class Container2D >
48void print(Container2D
const& A,
STK::String const& name)
51 stk_cout << name <<
".isRef() =") << A.isRef() <<
52 stk_cout << name <<
".cols() =") << A.cols() <<
53 stk_cout << name <<
".rows() =") << A.rows() <<
56void print(ArrayXX
const& A,
STK::String const& name)
59 stk_cout << name <<
".isRef() =") << A.isRef() <<
60 stk_cout << name <<
".cols() =") << A.cols() <<
61 stk_cout << name <<
".rows() =") << A.rows() <<
62 stk_cout << name <<
".rangeCols().isRef() =") << A.rangeCols().isRef() <<
63 stk_cout << name <<
".rangeCols() =\n") << A.rangeCols() <<
114 template<
class Derived>
123 inline virtual Qr*
const {
return new Qr(*
A Array2DPoint is a one dimensional horizontal container.
In this file, we define the final class Array2D.
This file define methods for displaying Arrays and Expressions.
In this file we define Givens methods used by the Algebra classes.
In this file we define the Interface class IQr (QR decomposition).
#define stk_cout
Standard stk output stream.
#define _T(x)
Let x unmodified.
hidden::Traits< Array2D< Real > >::Col Col
hidden::Traits< Array2D< Real > >::Row Row
Derived & resize(Range const &I, Range const &J)
resize the array.
Row row(int i) const
access to a part of a row.
The class IQr is an interface class for the method computing the QR Decomposition of a ArrayXX.
IQr & operator=(IQr const &decomp)
Operator = : overwrite the this with decomp.
ArrayUpperTriangularXX R_
R Array of th QR decomposition.
Array Q_
Q Array of the QR decomposition.
The MultidimRegression class allows to regress a multidimensional output variable among a multivariat...
The class Qr perform the QR decomposition of an ArrayXX.
Qr(ArrayXX const &A, bool ref=false)
Default constructor.
Qr & operator=(Qr const &decomp)
Operator = : overwrite the Qr with decomp.
virtual Qr * clone() const
clone pattern
virtual ~Qr()
virtual destructor
Qr(Qr const &decomp)
Copy constructor.
hidden::AlgebraTraits< Qr >::ColVector ColVector
bool runImpl()
Compute the QR decomposition.
void qr()
Compute the qr decomposition of the matrix Q_.
Qr(ExprBase< Derived > const &data)
hidden::AlgebraTraits< Qr >::RowVector RowVector
Index sub-vector region: Specialization when the size is unknown.
void applyLeftHouseholderVector(ArrayBase< Lhs > const &M, ExprBase< Rhs > const &v)
left multiplication by a Householder vector.
Real house(ArrayBase< Vector > &x)
Compute the Householder vector v of a vector x.
std::basic_string< Char > String
STK fundamental type of a String.
The namespace STK is the main domain space of the Statistical ToolKit project.
traits class for the algebra methods.