STK++ 0.9.13
STK Namespace Reference

The namespace STK is the main domain space of the Statistical ToolKit project. More...


namespace  Algo
 The namespace Algo enclose all generic algorithms.
namespace  Arrays
 the namespace Arrays contain the enum and utilities method used by the containers classes.
namespace  Base
 the namespace Base contain all the internal stuff needed by the STK++ fundamental types.
namespace  Basis
 This namespace encloses all variables and constant specific to the function basis project.
namespace  blas
namespace  Chrono
 The namespace Chrono is an utility namespace for computing elapsed time during the execution of a program.
namespace  Classif
 This namespace encloses all variables and constant specific to the Classification project.
namespace  Clust
 The namespace Clust enclose all the enum and utilities functions needed by the Clustering project.
namespace  Const
 namespace enclosing the usual mathematical constants and the constant arrays or structures.
namespace  Csv
 The STK::Csv namespace contains the constants used in the DManager project when using csv files.
namespace  DManager
namespace  Funct
 The namespace Funct enclose all usual and special functions.
namespace  hidden
 The hidden namespace enclose the classes and methods which are used internally by the STK++ classes.
namespace  Import
 The import namespace contains the constants and global functions used in the DManager project when importing data in STK containers.
namespace  InOut
 This namespace encloses all variables and constant specific to the InOut project.
namespace  Kernel
 this is the namespace for the Kernels.
namespace  lapack
 namespace enclosing the wrappers of the lapack routines.
namespace  Law
 This is the namespace enclosing the classes handling the usual probabilities Laws.
namespace  Model
 namespace enclosing the enum and utilities functions of the StatModel project.
namespace  MultiLaw
 This is the namespace enclosing the classes handling the multivariate probabilities Laws.
namespace  Reduct
 This namespace encloses all variables and constant specific to the Reduct project.
namespace  Regress
 This namespace encloses all variables and constant specific to the Regress project.
namespace  Stat
 this is the namespace for the statistical treatment.


