initType | STK::Clust::stringToInit (String const &type) |
| Convert a String to a initType.
algoType | STK::Clust::stringToAlgo (String const &type) |
| Convert a String to an algoType.
algoPredictType | STK::Clust::stringToPredictAlgo (String const &type) |
| Convert a String to an algoPredictType.
algoLearnType | STK::Clust::stringToLearnAlgo (String const &type) |
| Convert a String to an algoLearnType.
criterionType | STK::Clust::stringToCriterion (String const &type) |
| Convert a String to an criterionType.
String | STK::Clust::exceptionToString (exceptions const &type) |
| convert a Clust::exceptions to a String.
MixtureClass | STK::Clust::mixtureToMixtureClass (Mixture const &type) |
| convert a Mixture to a MixtureClass.
Mixture | STK::Clust::stringToMixture (String const &type) |
| Convert a String to a Mixture.
Mixture | STK::Clust::stringToMixture (String const &type, bool &freeProp) |
| convert a string to a Mixture and specify if the model is with free proportions or fixed proportions.
String | STK::Clust::mixtureToString (Mixture const &type) |
| convert a Mixture to a String.
String | STK::Clust::mixtureToString (Mixture type, bool freeProp) |
| convert a Mixture to a string specifying if the model is with free proportions.
IMixtureCriterion * | STK::Clust::createCriterion (Clust::criterionType criterion) |
STK::IMixtureCriterion * | STK::Clust::createCriterion (String const &criterion) |
IMixtureAlgo * | STK::Clust::createAlgo (Clust::algoType algo, int nbIterMax, Real epsilon) |
| utility function for creating an estimation algorithm.
IMixtureAlgoLearn * | STK::Clust::createLearnAlgo (Clust::algoLearnType algo, int nbIterMax, Real epsilon) |
| utility function for creating a learning algorithm.
IMixtureAlgoPredict * | STK::Clust::createPredictAlgo (Clust::algoPredictType algo, int nbIterBurn, int nbIterLong, Real epsilon) |
| utility function for creating a predicting algorithm.
IMixtureInit * | STK::Clust::createInit (Clust::initType init=defaultInitType, int nbInits=defaultNbInit, Clust::algoType algo=defaultAlgoInInit, int nbIterMax=defaultNbIterMaxInInit, Real epsilon=defaultEpsilonInInit) |
| Utility function for creating a model initializer.
IMixtureStrategy * | STK::Clust::createSimpleStrategy (IMixtureComposer *&p_composer, int nbTry, IMixtureInit *const &p_init, IMixtureAlgo *const &algo) |
| Utility function for creating a SimpleStrategy.
IMixtureStrategy * | STK::Clust::createFullStrategy (IMixtureComposer *&p_composer, int nbTry, int nbInitRun, IMixtureInit *const &p_init, int nbShortRun, IMixtureAlgo *const &shortRunAlgo, IMixtureAlgo *const &longRunAlgo) |
| Utility function for creating a FullStrategy.
In this file we implement the utilities functions of the Clustering project.
Definition in file STK_Clust_Util.cpp.