#define _T(x)
Let x unmodified.
This file include all the header files of the project STKernel.
String const & toUpperString(String &s)
convert the characters of the String to upper case
Method to use for positioning the knots for BSpline basis.
Regression method to use.
functional basis coefficients to use for fonctional and non-linear regression
String knotsPositionToString(KnotsPosition const &type)
convert a KnotsPosition to a String.
TypeRegression stringToTypeRegression(String const &type)
Convert a String to a TypeRegression.
String typeRegressionToString(TypeRegression const &type)
Convert a TypeRegression to a String.
@ uniformKnotsPositions_
uniform knots
@ densityKnotsPositions_
knots using density of the data
@ unknown_Knots_Position_
unknown positions
@ periodicKnotsPositions_
periodic knots
@ linear_
additive BSpline regression
@ unknown_regression_
unknown regression
@ additiveBSpline_
adaptive BSpline regression
@ trigonometric_
Chebyshev coefficients.
@ sines_
cosines coefficients
@ unknown_basis_
unknown coefficients
@ cosines_
trigonometric coefficients (sines and cosines)
@ bspline_
Sines coefficients.
std::basic_string< Char > String
STK fundamental type of a String.
KnotsPosition stringToKnotsPosition(String const &type)
convert a String to a KnotsPosition.
The namespace STK is the main domain space of the Statistical ToolKit project.