struct  AbsOp
 Template functor which compute the absolute value of a number. More...
struct  AcosOp
 Template functor which compute the arc cosine of a number. More...
class  AdditiveBSplineCoefficients
 Compute the regression splines coefficients of an additive model. More...
class  AdditiveBSplineRegression
 Compute an additive BSpline, multivalued, regression function using BSpline basis. More...
class  AdditiveBSplineRegressionPage
 In this Page, we manage the options for the computation of the Additive BSpline regression. More...
class  AICCriterion
 Derived class of Criterion for computing the AIC Criterion The AIC criteria is a penalization of the likelihood given by the formula. More...
class  AICMixtureCriterion
 Derived class of Criterion for computing the AIC Criterion The AIC criteria of a given model M is a penalization of the likelihood given by the formula. More...
struct  ApplyFunctor
 class allowing applying the functor Functor on a vector or row-vector More...
struct  ApplyFunctorByCol
 class allowing to apply the Functor Functor on each columns of an expression. More...
struct  ApplyFunctorByRow
 class allowing to apply the Functor Functor on each rows of an expression. More...
struct  ApplyVisitor
 class allowing to apply a visitor on a vector or a point. More...
struct  ApplyWeightedFunctor
 class allowing applying the weighted functor Functor on a vector or row-vector More...
struct  ApplyWeightedFunctorByCol
 class allowing to apply the weighted Functor Functor on each columns of an expression. More...
struct  ApplyWeightedFunctorByRow
 class allowing to apply the Functor Functor on each rows of an expression. More...
struct  Arithmetic
 Arithmetic properties of STK fundamental types. More...
struct  Arithmetic< Binary >
 Specialization for Binary. More...
struct  Arithmetic< Char >
 Specialization of the struct Arithmetic for Char. More...
struct  Arithmetic< Integer >
 Specialization for Integer (long). More...
struct  Arithmetic< Real >
 Specialization for Real. More...
struct  Arithmetic< Sign >
 Specialization for Sign. More...
struct  Arithmetic< String >
 Specialization for String. More...
struct  Arithmetic< TRange< Size_ > >
 Partial Specialization for TRange. More...
class  Array1D
 template one dimensional Arrays. More...
class  Array2D
 template two dimensional column (vertically) oriented Array. More...
class  Array2DDiagonal
 Derivation of the Array2DDiagonal class for square arrays of Real. More...
class  Array2DLowerTriangular
 Declaration of the lower triangular matrix class. More...
class  Array2DNumber
 template number Array. More...
class  Array2DPoint
 template one dimensional horizontal Array. More...
class  Array2DSquare
 Derivation of the Array2DSquare class for square arrays of Real. More...
class  Array2DUpperTriangular
 Declaration of the upper triangular matrix class. More...
class  Array2DVector
 template one dimensional horizontal Array. More...
class  ArrayBase
 base class for template arrays. More...
class  ArrayByArrayProduct
 Generic expression where a product operator is applied to two expressions. More...
class  ArrayByDiagonalProduct
 Generic expression where a product operator is applied to two expressions. More...
class  ArrayByVectorProduct
 Generic expression where a product operator is applied to two expressions. More...
class  ArrayInitializer
 Helper class used by the comma initializer operator. More...
struct  AsinOp
 Template functor which compute the arc sine of a number. More...
class  Bernoulli_pjParameters
 Structure encapsulating the parameters of a Joint Bernoulli model. More...
class  BernoulliModel
 A Bernoulli model, is a statistical model of the following form. More...
class  BICCriterion
 Derived class of Criterion for computing the BIC Criterion The Bic criteria is a penalization of the likelihood given by the formula. More...
class  BICMixtureCriterion
 Derived class of Criterion for computing the BIC Criterion The Bic criteria of a model M is a penalization of the likelihood given by the formula. More...
struct  BiDirectionalIterator
 BiDirectionalIterator allows to loop over the element of one dimensional list containers. More...
class  BinaryOperator
 Generic expression where a binary operator is applied to two expressions. More...
struct  BitwiseAndOp
 Template functor which compute the bitwise and of two numbers. More...
struct  BitwiseAndWithOp
 Template functor to compute the bitwise and with a fixed value. More...
struct  BitwiseOrOp
 Template functor which compute the bitwise or of two numbers. More...
struct  BitwiseOrWithOp
 Template functor to compute the bitwise or with a fixed value. More...
struct  BitwiseXorOp
 Template functor which compute the bitwise xor of two numbers. More...
struct  BitwiseXorWithOp
 Template functor to compute the bitwise xor with a fixed value. More...
class  BSplineCoefficients
 Compute the regression B-splines coefficients. More...
class  BSplineRegression
 Compute a BSpline, multi-valued, regression function using BSpline basis. More...
class  CAllocator
 Allocator for dense Array classes. More...
class  CAllocator< Type_, SizeRows_, UnknownSize, Orient_ >
 Specialized Allocator for the dense Arrays classes. More...
class  CAllocator< Type_, UnknownSize, SizeCols_, Orient_ >
 Specialized Allocator for the dense Arrays classes. More...
class  CAllocator< Type_, UnknownSize, UnknownSize, Orient_ >
 Specialized Allocator for the dense Arrays classes. More...
class  CAllocatorBase
 Base class for CAllocators. More...
class  CArray
 A CArray is a two dimensional array with a continuous storage like a C-array. More...
class  CArrayNumber
 specialization for the number case. More...
class  CArrayPoint
 declaration of the point case. More...
class  CArraySquare
 specialization for the square case. More...
class  CArrayVector
 specialization for the vector case. More...
struct  CastOp
 Template functor which cast a type to another type. More...
class  Categorical_pjk
 The diagonal Categorical mixture model Categorical_pjk is the most general diagonal Categorical model and has a probability function of the form. More...
class  Categorical_pk
 The diagonal Categorical mixture model Categorical_pk is a diagonal Categorical model and has a density function of the form. More...
class  CategoricalBase
 Base class for the Categorical models. More...
class  CategoricalBridge
 template implementation of the IMixtureBridge interface allowing to bridge a STK++ mixture with the composer. More...
class  CategoricalMixtureManager
 A mixture manager is a factory class for injection dependency in the STK++ derived class of the IMixtureComposer interface class. More...
class  Cell2D
 template class for the 2 Dimensional Cells. More...
class  CellBase
 template Base class for the Cell in a list . More...
class  CellHo
 template class for the Horizontal Cell of a Horizontal List. More...
class  CellVe
 template class for the Vertical Cell of a Vertical List. More...
class  CEMAlgo
 Implementation of the SEM algorithm. More...
class  CG
 The conjugate gradient method is an algorithm for the numerical solution of particular systems of linear equations, namely those whose matrix is symmetric and positive-definite. More...
class  ChebyshevCoefficients
 ChebyshevCoefficients class allows to compute the coefficients of a sampled function using Chebyshev polynomials. More...
class  ClassInit
 Initialization by simulating a realization of the class labels zi accordingly to the initial proportions. More...
class  ColAccessor
 Generic expression when the column of an expression is accessed. More...
class  ColOperator
 Generic expression when the column of an expression is accessed. More...
struct  ConstBiDirectionalIterator
 ConstBiDirectionalIterator allows to loop over the element of one dimensional list containers. More...
struct  ConstDenseRandomIterator
 ConstDenseRandomIterator allows to loop over the elements of containers Array. More...
class  CosinesCoefficients
 CosinesCoefficients allows to compute the coefficients of a sampled function using cosines basis functions. More...
struct  CosOp
 Template functor which compute the cosine of a number. More...
class  CsvToArray
 The CsvToArray class allow to export the data of some Type stored in a TReadWriteCsv in an Array. More...
struct  CubeOp
 Template functor which compute the cube of a number. More...
class  CvHandler
 CvHanler is an utility function for building the submatrix/subvectors needed when using k-folds cross-validation. More...
class  DataBridge
 bridge a data set in order to handle its missing values. More...
class  DataFrame
 DataFrame is a List of Variable with the same number of rows. More...
class  DataFrameToArray2D
 The DataFrameToArray2D class allow to export the data of some TYPE stored in a DataFrame to be exported in an Array2D. More...
class  DataHandler
 implementation of the DataHandlerBase class using ReadWriteCsv and Array2D. More...
class  DataHandlerBase
 A class derived from a DataHandlerBase allows to store various data sets identified by an idData and an idModel. More...
struct  DefaultFunctor
struct  DenseIteratorBase
 IteratorBase is a base class for all iterators on dense arrays/matrix/vector/expressions. More...
struct  DenseRandomIterator
 DenseRandomIterator allows to loop over the elements of containers Array. More...
struct  DiagGaussian_muj_sjParameters
 Structure encapsulating the parameters of a DiagGaussian_muj_sj model. More...
class  DiagGaussian_s
 The diagonal DiagGaussian_s mixture model hse a density function of the form. More...
class  DiagGaussian_sj
 The diagonal Gaussian mixture model DiagGaussian_sj have a density function of the form. More...
class  DiagGaussian_sjk
 The diagonal Gaussian mixture model DiagGaussian_sjk is the most general diagonal Gaussian model and have a density function of the form. More...
class  DiagGaussian_sjsk
 The diagonal Gaussian mixture model DiagGaussian_sjsk is an intermediate diagonal Gaussian model with density function of the form. More...
class  DiagGaussian_sk
 The diagonal Gaussian mixture model DiagGaussian_sk assumes an equal standard deviation in each cluster and has a density function of the form. More...
class  DiagGaussianBase
 Base class for the diagonal Gaussian models. More...
class  DiagGaussianBridge
 template implementation of the IMixture interface allowing to bridge a STK++ mixture with the composer. More...
class  DiagGaussianMixtureManager
 A mixture manager is a factory class for injection dependency in the STK++ derived class of the IMixtureComposer class. More...
class  DiagonalByArrayProduct
 Generic expression where a product operator is applied to two expressions. More...
class  DiagonalGetterAccessor
 Generic expression when we want to get the diagonal of a two-dimensional square expression. More...
class  DiagonalGetterOperator
 Generic expression when we want to get the diagonal of a two-dimensional square expression. More...
class  DiagonalizeAccessor
 Generic expression when a one dimensional vector/point/idagonal expression is "diagonalized". More...
class  DiagonalizeOperator
 Generic expression when a one dimensional vector/point/idagonal expression is "diagonalized". More...
struct  DifferenceOp
 Template functor which compute the difference of two numbers. More...
struct  DifferenceWithOp
 Template functor to add a number to a fixed value. More...
struct  DivisionOp
 Template functor which compute the division of two numbers. More...
struct  DivisionWithBaseOp
 base class for DivisionWithOp functors More...
struct  DivisionWithBaseOp< Type, false >
struct  DivisionWithBaseOp< Type, true >
struct  DivisionWithOp
 Template functor to divide a number by a fixed value. More...
class  domain_error
 Thrown by the library, or by you, to report domain errors (domain in the mathematical sense). More...
class  DotProduct
 Generic expression where a DotProduct is applied to two expressions. More...
class  EMAlgo
 Implementation of the EM algorithm. More...
class  EMPredict
 Implementation of the EMPredict algorithm. More...
struct  EqualOp
 Template functor testing if a number is equal to an other number. More...
struct  EqualWithOp
 Template functor to test if a number is equal to a fixed value. More...
class  Exception
 Sdk class for all library Exceptions. More...
struct  ExpOp
 Template functor which compute the exponential of a number. More...
class  ExportToCsv
 Export data to a Csv. More...
class  ExprBase
 base class for template evaluation expressions and visitors. More...
class  FullStrategy
 A FullStrategy is based on the following paradigm: More...
struct  FullStrategyParam
 helper structure encapsulating the parameters of the Full strategy More...
class  FuzzyInit
 Initialization by simulating the tik accordingly to the initial proportions. More...
class  Gamma_a_bjk
 Gamma_a_bjk is a mixture model of the following form. More...
class  Gamma_a_bk
 Gamma_a_bk is a mixture model of the following form. More...
class  Gamma_aj_bjk
 Gamma_aj_bjk is a mixture model of the following form. More...
class  Gamma_aj_bk
 Gamma_aj_bk is a mixture model of the following form. More...
class  Gamma_ajk_b
 Gamma_ajk_b is a mixture model of the following form. More...
class  Gamma_ajk_bj
 Gamma_ajk_bj is a mixture model of the following form. More...
class  Gamma_ajk_bjk
 Gamma_ajk_bjk is a mixture model of the following form. More...
class  Gamma_ajk_bk
 Gamma_ajk_bk is a mixture model of the following form. More...
class  Gamma_ak_b
 Gamma_ak_b is a mixture model of the following form. More...
class  Gamma_ak_bj
 Gamma_ak_bj is a mixture model of the following form. More...
class  Gamma_ak_bjk
 Gamma_ak_bjk is a mixture model of the following form. More...
class  Gamma_ak_bk
