45 , nbSample_(p_kernel->nbSample())
71 if (!p_kernel)
return false;
77 {
if (
it->second == idData) {
97 {
if (
it->second == idData) {
110 {
if (
it->second == idData) {
129 {
if (
it->first == p_kernel)
return true;}
In this file we define the KernelHandler class.
bool addInfo(std::string const &idData, std::string const &idModel)
Add an info descriptor to the data handler.
Derived & erase(int pos, int n=1)
Delete n elements at the pos index to the container.
Derived & push_back(Type const &v)
STL compatibility: append an element v.
ConstIterator endConstIterator() const
ConstIterator beginConstIterator() const
Kernel::IKernel const * getKernel(String const &idData) const
get an instance of a kernel from the handler
Array1D< TaggedKernel > v_kernel_
Array of the kernels.
int nbSample_
Number of sample.
bool isHandled(Kernel::IKernel *const p_kernel) const
utility lookup function allowing to know if some pointer on a kernel is handled by the KernelHandler.
void removeKernel(String const &idData)
remove an instance of a kernel to the handler
bool addKernel(Kernel::IKernel *p_kernel, String const &idData, String const &idModel)
add an instance of a kernel to the handler
std::pair< Kernel::IKernel *, String > TaggedKernel
default constructor
Interface class for the kernels classes.
virtual int nbSample() const =0
pure virtual method.
The MultidimRegression class allows to regress a multidimensional output variable among a multivariat...
std::basic_string< Char > String
STK fundamental type of a String.
The namespace STK is the main domain space of the Statistical ToolKit project.