53template <
class Array,
class WColVector,
typename Type =
typename Array::Type >
A Array2DVector is a one dimensional horizontal container.
#define STKERROR_NO_ARG(Where, Error)
This file include all the other header files of the project Sdk.
String msg_error_
String with the last error message.
Abstract class for all classes making unsupervised learning.
Array const * p_data() const
get the data set
Array const * p_data_
A pointer on the original data set.
Derived & resize(Range const &I=RowRange())
The MultidimRegression class allows to regress a multidimensional output variable among a multivariat...
Computation of the multivariate statistics of a Variable.
IRunnerUnsupervised< Array, WColVector > Runner2D
Multivariate(Array const &data)
virtual ~Multivariate()
virtual destructor.
virtual bool run(WColVector const &weights)
run the estimation of the weighted multivariate statistics.
Array1D< int > nbAvailable_
number of observed data of each variables
Array1D< int > const & nbMissingSamples() const
Number of missing values.
int nbSamples_
number of samples
Multivariate(Array const *p_data)
virtual bool run()
run the estimation of the Multivariate statistics.
Array1D< int > nbMiss_
number of missing data of each variables
int nbVar_
Number of variables.
Array1D< int > const & nbAvailableSamples() const
The namespace STK is the main domain space of the Statistical ToolKit project.
Arithmetic properties of STK fundamental types.