 Gamma_ak_bk is a mixture model of the following form. More...
class  GammaBase
 Base class for the gamma models. More...
class  GammaBridge
 template implementation of the IMixtureBridge interface allowing to bridge a STK++ mixture with the composer. More...
class  GammaMixtureManager
 A mixture manager is a factory class for injection dependency in the STK++ derived class of the MixtureComposer class. More...
class  GaussianAAModel
 Gaussian Auto-Associative models. More...
class  GaussianModel
 Compute the maximum likelihood estimates of a complete Gaussian statistical model. More...
struct  GeqOp
 Template functor testing if a number is greater or equal than an other number. More...
struct  GeqThanOp
 Template functor to test if a number is greater or equal than a fixed value. More...
struct  GreaterOp
 Template functor testing if a number is greater than an other number. More...
struct  GreaterThanOp
 Template functor to test if a number is greater than a fixed value. More...
class  HDGaussian_AjkBkQkD
 The diagonal Gaussian mixture model HDGaussian_AjkBkQkD is the most general HD Gaussian model and have a density function of the form. More...
class  HDGaussianBase
 Base class for the diagonal Gaussian models. More...
class  HDGaussianBridge
 template implementation of the IMixture interface allowing to bridge a STK++ mixture with the composer. More...
class  HDMatrixGaussianBridge
 template implementation of the IMixture interface allowing to bridge a STK++ mixture with the composer. More...
class  HDMatrixGaussianModel
 Main class for HD matrix valued matrix models. More...
struct  HDMatrixModelParameters
 structure storing the parameters of the HD matrix valued mixture More...
class  IAAModel
 @ More...
class  IArray1D
 template one dimensional Array. More...
class  IArray2D
 template interface base class for two-dimensional arrays. More...
class  IBasis
 Interface base class for all basis function. More...
class  ICArray
 s More...
class  IClassification
 Interface base class for Regression methods. More...
class  ICLMixtureCriterion
 Derived class of IMixtureCriterion for computing the ICL Criterion The ICL criteria of a model M is a penalization of the likelihood given by the formula. More...
class  IClusterModelBase
 Base class for clustering models. More...
class  IContainer2D
 Interface base class for 2D containers. More...
class  ICriterion
 Interface base class for the selection model criterion. More...
class  IDataBridge
 Interface class wrapping a data set. More...
class  IDataHandler
 A DataHandler class allow to store various data set identified with an idData (a string). More...
struct  IdTypeImpl
 Implementation of the return type. More...
struct  IdTypeImpl< Binary >
 Specialization of the IdTypeImpl for the Type Binary. More...
struct  IdTypeImpl< Char >
 Specialization of the IdTypeImpl for the Type Char. More...
struct  IdTypeImpl< Integer >
 Specialization of the IdTypeImpl for the type Integer. More...
struct  IdTypeImpl< Real >
 Specialization of the IdTypeImpl for the Type Real. More...
struct  IdTypeImpl< Sign >
 Specialization of the IdTypeImpl for the Type Sign. More...
struct  IdTypeImpl< String >
 Specialization of the IdTypeImpl for the Type String. More...
struct  IdTypeImpl< TRange< Size_ > >
 Partial Specialization of the IdTypeImpl for the Type TRange. More...
class  IFunction
 Interface base class for functions. More...
class  IGaussianModel
 Compute the the maximum likelihood estimates of a complete Gaussian statistical model. More...
class  ILeastSquare
 The class ILeastSquare is an interface class for the methods solving the least-square problem. More...
class  ILinearReduct
 A ILinearReduct is an interface base class for reduction method using linear reduction. More...
class  IMixture
 Interface base class for all the mixture models that will be processed by the composer. More...
class  IMixtureAlgo
 Interface base class for the algorithms. More...
class  IMixtureAlgoLearn
 Interface base class for the learning algorithms. More...
class  IMixtureAlgoPredict
 Interface base class for predicting algorithms. More...
class  IMixtureBridge
 Interface base class for the bridges of the STK++ mixture. More...
class  IMixtureComposer
 Base class for Mixture (composed) model. More...
class  IMixtureCriterion
 Interface base class for the selection model criterion. More...
class  IMixtureDensity
 Base class for all Mixture densities. More...
class  IMixtureInit
 Interface base class for the initializations. More...
class  IMixtureLearner
 Base class for Learner of a Mixture mixed model. More...
class  IMixtureManager
 Interface base class for mixture managers. More...
class  IMixtureModel
 Main interface class for mixture models. More...
class  IMixtureModelBase
 Base class for all Mixture model. More...
class  IMixtureStatModel
 Interface base class for Mixture (composed) model. More...
class  IMixtureStrategy
 Interface base class for all the strategies. More...
class  ImportFromCsv
 import data from a Csv File in a DataFrame. More...
class  ImputeAlgo
 Implementation of the ImputeAlgo learning algorithm. More...
class  IMultiParameters
 Interface base class for the parameters of a multivariate model. More...
class  IMultiStatModel
 Interface base class for all Multivariate Statistical Models. More...
class  InnerIteratorBase
 InnerIteratorBase is a base class for all iterators on allocators. More...
class  invalid_argument
 Thrown to report invalid arguments to functions. More...
struct  InverseOp
 Template functor which compute the inverse of a number. More...
class  InvertMatrix
 The InvertMatrix class is a functor class allowing to compute the inverse of a symmetric matrix. More...
class  IPage
 A IPage is an interface base class for reading and/or writing a page of option in a file. More...
class  IQr
 The class IQr is an interface class for the method computing the QR Decomposition of a ArrayXX. More...
class  IRecursiveTemplate
 Interface base class for all classes implementing the curious recursive template paradigm. More...
class  IReducer
 Interface base class for reducing methods. More...
class  IRegression
 Interface base class for Regression methods. More...
class  IRunnerBase
 Abstract base class for all classes having a. More...
class  IRunnerSupervised
 Abstract class for all classes making supervised learning. More...
class  IRunnerUnsupervised
 Abstract class for all classes making unsupervised learning. More...
class  IRunnerWithData
 Abstract class for all running class based on a data set. More...
class  ISerie
 Interface base class for Series. More...
struct  IsFiniteOp
 Template functor testing if a number is a finite value. More...
struct  IsInfiniteOp
 Template functor testing if a number is an infinite value. More...
struct  IsNaOp
 Template functor testing if a number is a NA value. More...
class  ISparseArray1D
 Interface class for SparseArray1D. More...
class  IStatModel
 Base class for all Statistical Models [Deprecated], have been replaced by IStatModel. More...
class  IStatModelBase
 Interface base class for all Statistical Models. More...
class  ISvd
 Compute the Singular Value Decomposition of an array. More...
class  ISymEigen
 The class ISymEigen is an interface class for the method computing the eigenvalue Decomposition of a symmetric ArrayXX. More...
class  ITContainer
 Specialized interface class for all arrays (can be either 2D arrays or 1D arrays). More...
class  ITContainer1D
 Interface base class for homogeneous 1D containers. More...
class  ITContainer2D
 Interface base class for homogeneous 2D containers like allocators. More...
class  ITContainer< Derived, Arrays::array2D_ >
 Specialization for array2D_. More...
class  ITContainer< Derived, Arrays::diagonal_ >
 Specialization for diagonal_. More...
class  ITContainer< Derived, Arrays::lower_symmetric_ >
 Specialization for lower_symmetric_. More...
class  ITContainer< Derived, Arrays::lower_triangular_ >
 Specialization for lower_triangular_. More...
class  ITContainer< Derived, Arrays::number_ >
 Specialization for number_. More...
class  ITContainer< Derived, Arrays::point_ >
 Specialization for point_. More...
class  ITContainer< Derived, Arrays::square_ >
class  ITContainer< Derived, Arrays::symmetric_ >
class  ITContainer< Derived, Arrays::upper_symmetric_ >
 Specialization for upper_symmetric_. More...
class  ITContainer< Derived, Arrays::upper_triangular_ >
 Specialization for upper_triangular_. More...
class  ITContainer< Derived, Arrays::vector_ >
 Specialization for vector_. More...
class  ITContainerBase
 Interface base class for 2D containers. More...
class  IUnivStatModel
 Base class for all Statistical Models. More...
class  IVariable
 IVariable is an Interface class for all Variables classes. More...
class  JointBernoulliModel
 A joint Bernoulli model is a statistical model of the form: following form. More...
class  JointBernoulliParameters
 Structure encapsulating the parameters of a Joint Bernoulli model. More...
class  JointGammaModel
 A joint Gamma model is a statistical model of the following form. More...
struct  JointGammaParameters
 Structure encapsulating the parameters of a Joint Gamma model. More...
class  JointGaussianModel
 A joint Gaussian model is a statistical model of the form: following form. More...
struct  JointGaussianParameters
 Structure encapsulating the parameters of a Joint Gaussian model. More...
class  KernelHandler
 implementation of the DataHandlerBase class for kernel mixture models. More...
class  KernelMixtureManager
 A mixture manager is a factory class for injection dependency in the STK++ derived class of the MixtureComposer class. More...
class  Kmm_s
 The Gaussian mixture model Kmm_s is an isotrope Gaussian mixture model on a kernel space. More...
class  Kmm_sk
 The Gaussian mixture model Kmm_sk is an isotrope Gaussian mixture model on a kernel space. More...
class  KmmBase
 Base class for the Gaussian Kernel Mixture Models. More...
class  KmmBridge
 template implementation of the IMixture interface allowing to bridge a STK++ kernel mixture with the composer. More...
class  LearnFacade
 facade design pattern. More...
class  length_error
 Thrown when an object is constructed that would exceed its maximum permitted size (e.g., a basic_String instance). More...
struct  LeqOp
 Template functor testing if a number is less or equal than an other number. More...
struct  LeqThanOp
 Template functor to test if a number is less or equal than a fixed value. More...
struct  LessOp
 Template functor testing if a number is less than an other number. More...
struct  LessThanOp
 Template functor to test if a number is less than a fixed value. More...
class  LinearAAModel
 A Linear AutoAssociative Model (LAAM) is a generalization of the PCA model for projecting variables on an affine plane of lower dimension. More...
class  List1D
 template One dimensional Horizontal List. More...
class  LocalVariance
 A LocalVariance is an implementation of the abstract ILinearReduct class. More...
class  LocalVariancePage
 In this Page, we manage the options for the computation of the LocalVariance. More...
class  logic_error
 Logic errors represent problems in the internal logic of a program; in theory, these are preventable, and even detectable before the program runs (e.g., violations of class invariants). More...
struct  LogicalAndOp
 Template functor which compute the logical and of two numbers. More...
struct  LogicalAndWithOp
 Template functor computing logical and with a fixed value. More...
struct  LogicalOrOp
 Template functor which compute the logical or of two numbers. More...
struct  LogicalOrWithOp
 Template functor computing logical and with a fixed value. More...
struct  LogOp
 Template functor which compute the logarithm of a number. More...
class  LowerSymmetrizeAccessor
 Generic expression when we want to get the lower-part of a two-dimensional symmetric expression. More...
class  LowerSymmetrizeOperator
 Generic expression when we want to get the lower-part of a two-dimensional symmetric expression. More...
class  LowerTriangularizeAccessor
 Generic expression when we want to get the lower-part of a two-dimensional expression. More...
class  LowerTriangularizeOperator
 Generic expression when we want to get the lower-part of a two-dimensional expression. More...
struct  MaxOp
 Template functor which compute the maximum of two numbers. More...
struct  MaxWithOp
 Template functor to compute the minimum with a fixed value. More...
struct  MemAllocator
 template base class for all Allocator classes. More...
class  MemSAllocator
 memory allocator for sparse Array classes. More...
class  MemSAllocator1D
 memory allocator for sparse vectors classes. More...
struct  MinOp
 Template functor which compute the minimum of two numbers. More...
struct  MinWithOp
 Template functor to compute the minimum between a fixed value. More...
class  MixtureComposer
 Main class for handling composed mixture models. More...
class  MixtureComposerFacade
 The MixtureComposerFacade allows to interact with a composer for estimating a mixture model with less effort. More...
class  MixtureComposerFixedProp
 specialization of the composer for the fixed proportion case. More...
class  MixtureLearner
 Main class for learning mixture models. More...
class  MixtureSemiLearner
 Base class for Learning a Mixture mixed model when some classes are known. More...
class  MixtureSemiLearnerFixedProp
 specialization of the composer for the fixed proportion case. More...
class  MLMixtureCriterion
 Derived class of Criterion for computing the Maximum Likelihood Criterion This criterion does not penalize the model and return minux two times the log likelihood of the model. More...
class  ModelBernoulli_pj
