class Array2DNumber;
142 template<
class OtherArray>
149 template<
class OtherDerived>
In this file we implement the modifiers of the IArray2D.
In this file we implement the slicing methods for IArray2D class.
Interface base class for the Array2D classes, this is an internal header file, included by other cont...
hidden::Traits< Array2DNumber< Type_ > >::SubCol SubCol
hidden::Traits< Array2DNumber< Type_ > >::SubArray SubArray
ArrayBase< Array2DNumber< Type_ > > LowBase
Array2DNumber(Type const &v)
constructor with specified range, initialization with a constant.
Array2DNumber(IArray2D< OtherArray > const &T, int row, int col)
constructor by reference, ref_=1.
Array2DNumber(Array2DNumber const &T, bool ref=false)
Copy constructor.
hidden::Traits< Array2DNumber< Type_ > >::SubVector SubVector
Default constructor.
hidden::Traits< Array2DNumber< Type_ > >::Type Type
Type const & elt0Impl() const
Array2DNumber & operator=(ExprBase< Rhs > const &T)
operator = : overwrite the CArray with the Right hand side T.
hidden::Traits< Array2DNumber< Type_ > >::SubRow SubRow
hidden::Traits< Array2DNumber< Type_ > >::Row Row
Array2DNumber & operator=(const Array2DNumber &T)
operator = : overwrite the CArray with the Right hand side T.
IArray2D< Array2DNumber< Type_ > > Base
Array2DNumber & operator=(Type const &v)
set the container to a constant value.
Array2DNumber(ExprBase< OtherDerived > const &T)
Copy constructor using an expression.
hidden::Traits< Array2DNumber< Type_ > >::Col Col
Array2DNumber(Type **p_data, int row, int col)
constructor by reference, ref_=1.
hidden::Traits< Array2DNumber< Type_ > >::TypeConst TypeConst
void shift1D(int const &cbeg)
New first indexes for the object.
Array2DNumber< Type_ > & operator=(Type const &value)
Array2DNumber< Type_ > & setValue(TypeConst value)
set a value to this container.
Array2DNumber< Type_ > & assign(ExprBase< Rhs > const &rhs)
template interface base class for two-dimensional arrays.
Allocator allocator_
allocator of the column data set
Col col(int j) const
access to a part of a column.
Row row(int i) const
access to a part of a row.
void shift(int rbeg, int cbeg)
Set new beginning indexes to the array.
The MultidimRegression class allows to regress a multidimensional output variable among a multivariat...
Index sub-vector region: Specialization when the size is unknown.
Array2DNumber< Real > Number
final class for a Real horizontal container.
@ dense_
dense matrix/vector/array/expression
@ number_
(1,1) matrix/vector/array/expression (like a number)
@ by_col_
storage by column
The namespace STK is the main domain space of the Statistical ToolKit project.
Array2DNumber< Real > NumberX
Array2DNumber< int > NumberXi
Array2DNumber< double > NumberXd
TypeConst elt(int pos) const
Get the const element number pos.
Array2DNumber< Type_ > SubRow
Array2DNumber< Type_ > SubCol
Array2DNumber< Type_ > Col
Array2DNumber< Type_ > SubVector
RemoveConst< Type >::Type const & TypeConst
Array2DNumber< Type_ > Row
Array1D< Type, UnknownSize > ColVector
Array2DNumber< Type_ > SubArray