In this file we define the interface base class for learners.
Base class for Learner of a Mixture mixed model.
std::vector< IMixture * > v_mixtures_
vector of pointers to the mixtures components
Main class for learning mixture models.
void createLearner(std::vector< IMixture * > const &v_mixtures_)
Create the composer using existing data handler and mixtures.
virtual MixtureLearner * create() const
Create a composer, but reinitialize the mixtures parameters.
virtual void randomInit()
initialize randomly the parameters of the components of the model
virtual void writeParameters(ostream &os) const
write the parameters of the model in the stream os.
virtual void paramUpdateStep()
Compute the model parameters given the current imputed/simulated missing values.
virtual void samplingStep()
Simulation of all the data missing values.
std::vector< IMixture * >::const_iterator ConstMixtIterator
virtual void setParametersStep()
Utility method allowing to signal to a mixture to set its parameters.
Real meanlnLikelihood_
averaged lnLikelihood values.
virtual ~MixtureLearner()
The registered mixtures will be deleted there.
virtual void releaseIntermediateResults()
This step can be used to signal to the mixtures that they must release the stored results.
virtual void imputationStep()
Impute the data missing values.
virtual MixtureLearner * clone() const
Create a clone of the current model, with mixtures parameters preserved.
virtual Real lnComponentProbability(int i, int k) const
virtual void finalizeStep()
This step can be used by developer to finalize any thing.
std::vector< IMixture * >::iterator MixtIterator
virtual void storeIntermediateResults(int iteration)
This step can be used to signal to the mixtures that they must store results.
The MultidimRegression class allows to regress a multidimensional output variable among a multivariat...
double Real
STK fundamental type of Real values.
std::basic_ostream< Char > ostream
ostream for Char
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