 A joint Bernoulli model is a statistical model of the form: following form. More...
class  ModelDiagGaussian_muj_sj
 A DiagGaussian_muj_sj model is a statistical model of the form: following form. More...
class  ModelGamma_aj_bj
 A joint Gamma model is a statistical model of the following form. More...
struct  ModelGamma_aj_bjParameters
 Structure encapsulating the parameters of a Joint Gamma model. More...
struct  ModelParameters
 struct storing the parameters of the mixture. More...
struct  ModelParameters< Clust::Categorical_pjk_ >
 Structure encapsulating the parameters of a Categorical_pjk model. More...
struct  ModelParameters< Clust::Categorical_pk_ >
 Structure encapsulating the parameters of a Categorical_pk model. More...
struct  ModelParameters< Clust::Gamma_a_bjk_ >
 Structure encapsulating the parameters of a Gamma_a_bjk_ mixture model. More...
struct  ModelParameters< Clust::Gamma_a_bk_ >
 Structure encapsulating the parameters of a Gamma_a_bk_ mixture model. More...
struct  ModelParameters< Clust::Gamma_aj_bjk_ >
 Structure encapsulating the parameters of a Gamma_aj_bjk_ mixture model. More...
struct  ModelParameters< Clust::Gamma_aj_bk_ >
 Structure encapsulating the parameters of a Gamma_aj_bk_ mixture model. More...
struct  ModelParameters< Clust::Gamma_ajk_b_ >
 Structure encapsulating the parameters of a Gamma_ajk_b_ mixture model. More...
struct  ModelParameters< Clust::Gamma_ajk_bj_ >
 Structure encapsulating the parameters of a Gamma_ajk_bj_ mixture model. More...
struct  ModelParameters< Clust::Gamma_ajk_bjk_ >
 Structure encapsulating the parameters of a Gamma_ajk_bjk_ mixture model. More...
struct  ModelParameters< Clust::Gamma_ajk_bk_ >
 Structure encapsulating the parameters of a Gamma_ajk_bk_ mixture model. More...
struct  ModelParameters< Clust::Gamma_ak_b_ >
 Structure encapsulating the parameters of a Gamma_ak_b_ mixture model. More...
struct  ModelParameters< Clust::Gamma_ak_bj_ >
 Structure encapsulating the parameters of a Gamma_ak_bj_ mixture model. More...
struct  ModelParameters< Clust::Gamma_ak_bjk_ >
 Structure encapsulating the parameters of a Gamma_ak_bjk_ mixture model. More...
struct  ModelParameters< Clust::Gamma_ak_bk_ >
 Structure encapsulating the parameters of a Gamma_ak_bk_ mixture model. More...
struct  ModelParameters< Clust::Gaussian_s_ >
 Structure encapsulating the parameters of a STK::DiagGaussian_s model. More...
struct  ModelParameters< Clust::Gaussian_sj_ >
 Structure encapsulating the parameters of a STK::DiagGaussian_sj model. More...
struct  ModelParameters< Clust::Gaussian_sjk_ >
 Structure encapsulating the parameters of a STK::DiagGaussian_sjk model. More...
struct  ModelParameters< Clust::Gaussian_sjsk_ >
 Structure encapsulating the parameters of a Gaussian_sjsk mixture model. More...
struct  ModelParameters< Clust::Gaussian_sk_ >
 Structure encapsulating the parameters of a STK::DiagGaussian_sk model. More...
struct  ModelParameters< Clust::HDGaussian_AjkBkQkD_ >
 Structure encapsulating the parameters of a MixturGaussian_sj model. More...
struct  ModelParameters< Clust::Kmm_s_ >
 Structure encapsulating the parameters of a Kmm_s model. More...
struct  ModelParameters< Clust::Kmm_sk_ >
 Structure encapsulating the parameters of a Kmm_sk model. More...
struct  ModelParameters< Clust::Poisson_ljk_ >
 Structure encapsulating the parameters of a Poisson_ljlk model. More...
struct  ModelParameters< Clust::Poisson_ljlk_ >
 Structure encapsulating the parameters of a Poisson_ljlk model. More...
struct  ModelParameters< Clust::Poisson_lk_ >
 Structure encapsulating the parameters of a Poisson_lk model. More...
struct  ModuloOp
 Template functor which compute the modulo of two numbers. More...
struct  ModuloWithOp
 Template functor to compute the minimum with a fixed value. More...
class  MultidimRegression
 The MultidimRegression class allows to regress a multidimensional output variable among a multivariate explanation variable. More...
class  MultiLeastSquare
 The class MultiLeastSQquare solve the least square problem when the response b is multidimensional. More...
struct  NegOp
 Template functor giving the not value. More...
struct  NotEqualOp
 Template functor testing if a number is not equal to an other number. More...
struct  NotEqualWithOp
 Template functor to test if a number is different than a fixed value. More...
struct  OppositeOp
 Template functor which compute the opposite of a number. More...
class  Option
 the Option class allow to store the value of an option from a IPage. More...
class  OrientedCAllocator
class  OrientedCAllocator< Derived, Arrays::by_col_ >
 Specialization for column-oriented Allocators. More...
class  OrientedCAllocator< Derived, Arrays::by_row_ >
 Specialization for row-oriented Allocators. More...
class  out_of_range
 This represents an argument whose value is not within the expected range (e.g., boundary checks in basic_String). More...
struct  ParametersGammaBase
 base class of the Gamma models Parameter Handler More...
class  PartitionHandler
 CvHanler is an utility function for building the submatrix/subvectors needed when creating learning and test data sets. More...
class  PCG
 In most cases, preconditioning is necessary to ensure fast convergence of the conjugate gradient method. More...
class  PointByArrayProduct
 Generic expression where a product operator is applied to two expressions. More...
class  Poisson_ljk
 The Poisson mixture model Poisson_ljk is the most general Poisson model and have a probability function of the form. More...
class  Poisson_ljlk
 The Poisson mixture model Poisson_ljlk is a Poisson model with a probability function of the form. More...
class  Poisson_lk
 The Poisson mixture model Poisson_lk has a probability function of the form. More...
class  PoissonBase
 Base class for the Poisson models. More...
class  PoissonBridge
 template implementation of the IMixtureBridge interface allowing to bridge a STK++ Poisson mixture with the composer. More...
class  PoissonMixtureManager
 A mixture manager is a factory class for injection dependency in the STK++ derived class of the MixtureComposer class. More...
struct  PowOp
 Template functor to raise a number to a power. More...
struct  ProductOp
 Template functor which compute the product of two numbers. More...
struct  ProductWithOp
 Template functor computing the product of a number by a fixed value. More...
struct  ProductWithOp< bool >
 Specialization for boolean. More...
class  ProjectedVariance
 A ProjectedVariance is an implementation of the abstract ILinearReduct interface. More...
class  Proxy
 The Proxy class allow to surdefine operators and methods for every kind of class without using dynamic_cast. More...
class  Proxy< String >
 Specialization of the Proxy class for String. More...
class  Qr
 The class Qr perform the QR decomposition of an ArrayXX. More...
class  RandBase
 class for the Base random generator. More...
class  RandomInit
 Implementation of the random initialization. More...
class  range_error
 Thrown to indicate range errors in internal computations. More...
class  RangeBase
 Base class for TRange class. More...
class  ReadWritePages
 The ReadWritePages class allow to handle a file of option containing pages. More...
class  RowAccessor
 Generic expression when the row of an expression is accessed. More...
class  RowOperator
 Generic expression when the row of an expression is accessed. More...
class  runtime_error
 Runtime errors represent problems outside the scope of a program; they cannot be easily predicted and can generally only be caught as the program executes. More...
struct  SafeInverseOp
 Template functor which compute safely the inverse of a number. More...
struct  SafeOp
 Template functor which return a default value if the value is NA. More...
class  SArray1D
 template one dimensional Arrays. More...
class  SArray2D
 template sparse two dimensional column (vertically) oriented Array. More...
class  SArray2DDiagonal
 Derivation of the SArray2DDiagonal class for square arrays of Real. More...
class  SArray2DLowerTriangular
 Declaration of the lower triangular matrix class. More...
class  SArray2DNumber
 template number Array. More...
class  SArray2DPoint
 template one dimensional horizontal Array. More...
class  SArray2DSquare
 Derivation of the SArray2DSquare class for square arrays of Real. More...
class  SArray2DUpperTriangular
 Declaration of the upper triangular matrix class. More...
class  SArray2DVector
 template one dimensional horizontal Array. More...
class  SEMAlgo
 Implementation of the SEM algorithm. More...
class  SemiSEMAlgo
 Implementation of the SemiSEM algorithm. More...
class  SemiSEMPredict
 Implementation of the SemiSEMPredict algorithm. More...
class  SimpleStrategy
 A SimpleStrategy is just nbTry long run. More...
struct  SimpleStrategyParam
 helper structure encapsulating the parameters of the simple strategy More...
class  SimulAlgo
 Implementation of the SimulAlgo learning algorithm. More...
class  SinesCoefficients
 SinesCoefficients class allows to compute the coefficients of a sampled function using sines basis functions. More...
struct  SinOp
 Template functor which compute the sine of a number. More...
struct  SparseIteratorBase
 IteratorBase is a base class for all iterators on dense arrays/matrix/vector/expressions. More...
struct  SqrtOp
 Template functor which compute the square root of a number. More...
struct  SquareOp
 Template functor which compute the square of a number. More...
struct  StaticAssert
struct  StaticAssert< false >
struct  StaticAssert< true >
class  StrategyFacade
 facade design pattern. More...
class  StructuredCAllocator
 Base class for the general by_col_ structured case. More...
class  StructuredCAllocator< Derived, 1, 1 >
 specialization for the number_ case. More...
class  StructuredCAllocator< Derived, 1, SizeCols_ >
 specialization for the point_ case (derived class is a RowVector). More...
class  StructuredCAllocator< Derived, SizeRows_, 1 >
 specialization for the vector_ case. More...
class  SubAccessor
 Generic expression when the sub-part of an expression is accessed. More...
class  SubOperator
 Generic expression when the sub-part of an expression is accessed. More...
struct  SubstractToOp
 Template functor to subtract a number to a fixed value. More...
class  SubVectorAccessor
class  SubVectorAccessorBase
class  SubVectorAccessorBase< Lhs, Size_, Arrays::diagonal_ >
class  SubVectorAccessorBase< Lhs, Size_, Arrays::point_ >
class  SubVectorAccessorBase< Lhs, Size_, Arrays::vector_ >
class  SubVectorOperator
 Generic expression when the sub-part of an expression is accessed (specialization for vectors) More...
class  SubVectorOperatorBase
 Specialization for point_. More...
class  SubVectorOperatorBase< Lhs, Size_, Arrays::diagonal_ >
class  SubVectorOperatorBase< Lhs, Size_, Arrays::point_ >
class  SubVectorOperatorBase< Lhs, Size_, Arrays::vector_ >
struct  SumOp
 Template functor which compute the sum of two numbers. More...
struct  SumWithOp
 Template functor to add a number to a fixed value. More...
class  Svd
 The class Svd compute the Singular Value Decomposition of a Array with the Golub-Reinsch Algorithm. More...
class  SymEigen
 The class SymEigen compute the eigenvalue Decomposition of a symmetric ArrayXX. More...
class  SymmetrizeAccessor
 Generic expression when we want to get the upper-part of a two-dimensional symmetric expression. More...
class  SymmetrizeOperator
 Generic expression when we want to get the upper-part of a two-dimensional symmetric expression. More...
struct  TanOp
 Template functor which compute the tan of a number. More...
struct  TestEndOfLineOp
 Template functor testing if a Char is an end of line. More...
class  TRange
 Index sub-vector region with fixed size. More...
class  TRange< UnknownSize >
 Index sub-vector region: Specialization when the size is unknown. More...
class  TransposeAccessor
 Generic expression when an expression is transposed. More...
class  TransposeOperator
 Generic expression when an expression is transposed. More...
class  TReadWriteCsv
 the TReadWriteCsv class : allow to write and/or to read a csv file. More...
struct  TRef
 Base class for all referencing containers. More...
struct  TRef< 0 >
struct  TRef< 1 >
struct  TRef<-1 >
class  TrigonometricCoefficients
 TrigonometricCoefficients class allows to compute the coefficients of a sampled function using sines and cosines basis functions. More...
class  UnaryOperator
 Generic expression when unary operator is applied to an expression. More...
class  UnaryOperatorBase
class  UpperSymmetrizeAccessor
 Generic expression when we want to get the upper-part of a two-dimensional symmetric expression. More...
class  UpperSymmetrizeOperator
 Generic expression when we want to get the upper-part of a two-dimensional symmetric expression. More...
class  UpperTriangularizeAccessor
 Generic expression when we want to get the upper-part of a two-dimensional expression. More...
class  UpperTriangularizeOperator
 Generic expression when we want to get the upper-part of a two-dimensional expression. More...
class  Variable
 Variable is an implementation of the Base class IVariable using The Array1D class for storing the data. More...
class  VectorByPointProduct
 Generic expression where a product operator is applied to two expressions. More...
class  VisitorByCol
 class allowing to apply a visitor on each columns of an expression. More...
class  VisitorByColBase
class  VisitorByRow
 class allowing to apply a visitor on each columns of an expression. More...
class  WeightedSvd
 This class perform a weighted svd decomposition. More...
class  XemStrategy
 A XemStrategy is based on the following paradigm: More...
struct  XemStrategyParam
 helper structure encapsulating the parameters of the Xem strategy More...


