36#ifndef STK_ARRAY_UTIL_H
37#define STK_ARRAY_UTIL_H
#define _T(x)
Let x unmodified.
Define the different type of Array that can be handle by STK++.
structures of Arrays that can be handled by STK++
Intrinsic dimension of the container : 0D, 1D, 2D, 3D or 4D.
String structureToString(Structure const &type)
convert an Arrays::Structure to a String.
Kind of operators leading to a BinaryOperator or UnaryOperator.
Allow to disambiguate which rows() or cols() methods must be used which array to use when calling row...
Kind of operands in a BinaryOperator.
Define the Storage Orientation of the container.
@ sparse_
sparse matrix/vector/array/expression
@ dense_
dense matrix/vector/array/expression
@ array2D_
general matrix/array/expression
@ number_
(1,1) matrix/vector/array/expression (like a number)
@ point_
row oriented vector/array/expression
@ lower_symmetric_
lower symmetric matrix/array/expression
@ lower_triangular_
lower triangular matrix/array/expression
@ expression_
An expression that will be evaluated further.
@ symmetric_
symmetric matrix/array/expression
@ upper_triangular_
upper triangular matrix/array/expression
@ diagonal_
diagonal matrix/array/expression
@ upper_symmetric_
upper symmetric matrix/array/expression
@ vector_
column oriented vector/array/expression
@ square_
square matrix/array/expression
@ _0D_
a single scalar have no dimension
@ greaterThanOrEqualOp_
@ lessThanOrEqualOp_
@ greaterThanOp_
@ logicalAndOp_
@ useLhsOtherSize_
if true, use lhs.cols() in order to get rows() and lhs.rows() in order to get cols()
@ useRhsOtherSize_
if true, use rhs.cols() in order to get rows() and rhs.rows() in order to get cols()
@ useLhsSize_
use lhs.rows() (resp. lhs.cols()) in order to get rows() (resp. cols())
@ useRhsSize_
use rhs.rows() (resp. rhs.cols()) in order to get rows() (resp. cols())
@ useRhsRange_
use rhs.range() in order to get range()
@ useLhsRange_
use lhs.range() in order to get range()
@ binary_op_LowSym_UpTri_
@ binary_op_1D_
both operand are vector or point or diagonal
@ binary_op_UpSym_LowTri_
@ binary_op_LowTri_2D_
left operand is lower triangular, right operand is 2D
@ binary_op_LowSym_LowTri_
@ binary_op_Diag_2D_
left operand is diagonal, right operand is 2D
@ binary_op_LowSym_2D_
left operand is lower symmetric, right operand is 2D
@ binary_op_UpTri_LowSym_
@ binary_op_2D_Diag_
left operand is 2D, right operand is diagonal
@ binary_op_UpSym_LowSym_
@ binary_op_Sym_2D_
left operand is symmetric, right operand is 2D
@ binary_op_LowTri_LowTri_
@ binary_op_UpTri_2D_
left operand is upper triangular, right operand is 2D
@ binary_op_LowTri_UpSym_
@ binary_op_2D_
both operand are array2d or square
@ binary_op_UpSym_2D_
left operand is upper symmetric, right operand is 2D
@ binary_op_UpTri_LowTri_
@ binary_op_LowTri_LowSym_
@ binary_op_LowSym_UpSym_
@ binary_op_LowSym_LowSym_
@ binary_op_LowTri_UpTri_
@ binary_op_0D_
both operand are number_
@ by_col_
storage by column
std::basic_string< Char > String
STK fundamental type of a String.
The namespace STK is the main domain space of the Statistical ToolKit project.