the declaration of the class Bivariate.
This file contain the function confusionMatrix.
This file contains the methods computing the covariance of an array.
In this file we define and implement the Factor class.
This file contain the functors computings statistics.
In this file we define and implement the MultiFactor class.
In this file we specialize the class Multivariate to Real type.
This file contain the declaration of the base class Multivariate.
This file contain the specialization of the class Univariate for the Real Type.