typedef TRange< panelSize_panelRange
typedef TRange< blockSize_blockRange
typedef Array2D< RealArrayXX
 Specialization of the Array2D class for Real values.
typedef Array2D< double > ArrayXXd
typedef Array2D< intArrayXXi
typedef Array2DDiagonal< RealArrayDiagonalX
typedef Array2DDiagonal< double > ArrayDiagonalXd
typedef Array2DDiagonal< intArrayDiagonalXi
typedef Array2DLowerTriangular< RealArrayLowerTriangularXX
 Specialization of the Array2D class for lower triangular matrices.
typedef Array2DLowerTriangular< double > ArrayLowerTriangularXXd
typedef Array2DLowerTriangular< intArrayLowerTriangularXXi
typedef Array2DNumber< RealNumber
 final class for a Real horizontal container.
typedef Array2DNumber< RealNumberX
typedef Array2DNumber< double > NumberXd
typedef Array2DNumber< intNumberXi
typedef Array2DPoint< RealPointX
 final class for a Real horizontal container.
typedef Array2DPoint< double > PointXd
typedef Array2DPoint< intPointXi
typedef Array2DSquare< RealArraySquareX
typedef Array2DSquare< double > ArraySquareXd
typedef Array2DSquare< intArraySquareXi
typedef Array2DUpperTriangular< RealArrayUpperTriangularXX
 Specialization of the Array2D class for Type values.
typedef Array2DUpperTriangular< double > ArrayUpperTriangularXXd
typedef Array2DUpperTriangular< intArrayUpperTriangularXXi
typedef Array2DVector< RealVector
 final class for a Real vertical container.
typedef Array2DVector< RealVectorX
typedef Array2DVector< double > VectorXd
typedef Array2DVector< intVectorXi
typedef CArray< Real, UnknownSize, UnknownSize, Arrays::by_col_CArrayXX
typedef CArray< Real, UnknownSize, 2, Arrays::by_col_CArrayX2
typedef CArray< Real, UnknownSize, 3, Arrays::by_col_CArrayX3
typedef CArray< Real, 2, UnknownSize, Arrays::by_col_CArray2X
typedef CArray< Real, 3, UnknownSize, Arrays::by_col_CArray3X
typedef CArray< Real, 2, 2, Arrays::by_col_CArray22
typedef CArray< Real, 3, 3, Arrays::by_col_CArray33
typedef CArray< double, UnknownSize, UnknownSize, Arrays::by_col_CArrayXXd
typedef CArray< double, UnknownSize, 2, Arrays::by_col_CArrayX2d
typedef CArray< double, UnknownSize, 3, Arrays::by_col_CArrayX3d
typedef CArray< double, 2, UnknownSize, Arrays::by_col_CArray2Xd
typedef CArray< double, 3, UnknownSize, Arrays::by_col_CArray3Xd
typedef CArray< double, 2, 2, Arrays::by_col_CArray22d
typedef CArray< double, 3, 3, Arrays::by_col_CArray33d
typedef CArray< int, UnknownSize, UnknownSize, Arrays::by_col_CArrayXXi
typedef CArray< int, UnknownSize, 2, Arrays::by_col_CArrayX2i
typedef CArray< int, UnknownSize, 3, Arrays::by_col_CArrayX3i
typedef CArray< int, 2, UnknownSize, Arrays::by_col_CArray2Xi
typedef CArray< int, 3, UnknownSize, Arrays::by_col_CArray3Xi
typedef CArray< int, 2, 2, Arrays::by_col_CArray22i
typedef CArray< int, 3, 3, Arrays::by_col_CArray33i
typedef CArray< Real, UnknownSize, UnknownSize, Arrays::by_row_CArrayByRowXX
typedef CArray< Real, UnknownSize, 2, Arrays::by_row_CArrayByRowX2
typedef CArray< Real, UnknownSize, 3, Arrays::by_row_CArrayByRowX3
typedef CArray< Real, 2, UnknownSize, Arrays::by_row_CArrayByRow2X
typedef CArray< Real, 3, UnknownSize, Arrays::by_row_CArrayByRow3X
typedef CArray< Real, 2, 2, Arrays::by_row_CArrayByRow22
typedef CArray< Real, 3, 3, Arrays::by_row_CArrayByRow33
typedef CArray< double, UnknownSize, UnknownSize, Arrays::by_row_CArrayByRowXXd
typedef CArray< double, UnknownSize, 2, Arrays::by_row_CArrayByRowX2d
typedef CArray< double, UnknownSize, 3, Arrays::by_row_CArrayByRowX3d
typedef CArray< double, 2, UnknownSize, Arrays::by_row_CArrayByRow2Xd
typedef CArray< double, 3, UnknownSize, Arrays::by_row_CArrayByRow3Xd
typedef CArray< double, 2, 2, Arrays::by_row_CArrayByRow22d
typedef CArray< double, 3, 3, Arrays::by_row_CArrayByRow33d
typedef CArray< int, UnknownSize, UnknownSize, Arrays::by_row_CArrayByRowXXi
typedef CArray< int, UnknownSize, 2, Arrays::by_row_CArrayByRowX2i
typedef CArray< int, UnknownSize, 3, Arrays::by_row_CArrayByRowX3i
typedef CArray< int, 2, UnknownSize, Arrays::by_row_CArrayByRow2Xi
typedef CArray< int, 3, UnknownSize, Arrays::by_row_CArrayByRow3Xi
typedef CArray< int, 2, 2, Arrays::by_row_CArrayByRow22i
typedef CArray< int, 3, 3, Arrays::by_row_CArrayByRow33i
typedef CArrayNumber< Real, Arrays::by_col_CNumber
typedef CArrayNumber< double, Arrays::by_col_CNumberd
typedef CArrayNumber< int, Arrays::by_col_CNumberi
typedef CArrayNumber< Real, Arrays::by_row_CNumberByRow
typedef CArrayNumber< double, Arrays::by_row_CNumberByRowd
typedef CArrayNumber< int, Arrays::by_row_CNumberByRowi
typedef CArrayPoint< Real, UnknownSize, Arrays::by_col_CPointX
typedef CArrayPoint< Real, 2, Arrays::by_col_CPoint2
typedef CArrayPoint< Real, 3, Arrays::by_col_CPoint3
typedef CArrayPoint< double, UnknownSize, Arrays::by_col_CPointXd
typedef CArrayPoint< double, 2, Arrays::by_col_CPoint2d
typedef CArrayPoint< double, 3, Arrays::by_col_CPoint3d
typedef CArrayPoint< int, UnknownSize, Arrays::by_col_CPointXi
typedef CArrayPoint< int, 2, Arrays::by_col_CPoint2i
typedef CArrayPoint< int, 3, Arrays::by_col_CPoint3i
typedef CArrayPoint< Real, UnknownSize, Arrays::by_row_CPointByRowX
typedef CArrayPoint< Real, 2, Arrays::by_row_CPointByRow2
typedef CArrayPoint< Real, 3, Arrays::by_row_CPointByRow3
typedef CArrayPoint< double, UnknownSize, Arrays::by_row_CPointByRowXd
typedef CArrayPoint< double, 2, Arrays::by_row_CPointByRow2d
typedef CArrayPoint< double, 3, Arrays::by_row_CPointByRow3d
typedef CArrayPoint< int, UnknownSize, Arrays::by_row_CPointByRowXi
typedef CArrayPoint< int, 2, Arrays::by_row_CPointByRow2i
typedef CArrayPoint< int, 3, Arrays::by_row_CPointByRow3i
typedef CArraySquare< Real, UnknownSize, Arrays::by_col_CSquareX
typedef CArraySquare< Real, 2, Arrays::by_col_CSquare2
typedef CArraySquare< Real, 3, Arrays::by_col_CSquare3
typedef CArraySquare< double, UnknownSize, Arrays::by_col_CSquareXd
typedef CArraySquare< double, 2, Arrays::by_col_CSquare2d
typedef CArraySquare< double, 3, Arrays::by_col_CSquare3d
typedef CArraySquare< int, UnknownSize, Arrays::by_col_CSquareXi
typedef CArraySquare< int, 2, Arrays::by_col_CSquare2i
typedef CArraySquare< int, 3, Arrays::by_col_CSquare3i
typedef CArraySquare< Real, UnknownSize, Arrays::by_row_CSquareByRowX
typedef CArraySquare< Real, 2, Arrays::by_row_CSquareByRow2
typedef CArraySquare< Real, 3, Arrays::by_row_CSquareByRow3
typedef CArraySquare< double, UnknownSize, Arrays::by_row_CSquareByRowXd
typedef CArraySquare< double, 2, Arrays::by_row_CSquareByRow2d
typedef CArraySquare< double, 3, Arrays::by_row_CSquareByRow3d
typedef CArraySquare< int, UnknownSize, Arrays::by_row_CSquareByRowXi
typedef CArraySquare< int, 2, Arrays::by_row_CSquareByRow2i
typedef CArraySquare< int, 3, Arrays::by_row_CSquareByRow3i
typedef CArrayVector< Real, UnknownSize, Arrays::by_col_CVectorX
typedef CArrayVector< Real, 2, Arrays::by_col_CVector2
typedef CArrayVector< Real, 3, Arrays::by_col_CVector3
typedef CArrayVector< double, UnknownSize, Arrays::by_col_CVectorXd
typedef CArrayVector< double, 2, Arrays::by_col_CVector2d
typedef CArrayVector< double, 3, Arrays::by_col_CVector3d
typedef CArrayVector< int, UnknownSize, Arrays::by_col_CVectorXi
typedef CArrayVector< int, 2, Arrays::by_col_CVector2i
typedef CArrayVector< int, 3, Arrays::by_col_CVector3i
typedef CArrayVector< Real, UnknownSize, Arrays::by_row_CVectorByRowX
typedef CArrayVector< Real, 2, Arrays::by_row_CVectorByRow2
typedef CArrayVector< Real, 3, Arrays::by_row_CVectorByRow3
typedef CArrayVector< double, UnknownSize, Arrays::by_row_CVectorByRowXd
typedef CArrayVector< double, 2, Arrays::by_row_CVectorByRow2d
typedef CArrayVector< double, 3, Arrays::by_row_CVectorByRow3d
typedef CArrayVector< int, UnknownSize, Arrays::by_row_CVectorByRowXi
typedef CArrayVector< int, 2, Arrays::by_row_CVectorByRow2i
typedef CArrayVector< int, 3, Arrays::by_row_CVectorByRow3i
typedef TRef<-1 > IContainerRef
typedef SArray2D< RealSArrayXX
 Specialization of the SArray2D class for Real values.
typedef SArray2D< double > SArrayXXd
typedef SArray2D< intSArrayXXi
typedef SArray2DDiagonal< RealSArrayDiagonalX
typedef SArray2DDiagonal< double > SArrayDiagonalXd
typedef SArray2DDiagonal< intSArrayDiagonalXi
typedef SArray2DLowerTriangular< RealSArrayLowerTriangularXX
 Specialization of the SArray2D class for lower triangular matrices.
typedef SArray2DLowerTriangular< double > SArrayLowerTriangularXXd
typedef SArray2DLowerTriangular< intSArrayLowerTriangularXXi
typedef SArray2DNumber< RealSNumberX
 final class for a Real horizontal container.
typedef SArray2DNumber< double > SNumberXd
typedef SArray2DNumber< intSNumberXi
typedef SArray2DPoint< RealSPointX
 final class for a Real horizontal container.
typedef SArray2DPoint< double > SPointXd
typedef SArray2DPoint< intSPointXi
typedef SArray2DSquare< RealSArraySquareX
typedef SArray2DSquare< double > SArraySquareXd
typedef SArray2DSquare< intSArraySquareXi
typedef SArray2DUpperTriangular< RealSArrayUpperTriangularXX
 Specialization of the SArray2D class for Type values.
typedef SArray2DUpperTriangular< double > SArrayUpperTriangularXXd
typedef SArray2DUpperTriangular< intSArrayUpperTriangularXXi
typedef SArray2DVector< RealSVectorX
 final class for a Real vertical container.
typedef SArray2DVector< double > SVectorXd
typedef SArray2DVector< intSVectorXi
typedef Variable< StringVariableString
typedef class TReadWriteCsv< StringReadWriteCsv
typedef char Char
 STK fundamental type of a Char.
typedef std::basic_string< CharString
 STK fundamental type of a String.
typedef int Integer
 STK fundamental type of integer values.
typedef double Real
 STK fundamental type of Real values.
typedef TRange< UnknownSizeRange
typedef std::basic_ios< Charios
 ios for Char
typedef std::basic_streambuf< Charstreambuf
 streambuf for Char
typedef std::basic_istream< Charistream
 istream for Char
typedef std::basic_ostream< Charostream
 ostream for Char
typedef std::basic_iostream< Chariostream
 iostream for Char
typedef std::basic_stringbuf< Charstringbuf
 stringbuf for Char
typedef std::basic_istringstream< Charistringstream
 istringstream for Char
typedef std::basic_ostringstream< Charostringstream
 ostringstream (ostringstream) for Char
typedef std::basic_stringstream< Charstringstream
 stringstream for Char
typedef std::basic_filebuf< Charfilebuf
 filebuf for Char
typedef std::basic_ifstream< Charifstream
 ifstream for Char
typedef std::basic_ofstream< Charofstream
 ofstream for Char
typedef std::basic_fstream< Charfstream


