198 template<
class Array>
In this file we define and implement the final class Array1D.
In this file we implement the final class CArrayPoint.
In this file we implement the final class CArraySquare.
In this file we implement the final class CArrayVector.
In this file we implement the final class CArray.
This file contain the definition and implementation of the Online classes.
virtual void update()
update the runner.
The MultidimRegression class allows to regress a multidimensional output variable among a multivariat...
Index sub-vector region: Specialization when the size is unknown.
The namespace STK is the main domain space of the Statistical ToolKit project.
structure storing the parameters of the HD matrix valued mixture
CVectorXi colDk_
array of size nbCluster with dimension of low dimensional space for columns
void resize(Range const &rangeRows, Range const &rangeCols)
resize and initialize the set of parameter.
void releaseStatistics()
Release the computed statistics.
HDMatrixModelParameters(int nbCluster)
default constructor
Array1D< Stat::Online< CSquareX, Real > > statColQk_
Array of the rotation matrix statistics for rows.
Array1D< Stat::Online< Real, Real > > statColBk_
Array of the standard deviation statistics.
Array1D< CVectorX > rowAjk_
array of size nbCluster with inertia in low dimensional space for rows
Array1D< Array_ > meank_
array of size nbCluster with for each cluster the mean matrix
HDMatrixModelParameters & operator=(HDMatrixModelParameters const ¶m)
copy operator.
Array1D< Real > rowBk_
array of size nbCluster with remaining variance noise for rows
void setParameters(ExprBase< Array > const ¶ms)
Set the parameters of the mixture model.
Array1D< Stat::Online< CVectorX, Real > > statRowAjk_
Array of size nbCluster of the rotation matrix statistics for rows.
HDMatrixModelParameters(HDMatrixModelParameters const ¶m)
copy constructor.
Array1D< Real > colBk_
array of size nbCluster with variance noise for columns
Array1D< Stat::Online< CVectorX, Real > > statColAjk_
Array of the standard deviation statistics.
void setStatistics()
Set the computed statistics.
Array1D< CVectorX > colAjk_
array of size nbCluster with inertia in low dimensional space for columns
CVectorXi rowDk_
array of size nbCluster with dimension of low dimensional space for rows
void updateStatistics()
update statistics of the parameters.
Array1D< Stat::Online< Array_, Real > > statMeank_
Array of size nbCluster of the mean statistics.
Array1D< CSquareX > rowQk_
array of size nbCluster with the rotation matrix for rows
Array1D< Stat::Online< CSquareX, Real > > statRowQk_
Array of size nbCluster of the rotation matrix statistics for rows.
Array1D< Stat::Online< Real, Real > > statRowBk_
Array of size nbCluster with the variance noise statistics for rows.
Array1D< CSquareX > colQk_
array of size nbCluster with the rotation matrix for columns