STK++ 0.9.13
STK::hidden::Traits< Derived > Struct Template Reference

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Detailed Description

template<typename Derived>
struct STK::hidden::Traits< Derived >


The traits struct Traits must be specialized for any container derived from the interface classes STK::ITContainer, STK::ITContainer1D and STK::ITContainer2D.

The enumerated values and type names defined in this trait struct are as follow (example taken from the STK::Array1D class)

template<class Type_, int Size_>
struct Traits< Array1D<Type_, Size_> >
typedef Array1D<Type_, 1> Row;
typedef Array1D<Type_, Size_> Col;
typedef Array1D<Type_, UnknownSize> SubArray;
typedef Array1D<Type_, UnknownSize> SubVector;
typedef Type_ Type;
typedef typename RemoveConst<Type>::Type const& TypeConst;
structure_ = Arrays::vector_,
orient_ = Arrays::by_col_,
size_ = Size_,
sizeCols_ = 1,
sizeRows_ = Size_,
storage_ = Arrays::dense_ // always dense
// optional
typedef std::reverse_iterator<Iterator> ReverseIterator;
typedef std::reverse_iterator<ConstIterator> ConstReverseIterator;
template one dimensional Arrays.
The MultidimRegression class allows to regress a multidimensional output variable among a multivariat...
See also
STK::Array1D, STK::Array2D, STK::CArray, STK::List1D

Definition at line 86 of file STK_ArraysTraits.h.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: