STK++ 0.9.13
STatistiK: Tools for usual statistics


This project contains functions and classes for statistical calculations, kernel computations and usual distribution computations (as probability distribution computation, random number generation...)

It is divided in three sub-projects :

  • The StatDesc sub-project contains functions and classes for computing the usual descriptive statistics,
  • The Kernel sub-project contains functions and classes for computing the usual kernels,
  • The Law sub-project contains functions and classes for usual probability density functions (or discrete probability distribution) computations, cumulative probability distribution, inverse cumulative distribution computations (quantile), random number generation.

Distributions laws

Density, log-density, cumulative distribution function, quantile function and random variate generation for many standard probability distributions are available in the Law sub-project. The complete list is

All these distributions are implemented in the namespace STK::Law and derive from the Interface base class IUnivLaw and should implement the following pure virtual methods :

virtual Type rand() const =0;
virtual Real pdf(Type const& x) const =0;
virtual Real lpdf(Type const& x) const = 0;
virtual Real cdf(Real const& t) const =0;
virtual Real cdfc(Real const& t) const =0;
virtual Type icdf(Real const& p) const=0;

Multivariate Distributions laws

Support for some multivariate distribution laws is given.