141 void eraseCols(
int pos,
int const& n=1);
157 void eraseRows(
int pos,
int const& n=1);
In this file we define the IContainer2D interface classes.
Define the Interface base class of all types of Variables.
This is an implementation of the Interface ITContainer1D.
DataFrame is a List of Variable with the same number of rows.
void eraseRows(int pos, int const &n=1)
Delete n rows at the position pos to the container.
void pushFrontVariable(IVariable *const &V)
Append a DataFrame front.
void popBackCols(int const &n)
Delete n columns of the container.
void insertRows(int pos, int const &n=1)
Insert n rows at the ith position of the container.
TRange< UnknownSize > RowRange
Type of the Range for the rows.
IVariable *& elt(int const &i)
access to an element.
void clear()
Clear the object.
void swapCols(int j1, int j2)
Swapping the j1th column and the j2th column.
void shift(int const &cbeg=1)
New beginning index for the object.
void merge(DataFrame const &D)
merge this DataFrame with D.
void pushBackCols(int const &n=1)
Add columns to the container.
virtual ~DataFrame()
void pushBackVariable(IVariable *const &V)
Append a DataFrame back.
RowRange const & rows() const
void insertDataFrame(int pos, DataFrame const &D)
Insert a DataFrame at the specified position to the container.
void pushFrontDataFrame(DataFrame const &D)
Append a DataFrame front.
List1D< IVariable * > Base
Type for the list container.
TRange< UnknownSize > ColRange
Type of the Range for the columns.
void insertCols(int pos, int const &n=1)
Insert columns at the specified position to the container.
DataFrame & operator=(DataFrame const &T)
Operator = : overwrite the DataFrame with T.
void popBackRows(int const &n)
Dell last rows of the container.
void freeCols()
function for row memory deallocation.
void eraseCols(int pos, int const &n=1)
Delete n columns at the position of the container.
IVariable *const elt(int const &i) const
access to a constant element.
void freeMem()
function for memory deallocation.
void insertVariable(int pos, IVariable *const &V)
Insert a Vartiable at the specified position to the container.
void pushBackRows(int const &n=1)
Add n rows to the container.
void resize(Range const &I, Range const &J)
resize the container:
Default Constructor, empty table.
IContainer2D< UnknownSize, UnknownSize > Base2D
Type of the Base container.
void writeDataFrame(ostream &os, int const &left, int const &right) const
write a DataFrame to the output stream os.
void pushBackDataFrame(DataFrame const &D)
Append a DataFrame back.
Interface base class for 2D containers.
RowRange const & rows() const
bool empty() const
Is there some data ?
IVariable is an Interface class for all Variables classes.
template One dimensional Horizontal List.
void swap(int const &j1, int const &j2)
Swapping the j1th column and the j2th column.
The MultidimRegression class allows to regress a multidimensional output variable among a multivariat...
Index sub-vector region: Specialization when the size is unknown.
ostream & operator<<(ostream &s, const CAllocator< Type, SizeRows_, SizeCols_, Orient_ > &V)
output stream for CAllocator.
const int baseIdx
base index of the containers created in STK++.
std::basic_ostream< Char > ostream
ostream for Char
The namespace STK is the main domain space of the Statistical ToolKit project.