STK++ 0.9.13
STK_Givens.h File Reference

In this file we define Givens methods used by the Algebra classes. More...

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namespace  STK
 The namespace STK is the main domain space of the Statistical ToolKit project.


template<class Type >
Real STK::compGivens (Type const &y, Type const &z, Type &cosinus, Type &sinus)
 Compute Givens rotation.
template<class TContainer2D >
void STK::rightGivens (ArrayBase< TContainer2D > &M, int j1, int j2, typename TContainer2D::Type const &cosinus, typename TContainer2D::Type const &sinus)
 Apply Givens rotation.
template<class TContainer2D >
void STK::leftGivens (ArrayBase< TContainer2D > &M, int i1, int i2, typename TContainer2D::Type const &cosinus, typename TContainer2D::Type const &sinus)
 left multiplication by a Givens ArrayXX.

Detailed Description

In this file we define Givens methods used by the Algebra classes.

Definition in file STK_Givens.h.