enum  Binary { zero_ =0 , one_ =1 , binaryNA_ =INT_MIN }
 STK fundamental type of a binary. More...
enum  Sign { negative_ =-1 , positive_ = 1 , signNA_ = INT_MIN }
 STK fundamental type of a sign. More...


template<class Lhs >
bool cholesky (ExprBase< Lhs > const &A, Array2DDiagonal< typename Lhs::Type > &D, Array2DLowerTriangular< typename Lhs::Type > &L)
 Compute the Cholesky decomposition of a symmetric matrix.
template<class Type >
Real compGivens (Type const &y, Type const &z, Type &cosinus, Type &sinus)
 Compute Givens rotation.
template<class TContainer2D >
void rightGivens (ArrayBase< TContainer2D > &M, int j1, int j2, typename TContainer2D::Type const &cosinus, typename TContainer2D::Type const &sinus)
 Apply Givens rotation.
template<class TContainer2D >
void leftGivens (ArrayBase< TContainer2D > &M, int i1, int i2, typename TContainer2D::Type const &cosinus, typename TContainer2D::Type const &sinus)
 left multiplication by a Givens ArrayXX.
template<class TContainer2D >
void gramSchmidt (ArrayBase< TContainer2D > &A)
 The gramSchmidt method perform the Gram Schmidt orthonormalization of an Array of Real.
template<class Vector >
Real house (ArrayBase< Vector > &x)
 Compute the Householder vector v of a vector x.
template<class Lhs , class Rhs >
Real dotHouse (ExprBase< Lhs > const &x, ExprBase< Rhs > const &v)
 dot product with a Householder vector.
template<class Lhs , class Rhs >
void applyLeftHouseholderVector (ArrayBase< Lhs > const &M, ExprBase< Rhs > const &v)
 left multiplication by a Householder vector.
template<class Lhs , class Rhs >
void applyLeftHouseholderArray (ArrayBase< Lhs > const &M, ArrayBase< Rhs > const &H)
 left multiplication by a Householder array.
template<class Lhs , class Rhs >
void applyRightHouseholderVector (ArrayBase< Lhs > const &M, ExprBase< Rhs > const &v)
 right multiplication by a Householder vector.
template<class TContainer2D , class Rhs >
void applyRightHouseholderArray (ArrayBase< TContainer2D > const &M, ArrayBase< Rhs > const &H)
 left multiplication by a Householder ArrayXX.
template<class Matrix >
hidden::AlgebraTraits< InvertMatrix< Matrix, hidden::Traits< Matrix >::sizeRows_ > >::Result invert (Matrix const &mat)
 Utility function allowing to compute the inverse of a matrix.
template<class Array >
Real bidiag (const Array &M, ArrayDiagonalX &D, VectorX &F)
 Computing the bidiagonalization of M.
template<class Array >
void leftEliminate (ArrayDiagonalX &D, VectorX &F, int const &nrow, Array &U, bool withU, Real const &tol)
 left eliminate the element on the subdiagonal of the row nrow
template<class TContainer2D >
TContainer2Dtranspose (ArrayBase< TContainer2D > &A)
 The transpose method allow to transpose an array in place.
template<class Serie >
Real sumAlternateSerie (const ISerie< Serie > &f, int const &n=0)
 Sum an alternating series using the Chebichev polynomials.
template<class Serie >
Real sumSerie (const ISerie< Serie > &f, int const &iter_max=10)
 Sum a serie using the epsilon acceleration process.
template<class Seriea , class Serieb >
Real continuedFraction (const ISerie< Seriea > &a, const ISerie< Serieb > &b, int const &iter_max=100)
 Evaluate a continued fraction.
template<typename Lhs , typename Rhs >
Arrays::SumOp< Lhs, Rhs >::result_type sum (Lhs const &lhs, Rhs const &rhs)
 convenience function for summing two arrays
template<typename Lhs , typename Rhs >
Arrays::DifferenceOp< Lhs, Rhs >::result_type difference (Lhs const &lhs, Rhs const &rhs)
 convenience function for differencing two arrays
template<typename Lhs , typename Rhs >
Arrays::Product< Lhs, Rhs >::result_type product (Lhs const &lhs, Rhs const &rhs)
 convenience function for the product element by element of two arrays
template<typename Lhs , typename Rhs >
Arrays::DivOp< Lhs, Rhs >::result_type div (Lhs const &lhs, Rhs const &rhs)
 convenience function for the division element by element of two arrays
template<typename Lhs , typename Rhs >
Arrays::MultOp< Lhs, Rhs >::result_type mult (Lhs const &lhs, Rhs const &rhs)
 convenience function for the multiplication of two matrices
template<typename Lhs , typename Rhs , typename Weights >
Arrays::MultOp< Lhs, Rhs >::result_type wmult (Lhs const &lhs, Rhs const &rhs, Weights const &weights)
 convenience function for the multiplication of two matrices
template<typename Lhs , typename Rhs >
Arrays::MultLeftTransposeOp< Lhs, Rhs >::result_type multLeftTranspose (Lhs const &lhs, Rhs const &rhs)
 convenience function for the multiplication of two matrices
template<typename Lhs , typename Rhs , typename Weights >
Arrays::MultLeftTransposeOp< Lhs, Rhs >::result_type wmultLeftTranspose (Lhs const &lhs, Rhs const &rhs, Weights const &weights)
 convenience function for the multiplication of two matrices
template<typename Lhs , typename Rhs >
Arrays::MultRightTransposeOp< Lhs, Rhs >::result_type multRightTranspose (Lhs const &lhs, Rhs const &rhs)
 convenience function for the multiplication of two matrices
template<typename Lhs , typename Rhs , typename Weights >
Arrays::MultRightTransposeOp< Lhs, Rhs >::result_type wmultRightTranspose (Lhs const &lhs, Rhs const &rhs, Weights const &weights)
 convenience function for the multiplication of two matrices
template<class Container1D1 , class Container1D2 >
Real dot (ExprBase< Container1D1 > const &x, ExprBase< Container1D2 > const &y)
 Compute the dot product.
template<class Container1D1 , class Container1D2 , class Container1D3 >
Real weightedDot (ExprBase< Container1D1 > const &x, ExprBase< Container1D2 > const &y, ExprBase< Container1D3 > const &w)
 Compute the dot product.
template<class Container1D1 , class Container1D2 >
Real dist (ExprBase< Container1D1 > const &x, ExprBase< Container1D2 > const &y)
 Compute the distance between two vectors.
template<class Container1D1 , class Container1D2 , class Container1D3 >
Real weightedDist (ExprBase< Container1D1 > const &x, ExprBase< Container1D2 > const &y, ExprBase< Container1D3 > const &w)
 Compute the weighted distance between two vectors.
template<typename Derived >
Array2DSquare< typename Derived::Type > multLeftTranspose (ExprBase< Derived > const &A)
 Array multiplication by its transpose.
template<typename Derived >
Array2DSquare< typename Derived::Type > multRightTranspose (ExprBase< Derived > const &A)
 Array multiplication by its transpose.
template<typename Derived , typename Weights >
Array2DSquare< typename Derived::Type > weightedMultLeftTranspose (ExprBase< Derived > const &A, ExprBase< Weights > const &weights)
 Weighted matrix multiplication by its transpose.
template<typename Derived , typename Weights >
Array2DSquare< typename Derived::Type > weightedMultRightTranspose (ExprBase< Derived > const &A, ExprBase< Weights > const &weights)
 weighted Array multiplication by its transpose
template<typename Type , int SizeRows_, int SizeCols_, bool Orient_>
ostreamoperator<< (ostream &s, const CAllocator< Type, SizeRows_, SizeCols_, Orient_ > &V)
 output stream for CAllocator.
template<class Array >
ostreamout2D (ostream &os, ITContainer< Array > const &V)
 Method for displaying any two dimensional Array or Expression.
template<class Array >
ostreamout1D (ostream &os, ITContainer1D< Array > const &V)
 Method for displaying any one dimensional Array.
template<class Array >
ostreamoperator<< (ostream &s, ITContainer< Array > const &V)
 overload of the << operator for all Arrays and Expressions.
template<class Type >
ostreamoperator<< (ostream &s, const ITContainer1D< Type > &V)
 overload of the << operator for all 1D containers.
template<class Derived >
hidden::SliceVisitorSelector< Derived, hidden::MinVisitor, Arrays::by_col_ >::type_result min (Derived const &A)
 If A is a row-vector or a column-vector then the function will return the usual minimal value of the vector.
template<class Derived >
hidden::SliceVisitorSelector< Derived, hidden::MinVisitor, Arrays::by_col_ >::type_result minByCol (Derived const &A)
template<class Derived >
hidden::SliceVisitorSelector< Derived, hidden::MinVisitor, Arrays::by_row_ >::type_result minByRow (Derived const &A)
template<class Derived >
hidden::SliceVisitorSelector< Derived, hidden::MaxVisitor, Arrays::by_col_ >::type_result max (Derived const &A)
 If A is a row-vector or a column-vector then the function will return the usual maximal value of the vector.
template<class Derived >
hidden::SliceVisitorSelector< Derived, hidden::MaxVisitor, Arrays::by_col_ >::type_result maxByCol (Derived const &A)
template<class Derived >
hidden::SliceVisitorSelector< Derived, hidden::MaxVisitor, Arrays::by_row_ >::type_result maxByRow (Derived const &A)
template<class Derived >
hidden::SliceVisitorSelector< Derived, hidden::SumVisitor, Arrays::by_col_ >::type_result sum (Derived const &A)
 If A is a row-vector or a column-vector then the function will return the usual sum value of the vector.
template<class Derived >
hidden::SliceVisitorSelector< Derived, hidden::SumVisitor, Arrays::by_col_ >::type_result sumByCol (Derived const &A)
template<class Derived >
hidden::SliceVisitorSelector< Derived, hidden::SumVisitor, Arrays::by_row_ >::type_result sumByRow (Derived const &A)
template<class Derived >
hidden::SliceVisitorSelector< Derived, hidden::MeanVisitor, Arrays::by_col_ >::type_result mean (Derived const &A)
 If A is a row-vector or a column-vector then the function will return the usual mean value of the vector.
template<class Derived >
hidden::SliceVisitorSelector< Derived, hidden::MeanVisitor, Arrays::by_col_ >::type_result meanByCol (Derived const &A)
template<class Derived >
hidden::SliceVisitorSelector< Derived, hidden::MeanVisitor, Arrays::by_row_ >::type_result meanByRow (Derived const &A)
template<class Derived >
hidden::SliceVisitorSelector< Derived, hidden::CountVisitor, Arrays::by_col_ >::type_result count (Derived const &A)
 If A is a row-vector or a column-vector then the function will return the usual count value of the vector.
template<class Derived >
hidden::SliceVisitorSelector< Derived, hidden::CountVisitor, Arrays::by_col_ >::type_result countByCol (Derived const &A)
template<class Derived >
hidden::SliceVisitorSelector< Derived, hidden::CountVisitor, Arrays::by_row_ >::type_result countByRow (Derived const &A)
template<class Derived >
hidden::SliceVisitorSelector< Derived, hidden::AllVisitor, Arrays::by_col_ >::type_result all (Derived const &A)
 If A is a row-vector or a column-vector then the function will return the usual all value of the vector.
template<class Derived >
hidden::SliceVisitorSelector< Derived, hidden::AllVisitor, Arrays::by_col_ >::type_result allByCol (Derived const &A)
template<class Derived >
hidden::SliceVisitorSelector< Derived, hidden::AllVisitor, Arrays::by_row_ >::type_result allByRow (Derived const &A)
template<class Derived >
hidden::SliceVisitorSelector< Derived, hidden::AnyVisitor, Arrays::by_col_ >::type_result any (Derived const &A)
 If A is a row-vector or a column-vector then the function will return the usual visitor value of the vector.
template<class Derived >
hidden::SliceVisitorSelector< Derived, hidden::AnyVisitor, Arrays::by_col_ >::type_result anyByCol (Derived const &A)
template<class Derived >
hidden::SliceVisitorSelector< Derived, hidden::AnyVisitor, Arrays::by_row_ >::type_result anyByRow (Derived const &A)
template<class Derived >
hidden::SliceVisitorSelector< Derived, hidden::MinSafeVisitor, Arrays::by_col_ >::type_result minSafe (Derived const &A)
 If A is a row-vector or a column-vector then the function will return the usual minimal value of the vector.
template<class Derived >
hidden::SliceVisitorSelector< Derived, hidden::MinSafeVisitor, Arrays::by_col_ >::type_result minSafeByCol (Derived const &A)
template<class Derived >
hidden::SliceVisitorSelector< Derived, hidden::MinSafeVisitor, Arrays::by_row_ >::type_result minSafeByRow (Derived const &A)
template<class Derived >
hidden::SliceVisitorSelector< Derived, hidden::MaxSafeVisitor, Arrays::by_col_ >::type_result maxSafe (Derived const &A)
 If A is a row-vector or a column-vector then the function will return the usual maximal value of the vector.
template<class Derived >
hidden::SliceVisitorSelector< Derived, hidden::MaxSafeVisitor, Arrays::by_col_ >::type_result maxSafeByCol (Derived const &A)
template<class Derived >
hidden::SliceVisitorSelector< Derived, hidden::MaxSafeVisitor, Arrays::by_row_ >::type_result maxSafeByRow (Derived const &A)
template<class Derived >
hidden::SliceVisitorSelector< Derived, hidden::MeanSafeVisitor, Arrays::by_col_ >::type_result meanSafe (Derived const &A)
 If A is a row-vector or a column-vector then the function will return the usual mean value of the vector.
template<class Derived >
hidden::SliceVisitorSelector< Derived, hidden::MeanSafeVisitor, Arrays::by_col_ >::type_result meanSafeByCol (Derived const &A)
template<class Derived >
hidden::SliceVisitorSelector< Derived, hidden::MeanSafeVisitor, Arrays::by_row_ >::type_result meanSafeByRow (Derived const &A)
ostreamoperator<< (ostream &s, DataFrame const &V)
 Print a DataFrame.
template<class Vector >
void heapSort (Vector &T)
 Sort the container T in ascending order.
template<class Vector >
void heapSort (Vector const &T, Vector &Tsort)
 Sort the container T in ascending order and return the result in the container Tsort.
template<class Vector , class VectorInt >
void heapSort (VectorInt &I, Vector const &T)
 Sort the container T in ascending order using index array.
template<class Vector , class VectorInt >
void applySort1D (Vector &T, VectorInt const &I)
 Apply a sorting index array to the 1D container T.
template<class Array , class VectorInt >
void applySort2D (Array &T, VectorInt const &I)
 Apply a sorting index array to the 2D container T row by row.
template<typename Type_ >
ostreamoperator<< (ostream &s, Variable< Type_ > const &V)
 ostream for Variable.
template<class Type >
bool isNA (Type const &x)
 utility method allowing to know if a value is a NA (Not Available) value
template<class Type >
bool isFinite (Type const &x)
 utility method allowing to know if a value is a finite value
template<class Type >
bool isInfinite (Type const &x)
 utility method allowing to know if a value is an infinite value
template<class Vector >
Real gaussianLnLikelihood (ExprBase< Vector > const &data, Real const &mu, Real const &sigma)
 Compute the gaussian log likehood of a one dimensionnal gaussian model.
ostreamoperator<< (ostream &os, Binary const &value)
 Overloading of the ostream << for the type Binary.
istreamoperator>> (istream &is, Binary &value)
 Overloading of the istream >> for the type Binary.
Binary stringToBinary (String const &str)
 Convert a String to a Binary.
Binary stringToBinary (String const &str, std::map< String, Binary > const &mapping)
 Convert a String to a Binary using a map.
String binaryToString (Binary const &value, std::ios_base &(*f)(std::ios_base &)=std::dec)
 Convert a Binary to a String.
String binaryToString (Binary const &value, std::map< Binary, String > const &mapping)
 Convert a Binary to a String.
Binary stringToType< Binary > (String const &str)
 specialization for Binary
String typeToString< Binary > (Binary const &t, std::ios_base &(*f)(std::ios_base &))
 specialization for Binary
Integer stringToInt (String const &str)
 Convert a String to an Integer.
Integer stringToInt (String const &str, std::map< String, Integer > const &mapping)
 Convert a String to an Integer using a map.
String intToString (Integer const &value, std::ios_base &(*f)(std::ios_base &)=std::dec)
 Convert an Integer to a String.
String intToString (Integer const &value, std::map< Integer, String > const &mapping)
 Convert an Integer to a String.
Integer stringToType< Integer > (String const &s)
 specialization for Integer
String typeToString< Integer > (Integer const &t, std::ios_base &(*f)(std::ios_base &))
 specialization for Integer
template<typename Type >
Type sign (Type const &x, Type const &y=Type(1))
 template sign value sign(x) * y: Type should be an integral type
Real frand ()
 frand() generate a Real uniform number.
bool isOdd (int const &x)
 is x a odd number ?
bool isEven (int const &x)
 is x an even number ?
Real norm (Real const &x, Real const &y)
 Computation of sqrt(x^2 + y^2) without underflow or overflow.
template<int Size_>
ostreamoperator<< (ostream &os, TRange< Size_ > const &I)
 Write a TRange in the form first:last (MATLAB-like form) in an output stream.
istreamoperator>> (istream &is, Range &I)
template<int SizeI_, int SizeJ_>
Range sup (TRange< SizeI_ > const &I, TRange< SizeJ_ > const &J)
 compute sup(I,J).
template<int SizeI_, int SizeJ_>
Range inf (TRange< SizeI_ > const &I, TRange< SizeJ_ > const &J)
 compute inf(I,J).
template<int SizeI_>
Range incFirst (TRange< SizeI_ > const &I)
 if I=a:b, return a+1:b
template<int SizeI_>
Range incLast (TRange< SizeI_ > const &I)
 if I=a:b, return a:b+1
template<int SizeI_>
Range decFirst (TRange< SizeI_ > const &I)
 if I=a:b, return a-1:b
template<int SizeI_>
Range decLast (TRange< SizeI_ > const &I)
 if I=a:b, return a:b-1
Range stringToRange (String const &str)
 Convert a String to a Range.
template<int Size_>
TRange< Size_stringToRange (String const &str, std::map< String, TRange< Size_ > > const &mapping)
 Convert a String to a Range using a map.
template<int Size_>
String rangeToString (TRange< Size_ > const &value, std::ios_base &(*f)(std::ios_base &)=std::dec)
 Convert an Range to a String.
template<int Size_>
String rangeToString (TRange< Size_ > const &value, std::map< TRange< Size_ >, String > const &mapping)
 Convert a Range to a String.
String typeToString< Range > (Range const &t, std::ios_base &(*f)(std::ios_base &))
 Specialization for Range.
Real stringToReal (String const &str)
 Convert a String to a Real.
Real stringToReal (String const &str, std::map< String, Real > const &mapping)
 Convert a String to a Real using a map.
String realToString (Real const &value, std::ios_base &(*f)(std::ios_base &)=std::dec)
 Convert a Real to a String.
String realToString (Real const &type, std::map< Real, String > const &mapping)
 Convert a real to a String.
Real stringToType< Real > (String const &str)
 specialization for Real
String typeToString< Real > (Real const &value, std::ios_base &(*f)(std::ios_base &))
 specialization for Real
ostreamoperator<< (ostream &os, const Sign &value)
 Overloading of the ostream << for the type Sign.
istreamoperator>> (istream &is, Sign &value)
 Overloading of the istream >> for the type Sign.
Sign stringToSign (String const &str)
 Convert a String to a Sign.
Sign stringToSign (String const &str, std::map< String, Sign > const &mapping)
 Convert a String to a Sign using a map.
String signToString (Sign const &value, std::ios_base &(*f)(std::ios_base &)=std::dec)
 Convert a Sign to a String.
String signToString (Sign const &value, std::map< Sign, String > mapping)
 Convert a Sign to a String.
Sign stringToType< Sign > (String const &str)
 specialization for Sign
String typeToString< Sign > (Sign const &t, std::ios_base &(*f)(std::ios_base &))
 specialization for Sign
void setStringNa (String const &na)
 Set a new value to the na String representation and modify stringNaSize accordingly.
String consttoUpperString (String &s)
 convert the characters of the String to upper case
String toUpperString (String const &s)
 convert the characters of the String to upper case
String removeWhiteSpaces (String const &s)
 convert the characters of the String to upper case
template<class Type >
bool stringToType (Type &t, String const &s, std::ios_base &(*f)(std::ios_base &)=std::dec)
 convert a String to Type
template<class Type >
Type stringToType (String const &s)
 convert a String to Type without error check
template<class Type >
String typeToString (Type const &t, std::ios_base &(*f)(std::ios_base &)=std::dec)
 convert a Type to String


