151 {
return options_.at(ContOption::size_type(pos));}
158 {
return options_.at(ContOption::size_type(pos));}
165 {
return options_.at(ContOption::size_type(pos));}
172 {
return options_.at(ContOption::size_type(pos));}
In this file we define the Option class.
A IPage is an interface base class for reading and/or writing a page of option in a file.
void write(ostream &os) const
write out options in a stream
String const & name() const
name of the IPage.
virtual bool validate()
validate the page.
Option const & option(int const &pos) const
get the ith constant option of the IPage
String keyword_
keyword of the page of options.
void addPage(IPage const &page)
add a sub-page as an option to the page
String msg_error_
Contain the last error message.
Option const & operator[](int const &pos) const
get the ith constant option of the IPage
bool findKeyword(istream &is) const
process the input stream until the keyword is encountered.
ContOption options_
array of the options
Option & option(int const &pos)
get the ith option of the IPage
Option & option(String const &name)
bookkeeping function.
Option & operator[](int const &pos)
get the ith option of the IPage
void addOption(Option const &opt)
add an option to the page
virtual ~IPage()
int level_
level of the Page.
virtual IPage * clone() const
bool processLine(String const &line)
process the input line and set the value of the option.
ContOption const & options() const
get the options of the IPage
String const & msg_error() const
name of the IPage.
bool isOptional() const
is this Option optional ?.
String name_
name of the page of options
void read(istream &is)
read in options from an input steam stream
std::vector< Option > ContOption
Container for the options.
bool isOptional_
true if the Page is optinal, false otherwise
The MultidimRegression class allows to regress a multidimensional output variable among a multivariat...
the Option class allow to store the value of an option from a IPage.
std::basic_string< Char > String
STK fundamental type of a String.
std::basic_ostream< Char > ostream
ostream for Char
std::basic_istream< Char > istream
istream for Char
The namespace STK is the main domain space of the Statistical ToolKit project.