STK++ 0.9.13
include Directory Reference
Directory dependency graph for include:




 In this file we define and implement utilies class and method for the Algebra project.
 In this file we define a template version of the conjugate gradient.
 In this file we implement the modified Cholesky decomposition.
 In this file we define Givens methods used by the Algebra classes.
 In this file we define the GramSchmidt method.
 In this file we define the Housholder methods used by the Algebra classes.
 In this file we define the interface class ILeastSquare.
 In this file we implement inversion method for general matrix.
 In this file we define the Interface class IQr (QR decomposition).
 In this file we define the interface class ISvd.
 In this file we define the ISymEigen class (for a symmetric matrix).
 In this file we define the class MultiLeastSQquare using lapack.
 In this file we define the enclosing class of the dgeqrf lapack routine.
 In this file we define the enclosing class of the dgeqrf lapack routine.
 In this file we define the enclosing class of the syevr lapck routine.
 In this file we define and implement utilities classes and methods for the interface with lapack.
 In this file we define and implement the class MultiLeastSQquare.
 In thThis file wedefine and implement the Qr class.
 In this file we define the Svd Class.
 In this file we define the SymEigen class (for a symmetric matrix).
 In this file we define the transpose method.
 In this file we define the WeightedSvd class.