37#include "../include/STK_Law_Beta.h"
38#include "../include/STK_Law_Gamma.h"
100 if ((
p > 1.) || (
p < 0.))
103 if (
p == 0.)
return 0.;
104 if (
p == 1.)
return 1.;
149 if ((
p > 1.) || (
p < 0.))
152 if (
p == 0.)
return 0.;
153 if (
p == 1.)
return 1.;
In this file we declare functions around the beta function ratio.
#define STKDOMAIN_ERROR_1ARG(Where, Arg, Error)
Real beta_
Second parameter.
virtual Real lpdf(Real const &x) const
Real alpha_
First parameter.
virtual Real icdf(Real const &p) const
virtual Real cdf(Real const &t) const
virtual Real pdf(Real const &x) const
virtual Real rand() const
virtual Real rand() const
generate a gamma random variate using the G.S algorithm of Ahrens and Dieter (1974) for 0<a_<1 and Ma...
The MultidimRegression class allows to regress a multidimensional output variable among a multivariat...
Real betaRatio(Real const &a, Real const &b, Real const &x, bool lower_tail=true)
Compute the incomplete beta function ratio Compute the beta ratio function.
bool isNA(Type const &x)
utility method allowing to know if a value is a NA (Not Available) value
double Real
STK fundamental type of Real values.
The namespace STK is the main domain space of the Statistical ToolKit project.
Arithmetic properties of STK fundamental types.
static Type NA()
Adding a Non Available (NA) special number.