3int main(
int argc,
char** argv)
#define stk_cout
Standard stk output stream.
This file include all the header files of the STK++ project.
Derived & rand(Law::IUnivLaw< Type > const &law)
set random values to this using a distribution law given by the user.
declaration of the point case.
A CArray is a two dimensional array with a continuous storage like a C-array.
hidden::SliceVisitorSelector< Derived, hidden::MeanVisitor, Arrays::by_col_ >::type_result mean(Derived const &A)
If A is a row-vector or a column-vector then the function will return the usual mean value of the vec...
hidden::FunctorTraits< Derived, VarianceWithFixedMeanOp >::Row varianceWithFixedMean(Derived const &A, MeanType const &mean, bool unbiased)
Compute the VarianceWithFixedMean(s) value(s) of A.
void unstandardize(Array &m, RowVector const &std)
undo the standardization by columns of the standardized variable m.
hidden::FunctorTraits< Derived, MeanOp >::Row mean(Derived const &A)
Compute the mean(s) value(s) of A.
void standardize(Array &m, RowVector &mean, RowVector &std, bool unbiased=false)
Compute the mean and the standard deviation by columns of the variable m and standardize it.
The namespace STK is the main domain space of the Statistical ToolKit project.