const int blockSize_ = 4
const int panelSize_ = 64
const int panelTotal = 256
const int vectorSize = 256
const int baseIdx = 0
 base index of the containers created in STK++.
const int maxFixedSize = 1024
 maximal size of fixed size containers This value is used when fixed size containers are automatically build in internal computation
const int UnknownSize = INT_MAX
 This value means that an integer is not known at compile-time, and that instead the value is stored in some runtime variable.
const int SqrtUnknownSize = (1 << (sizeof(int) * (CHAR_BIT/2)))
 Same as floor(sqrt(INT_MAX+1))
const int MaxUnroll = 20
 When don't unroll loops on fixed size containers if fixed size is greater than this value.
const int MaxUnrollSlice = 5
 This value means that when we unroll loops we go until MaxUnrollSlice.
String stringNa = String(_T("."))
 Representation of a Not Available value.
int stringNaSize = 1
 Size (in number of Char) of a Not Available value.

Detailed Description

The namespace STK is the main domain space of the Statistical ToolKit project.

All methods/functions/functors and classes are (and have to be) enclosed in this namespace.

Typedef Documentation

◆ ArrayDiagonalX

◆ ArrayDiagonalXd

◆ ArrayDiagonalXi

◆ ArrayLowerTriangularXXd

◆ ArrayLowerTriangularXXi

◆ ArraySquareX

◆ ArraySquareXd

Definition at line 52 of file STK_Array2DSquare.h.

◆ ArraySquareXi

◆ ArrayUpperTriangularXXd

◆ ArrayUpperTriangularXXi

◆ ArrayXXd

Definition at line 54 of file STK_Array2D.h.

◆ ArrayXXi

Definition at line 55 of file STK_Array2D.h.

◆ blockRange

◆ CArray22

Definition at line 55 of file STK_CArray.h.

◆ CArray22d

Definition at line 62 of file STK_CArray.h.

◆ CArray22i

Definition at line 69 of file STK_CArray.h.

◆ CArray2X

◆ CArray2Xd

Definition at line 60 of file STK_CArray.h.

◆ CArray2Xi

◆ CArray33

Definition at line 56 of file STK_CArray.h.

◆ CArray33d

Definition at line 63 of file STK_CArray.h.

◆ CArray33i

Definition at line 70 of file STK_CArray.h.

◆ CArray3X

◆ CArray3Xd

Definition at line 61 of file STK_CArray.h.

◆ CArray3Xi

◆ CArrayByRow22

Definition at line 77 of file STK_CArray.h.

◆ CArrayByRow22d

Definition at line 84 of file STK_CArray.h.

◆ CArrayByRow22i

Definition at line 91 of file STK_CArray.h.

◆ CArrayByRow2X

◆ CArrayByRow2Xd

Definition at line 82 of file STK_CArray.h.

◆ CArrayByRow2Xi

◆ CArrayByRow33

Definition at line 78 of file STK_CArray.h.

◆ CArrayByRow33d

Definition at line 85 of file STK_CArray.h.

◆ CArrayByRow33i

Definition at line 92 of file STK_CArray.h.

◆ CArrayByRow3X

◆ CArrayByRow3Xd

Definition at line 83 of file STK_CArray.h.

◆ CArrayByRow3Xi

◆ CArrayByRowX2

◆ CArrayByRowX2d

Definition at line 80 of file STK_CArray.h.

◆ CArrayByRowX2i

◆ CArrayByRowX3

◆ CArrayByRowX3d

Definition at line 81 of file STK_CArray.h.

◆ CArrayByRowX3i

◆ CArrayByRowXX

◆ CArrayByRowXXd

◆ CArrayByRowXXi

◆ CArrayX2

◆ CArrayX2d

Definition at line 58 of file STK_CArray.h.

◆ CArrayX2i

◆ CArrayX3

◆ CArrayX3d

Definition at line 59 of file STK_CArray.h.

◆ CArrayX3i

◆ CArrayXX

◆ CArrayXXd

◆ CArrayXXi

◆ CNumber

◆ CNumberByRow

◆ CNumberByRowd

◆ CNumberByRowi

◆ CNumberd

◆ CNumberi

◆ CPoint2

◆ CPoint2d

Definition at line 55 of file STK_CArrayPoint.h.

◆ CPoint2i

◆ CPoint3

◆ CPoint3d

Definition at line 56 of file STK_CArrayPoint.h.

◆ CPoint3i

◆ CPointByRow2

◆ CPointByRow2d

Definition at line 65 of file STK_CArrayPoint.h.

◆ CPointByRow2i

◆ CPointByRow3

◆ CPointByRow3d

Definition at line 66 of file STK_CArrayPoint.h.

◆ CPointByRow3i

◆ CPointByRowX

◆ CPointByRowXd

◆ CPointByRowXi

◆ CPointX

◆ CPointXd

◆ CPointXi

◆ CSquare2

◆ CSquare2d

Definition at line 54 of file STK_CArraySquare.h.

◆ CSquare2i

◆ CSquare3

◆ CSquare3d

Definition at line 55 of file STK_CArraySquare.h.

◆ CSquare3i

◆ CSquareByRow2

◆ CSquareByRow2d

◆ CSquareByRow2i

◆ CSquareByRow3

◆ CSquareByRow3d

◆ CSquareByRow3i

◆ CSquareByRowX

◆ CSquareByRowXd

◆ CSquareByRowXi

◆ CSquareX

◆ CSquareXd

◆ CSquareXi

◆ CVector2

◆ CVector2d

Definition at line 51 of file STK_CArrayVector.h.

◆ CVector2i

◆ CVector3

◆ CVector3d

Definition at line 52 of file STK_CArrayVector.h.

◆ CVector3i

◆ CVectorByRow2

◆ CVectorByRow2d

◆ CVectorByRow2i

◆ CVectorByRow3

◆ CVectorByRow3d

◆ CVectorByRow3i

◆ CVectorByRowX

◆ CVectorByRowXd

◆ CVectorByRowXi

◆ CVectorX

◆ CVectorXd

◆ CVectorXi

◆ NumberX

◆ NumberXd

Definition at line 54 of file STK_Array2DNumber.h.

◆ NumberXi

◆ panelRange

◆ PointXd

Definition at line 54 of file STK_Array2DPoint.h.

◆ PointXi

Definition at line 55 of file STK_Array2DPoint.h.

◆ Range

Definition at line 59 of file STK_Range.h.

◆ ReadWriteCsv

◆ SArrayDiagonalX

◆ SArrayDiagonalXd

◆ SArrayDiagonalXi

◆ SArrayLowerTriangularXXd

◆ SArrayLowerTriangularXXi

◆ SArraySquareX

◆ SArraySquareXd

Definition at line 54 of file STK_SArray2DSquare.h.

◆ SArraySquareXi

◆ SArrayUpperTriangularXXd

◆ SArrayUpperTriangularXXi

◆ SArrayXXd

Definition at line 56 of file STK_SArray2D.h.

◆ SArrayXXi

Definition at line 57 of file STK_SArray2D.h.

◆ SNumberXd

Definition at line 55 of file STK_SArray2DNumber.h.

◆ SNumberXi

◆ SPointXd

Definition at line 56 of file STK_SArray2DPoint.h.

◆ SPointXi

◆ SVectorXd

Definition at line 61 of file STK_SArray2DVector.h.

◆ SVectorXi

◆ VariableString

◆ VectorX

◆ VectorXd

Definition at line 60 of file STK_Array2DVector.h.

◆ VectorXi

Function Documentation

◆ allByCol()

template<class Derived >
hidden::SliceVisitorSelector< Derived, hidden::AllVisitor, Arrays::by_col_ >::type_result STK::allByCol ( Derived const A)

Definition at line 377 of file STK_SlicingVisitors.h.

◆ allByRow()

template<class Derived >
hidden::SliceVisitorSelector< Derived, hidden::AllVisitor, Arrays::by_row_ >::type_result STK::allByRow ( Derived const A)

Definition at line 377 of file STK_SlicingVisitors.h.

◆ anyByCol()

template<class Derived >
hidden::SliceVisitorSelector< Derived, hidden::AnyVisitor, Arrays::by_col_ >::type_result STK::anyByCol ( Derived const A)

Definition at line 385 of file STK_SlicingVisitors.h.

◆ anyByRow()

template<class Derived >
hidden::SliceVisitorSelector< Derived, hidden::AnyVisitor, Arrays::by_row_ >::type_result STK::anyByRow ( Derived const A)

Definition at line 385 of file STK_SlicingVisitors.h.

◆ bidiag()

template<class Array >
Real STK::bidiag ( const Array &  M,
ArrayDiagonalX D,
VectorX F 

Computing the bidiagonalization of M.

The diagonal and the subdiagonal are stored in D and F

Mthe matrix to bi-diagonalize, the matrix is overwritten with the left and right Householder vectors. The method return the estimate of the inf norm of M.
Dthe element of the diagonal
Fthe element of the surdiagnal

Definition at line 270 of file STK_Svd.h.

272 typedef typename hidden::Traits<Array>::Col ColVector;
273 typedef typename hidden::Traits<Array>::Row RowVector;
274 // norm of the matrix M
275 Real norm = 0.0;
276 // compute the number of iteration
277 int begin_iter = M.beginCols();
278 int last_iter = M.beginCols() + std::min(M.sizeCols(), M.sizeRows()) -1;
279 // Diagonal values
281 // Upper diagonal values
282 F.resize(Range(begin_iter-1, last_iter, 0));
283 F.front() = 0.0;
284 // Bidiagonalization of M
285 // loop on the cols and rows
286 Range rowRange0(M.rows())
287 , rowRange1(Range(M.beginRows()+1, M.lastIdxRows(), 0))
288 , colRange1(Range(M.beginCols()+1, M.lastIdxCols(), 0));
289 for ( int iter=begin_iter ; iter<=last_iter
290 ; iter++
291 , rowRange0.incFirst(1)
292 , rowRange1.incFirst(1)
293 , colRange1.incFirst(1)
294 )
295 {
296 // reference on the current column iter
297 ColVector X( M, rowRange0, iter);
298 // Left Householder
299 D[iter] = house(X);
300 // apply Householder to next cols
302 // check if there is a row
303 if ((iter < last_iter)||(M.sizeCols()>M.sizeRows()))
304 {
305 // ref on the current row iter
306 RowVector P(M, colRange1, iter);
307 // Right Householder
308 F[iter] = house(P);
309 // apply Householder to next rows
311 }
312 else
313 F[iter] = 0.0;
314 // Estimation of the norm of M
315 norm = std::max(std::abs(D[iter])+std::abs(F[iter]), norm);
316 }
317 // return estimated norm
318 return norm;
Derived & resize(Range const &I, Range const &J)
resize the array.
The MultidimRegression class allows to regress a multidimensional output variable among a multivariat...
Index sub-vector region: Specialization when the size is unknown.
Definition STK_Range.h:265
void applyLeftHouseholderVector(ArrayBase< Lhs > const &M, ExprBase< Rhs > const &v)
left multiplication by a Householder vector.
void applyRightHouseholderVector(ArrayBase< Lhs > const &M, ExprBase< Rhs > const &v)
right multiplication by a Householder vector.
Real house(ArrayBase< Vector > &x)
Compute the Householder vector v of a vector x.
Real norm(Real const &x, Real const &y)
Computation of sqrt(x^2 + y^2) without underflow or overflow.
Definition STK_Misc.h:93
double Real
STK fundamental type of Real values.

References applyLeftHouseholderVector(), applyRightHouseholderVector(), house(), norm(), and STK::IArray2D< Derived >::resize().

◆ countByCol()

template<class Derived >
hidden::SliceVisitorSelector< Derived, hidden::CountVisitor, Arrays::by_col_ >::type_result STK::countByCol ( Derived const A)

Definition at line 369 of file STK_SlicingVisitors.h.

◆ countByRow()

template<class Derived >
hidden::SliceVisitorSelector< Derived, hidden::CountVisitor, Arrays::by_row_ >::type_result STK::countByRow ( Derived const A)

Definition at line 369 of file STK_SlicingVisitors.h.

Referenced by main().

◆ gaussianLnLikelihood()

template<class Vector >
Real STK::gaussianLnLikelihood ( ExprBase< Vector > const data,
Real const mu,
Real const sigma 

Compute the gaussian log likehood of a one dimensionnal gaussian model.

datathe data set
mu,sigmathe mean and varaince of the gaussian law
the log-likelihood

Definition at line 74 of file STK_IGaussianModel.h.

76 if (sigma)
77 {
78 Real scale = 0., std = std::sqrt((double)sigma);
79 // compute scale
80 scale = ((data-mu)/std).maxElt();
81 Real sum = 0;
82 if (scale)
83 { sum = (((data-mu)/std)/scale).norm2();}
84 return - ( 0.5*sum*scale*scale
85 + data.size() * (std::log((double)std) + Const::_LNSQRT2PI_)
86 );
87 }
88 // 0 variance
Arrays::SumOp< Lhs, Rhs >::result_type sum(Lhs const &lhs, Rhs const &rhs)
convenience function for summing two arrays
Arithmetic properties of STK fundamental types.

References sum().

◆ leftEliminate()

template<class Array >
void STK::leftEliminate ( ArrayDiagonalX D,
VectorX F,
int const nrow,
Array &  U,
bool  withU = true,
Real const tol = ArithmeticReal >::epsilon() 

left eliminate the element on the subdiagonal of the row nrow

Dthe diagonal of the matrix
Fthe subdiagonal of the matrix
nrowthe number of the row were we want to rightEliminate
Ua left orthogonal Array
withUtrue if we want to update U
tolthe tolerance to use

Definition at line 470 of file STK_Svd.h.

477 //the element to eliminate
478 Real z = F[nrow];
479 // if the element is not 0.0
480 if (std::abs(z)+tol != tol)
481 {
482 // begin the Givens rotations
483 for (int k=nrow+1; k <D.end(); k++)
484 {
485 // compute and apply Givens rotation to the rows (nrow, k)
486 Real y = D[k];
488 D[k] = (aux = norm(y,z));
489 z = (sinus = -z/aux) * F[k];
490 F[k] *= (cosinus = y/aux);
491 // Update U_
492 if (withU)
493 rightGivens(U, nrow, k, cosinus, sinus);
494 if (std::abs(z)+tol == tol) break;
495 }
496 }
497 F[nrow] = 0.0;
void rightGivens(ArrayBase< TContainer2D > &M, int j1, int j2, typename TContainer2D::Type const &cosinus, typename TContainer2D::Type const &sinus)
Apply Givens rotation.
Definition STK_Givens.h:119

References norm(), and rightGivens().

◆ maxByCol()

template<class Derived >
hidden::SliceVisitorSelector< Derived, hidden::MaxVisitor, Arrays::by_col_ >::type_result STK::maxByCol ( Derived const A)

Definition at line 345 of file STK_SlicingVisitors.h.

◆ maxByRow()

template<class Derived >
hidden::SliceVisitorSelector< Derived, hidden::MaxVisitor, Arrays::by_row_ >::type_result STK::maxByRow ( Derived const A)

Definition at line 345 of file STK_SlicingVisitors.h.

◆ maxSafeByCol()

template<class Derived >
hidden::SliceVisitorSelector< Derived, hidden::MaxSafeVisitor, Arrays::by_col_ >::type_result STK::maxSafeByCol ( Derived const A)

Definition at line 402 of file STK_SlicingVisitors.h.

◆ maxSafeByRow()

template<class Derived >
hidden::SliceVisitorSelector< Derived, hidden::MaxSafeVisitor, Arrays::by_row_ >::type_result STK::maxSafeByRow ( Derived const A)

Definition at line 402 of file STK_SlicingVisitors.h.

◆ meanByCol()

template<class Derived >
hidden::SliceVisitorSelector< Derived, hidden::MeanVisitor, Arrays::by_col_ >::type_result STK::meanByCol ( Derived const A)

Definition at line 361 of file STK_SlicingVisitors.h.

Referenced by main().

◆ meanByRow()

template<class Derived >
hidden::SliceVisitorSelector< Derived, hidden::MeanVisitor, Arrays::by_row_ >::type_result STK::meanByRow ( Derived const A)

Definition at line 361 of file STK_SlicingVisitors.h.

◆ meanSafeByCol()

template<class Derived >
hidden::SliceVisitorSelector< Derived, hidden::MeanSafeVisitor, Arrays::by_col_ >::type_result STK::meanSafeByCol ( Derived const A)

Definition at line 410 of file STK_SlicingVisitors.h.

◆ meanSafeByRow()

template<class Derived >
hidden::SliceVisitorSelector< Derived, hidden::MeanSafeVisitor, Arrays::by_row_ >::type_result STK::meanSafeByRow ( Derived const A)

Definition at line 410 of file STK_SlicingVisitors.h.

◆ minByCol()

template<class Derived >
hidden::SliceVisitorSelector< Derived, hidden::MinVisitor, Arrays::by_col_ >::type_result STK::minByCol ( Derived const A)

Definition at line 337 of file STK_SlicingVisitors.h.

◆ minByRow()

template<class Derived >
hidden::SliceVisitorSelector< Derived, hidden::MinVisitor, Arrays::by_row_ >::type_result STK::minByRow ( Derived const A)

Definition at line 337 of file STK_SlicingVisitors.h.

Referenced by main().

◆ minSafeByCol()

template<class Derived >
hidden::SliceVisitorSelector< Derived, hidden::MinSafeVisitor, Arrays::by_col_ >::type_result STK::minSafeByCol ( Derived const A)

Definition at line 394 of file STK_SlicingVisitors.h.

◆ minSafeByRow()

template<class Derived >
hidden::SliceVisitorSelector< Derived, hidden::MinSafeVisitor, Arrays::by_row_ >::type_result STK::minSafeByRow ( Derived const A)

Definition at line 394 of file STK_SlicingVisitors.h.

◆ operator<<() [1/4]

ostream & STK::operator<< ( ostream os,
Binary const value 

Overloading of the ostream << for the type Binary.

osthe output stream
valuethe value to send to the stream

Definition at line 93 of file STK_Binary.h.

95 return Arithmetic<Binary>::isNA(value) ? (os << stringNa)
96 : (os << static_cast<int>(value));
String stringNa
Representation of a Not Available value.

References STK::Arithmetic< Type >::isNA(), and stringNa.

◆ operator<<() [2/4]

ostream & STK::operator<< ( ostream os,
const Sign value 

Overloading of the ostream << for the type Sign.

osthe output stream
valuethe value to send to the stream

Definition at line 101 of file STK_Sign.h.

102{ return Arithmetic<Sign>::isNA(value)

References STK::Arithmetic< Type >::isNA().

◆ operator<<() [3/4]

ostream & STK::operator<< ( ostream s,
DataFrame const V 

Print a DataFrame.

sooutput stream
Vthe Dataframe to write

Definition at line 499 of file STK_DataFrame.cpp.

501 s << std::right;
502 V.writeDataFrame(s, V.beginCols(), V.lastIdxCols());
503 return s;

References STK::DataFrame::beginCols(), STK::DataFrame::lastIdxCols(), and STK::DataFrame::writeDataFrame().

◆ operator<<() [4/4]

template<typename Type_ >
ostream & STK::operator<< ( ostream s,
Variable< Type_ > const V 

ostream for Variable.

Definition at line 430 of file STK_Variable.h.

432 s << << _T("\n");
433 return out1D(s, V);
#define _T(x)
Let x unmodified.
ostream & out1D(ostream &os, ITContainer1D< Array > const &V)
Method for displaying any one dimensional Array.
Definition STK_Display.h:75

References _T, and out1D().

◆ operator>>() [1/3]

istream & STK::operator>> ( istream is,
Binary value 

Overloading of the istream >> for the type Binary.

isthe input stream
valuethe value to get from the stream

Definition at line 104 of file STK_Binary.h.

106 int res;
107 // try to read an integer
108 if (!(is >> res).fail())
109 {
110 switch (res)
111 {
112 case 0:
113 value = zero_;
114 break;
115 case 1:
116 value = one_;
117 break;
118 default:
119 value = binaryNA_;
120 break;
121 }
122 }
123 else
124 { value = binaryNA_; is.clear(); is.setstate(std::ios::failbit);}
125 return is;
@ zero_
0 value
Definition STK_Binary.h:49
@ one_
1 value
Definition STK_Binary.h:50
@ binaryNA_
Not Available value.
Definition STK_Binary.h:51

References binaryNA_, one_, and zero_.

◆ operator>>() [2/3]

istream & STK::operator>> ( istream is,
Range I 

The input stream can also be a number (say n). In this case the range will be n:n. If the range cannot be read the method return a NA value

isthe input stream
Ithe range to set
is stream

Definition at line 431 of file STK_Range.h.

433 String str;
434 std::getline(is, str, _T(':'));
435 // get first number
436 if (!stringToType(I.begin_, str))
437 {
439 is.clear(); is.setstate(std::ios::failbit);
440 return is;
441 }
442 // check if the istream is exhausted
443 if (is.eof())
444 {
445 I.size_ = 1;
446 return is;
447 }
448 // skip the current char ":"
449 is.peek();
450 // get second number
451 if ((is >> I.size_).fail())
452 {
453 I = Arithmetic<Range>::NA();
454 is.clear(); is.setstate(std::ios::failbit);
455 return is;
456 }
457 else { I.size_ -= I.begin_ ;}
458 return is;
int begin_
First index.
Definition STK_Range.h:142
int size_
theoretic Dimension size_ = end_- begin_
Definition STK_Range.h:389
bool stringToType(Type &t, String const &s, std::ios_base &(*f)(std::ios_base &)=std::dec)
convert a String to Type
Definition STK_String.h:195
std::basic_string< Char > String
STK fundamental type of a String.

◆ operator>>() [3/3]

istream & STK::operator>> ( istream is,
Sign value 

Overloading of the istream >> for the type Sign.

isthe input stream
valuethe value to get from the stream

Definition at line 111 of file STK_Sign.h.

113 // get current file position
114 int res;
115 // try to read an integer
116 if (!(is >> res).fail())
117 {
118 switch (res)
119 {
120 case 1:
121 value = positive_;
122 break;
123 case -1:
124 value = negative_;
125 break;
126 default:
127 value = signNA_;
128 break;
129 }
130 }
131 else
132 { value = signNA_; is.clear(); is.setstate(std::ios::failbit);}
133 return is;
@ signNA_
Not Available value.
Definition STK_Sign.h:51
@ positive_
positive sign
Definition STK_Sign.h:50
@ negative_
negative sign
Definition STK_Sign.h:49

References negative_, positive_, and signNA_.

◆ sumByCol()

template<class Derived >
hidden::SliceVisitorSelector< Derived, hidden::SumVisitor, Arrays::by_col_ >::type_result STK::sumByCol ( Derived const A)

◆ sumByRow()

template<class Derived >
hidden::SliceVisitorSelector< Derived, hidden::SumVisitor, Arrays::by_row_ >::type_result STK::sumByRow ( Derived const A)

Definition at line 353 of file STK_SlicingVisitors.h.

Variable Documentation

◆ blockSize_

◆ panelSize_

◆ panelTotal

const int STK::panelTotal = 256

Definition at line 43 of file STK_ProductRaw.h.

◆ vectorSize