STK++ 0.9.13
STK_Funct_gamma.h File Reference

In this file we declare functions around the gamma function. More...

#include <vector>
#include "STK_Const_Math.h"
#include "STK_Const_Sequences.h"
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namespace  STK
 The namespace STK is the main domain space of the Statistical ToolKit project.
namespace  STK::Funct
 The namespace Funct enclose all usual and special functions.


Real STK::Funct::factorial (int n)
 This function computes $ n! $ for integer argument.
Real STK::Funct::lfactorial (int n)
 This function computes $ \ln(n!) $ for integer argument.
Real STK::Funct::factorial (Real const &z)
 This function computes $ z! $ when z is an integer in a Real format.
Real STK::Funct::lfactorial (Real const &z)
 This function computes $ \ln(z!) $ when z is an integer in Real format.
Real STK::Funct::gamma (Real const &z)
 This function computes the function $ \Gamma(z) $.
Real STK::Funct::lgamma (Real const &z)
 This function computes the function $ \ln(\Gamma(z)) $.
Real STK::Funct::factorial_raw (int)
Real STK::Funct::lfactorial_raw (int)
Real STK::Funct::factorial_raw (Real const &)
Real STK::Funct::lfactorial_raw (Real const &)
Real STK::Funct::gamma_raw (Real const &)
Real STK::Funct::lgamma_raw (Real const &)
Real STK::Funct::lanczosSerie (Real const &z)
 Compute the Lanzcos correction series for the gamma function with n = 21 terms.
Real STK::Funct::gammaLanczos (Real const &z)
 Compute the gamma function using the Lanzcos expansion using n = 21 terms and r= 22.618910.
double STK::Funct::stirlingSerie (Real const &z)
 Compute the Stirling's series for the lgamma function.
Real STK::Funct::gammaStirling (Real const &z)
 This function computes the gamma function using the Stirling approximation.
Real STK::Funct::lgammaStirling (Real const &z)
 This function computes the log gamma function using the Stirling approximation.
Real STK::Funct::lgammaStirlingError (Real const &z)
 Compute the error when we compute $ \ln(\Gamma(z)) $ using the Stirling's formula.
Real STK::Funct::lgammaStirlingError (int n)
 Compute the error when we compute $ \ln(\Gamma(z)) $ using the Stirling's formula and z is an integer.

Detailed Description

In this file we declare functions around the gamma function.

Definition in file STK_Funct_gamma.h.