This file include all the header files of the project STKernel.
Interface base class for all Statistical Models.
int nbFreeParameter() const
IStatModelBase(int nbSample, int nbVariable)
Constructor with specified dimension.
Default constructor.
void setNbFreeParameter(int const &nbFreeParameter)
set the number of free parameters of the model
IStatModelBase(int nbSample)
Constructor with specified dimension.
void setLnLikelihood(Real const &lnLikelihood)
set the log-likelihood of the model
IStatModelBase(IStatModelBase const &model)
Copy constructor.
void setNbSample(int const &nbSample)
set the number of samples of the model
int nbFreeParameter_
number of free parameters of the model
int nbSample_
total available samples
void setNbVariable(int const &nbVariable)
set the number of variables of the model
void initialize(int nbSample, int nbVariable)
set the dimensions of the parameters of the model
Real lnLikelihood() const
Real lnLikelihood_
likelihood of the samples
int nbVariable_
total available variables
The MultidimRegression class allows to regress a multidimensional output variable among a multivariat...
double Real
STK fundamental type of Real values.
The namespace STK is the main domain space of the Statistical ToolKit project.
Arithmetic properties of STK fundamental types.