STK++ 0.9.13
STK::Const::UpperTriangular< Type_, SizeRows_, SizeCols_ > Class Template Reference

Define the constant upper triangular matrix. More...

#include <STK_Const_Arrays.h>

Inheritance diagram for STK::Const::UpperTriangular< Type_, SizeRows_, SizeCols_ >:
Inheritance graph

Public Types

enum  {
  structure_ = hidden::Traits< UpperTriangular <Type_, SizeRows_, SizeCols_> >::structure_ , orient_ = hidden::Traits< UpperTriangular <Type_, SizeRows_, SizeCols_> >::orient_ , sizeRows_ = hidden::Traits< UpperTriangular <Type_, SizeRows_, SizeCols_> >::sizeRows_ , sizeCols_ = hidden::Traits< UpperTriangular <Type_, SizeRows_, SizeCols_> >::sizeCols_ ,
  storage_ = hidden::Traits< UpperTriangular <Type_, SizeRows_, SizeCols_> >::storage_
typedef IConstArray< UpperTriangular< Type_, SizeRows_, SizeCols_ > > Base
typedef hidden::Traits< UpperTriangular< Type_, SizeRows_, SizeCols_ > >::Type Type
typedef hidden::Traits< UpperTriangular< Type_, SizeRows_, SizeCols_ > >::TypeConst TypeConst
- Public Types inherited from STK::Const::IConstArray< UpperTriangular< Type_, SizeRows_, SizeCols_ > >
typedef TRange< sizeRows_ > RowRange
 Type of the Range for the rows.
typedef TRange< sizeCols_ > ColRange
 Type of the Range for the columns.
typedef IContainer2D< sizeRows_, sizeCols_ > Base2D
 Type for the IContainer2D base Class.
typedef ExprBase< UpperTriangular< Type_, SizeRows_, SizeCols_ > > Base
typedef hidden::Traits< UpperTriangular< Type_, SizeRows_, SizeCols_ > >::TypeConst TypeConst
- Public Types inherited from STK::ExprBase< Derived >
enum  {
  structure_ = hidden::Traits<Derived>::structure_ , orient_ = hidden::Traits<Derived>::orient_ , sizeRows_ = hidden::Traits<Derived>::sizeRows_ , sizeCols_ = hidden::Traits<Derived>::sizeCols_ ,
  storage_ = hidden::Traits<Derived>::storage_
typedef ITContainer< Derived, structure_Base
typedef hidden::Traits< Derived >::Type Type
typedef hidden::Traits< Derived >::TypeConst TypeConst

Public Member Functions

 UpperTriangular ()
 default constructor
 UpperTriangular (Range rangeRows, Range rangeCols)
 constructor with specified dimension
TypeConst elt2Impl (int i, int j) const
- Public Member Functions inherited from STK::Const::IConstArray< UpperTriangular< Type_, SizeRows_, SizeCols_ > >
RowRange constrowsImpl () const
RowRange constrows () const
int beginRows () const
int endRows () const
int sizeRows () const
ColRange constcolsImpl () const
ColRange constcols () const
int beginCols () const
int endCols () const
int sizeCols () const
int lastIdxCols () const
int lastIdxRows () const
bool empty () const
- Public Member Functions inherited from STK::ExprBase< Derived >
template<typename Visitor >
Visitor::TypeConst visit (Visitor &visitor) const
 Visit the container using a constant visitor.
int count () const
 compute the value of non-zero element in an expression.
bool const any () const
 check if there is any non-zero element in an expression.
bool const all () const
 check if all the elements in an expression are not zero.
int nbAvailableValues () const
Type const minElt (int &row, int &col) const
Type const minEltSafe (int &row, int &col) const
Type const maxElt (int &row, int &col) const
Type const maxEltSafe (int &row, int &col) const
Type const minElt (int &pos) const
Type const minEltSafe (int &pos) const
Type const maxElt (int &pos) const
Type const maxEltSafe (int &pos) const
Type const minElt () const
Type const minEltSafe () const
Type const maxElt () const
Type const maxEltSafe () const
Type const sum () const
Type const sumSafe () const
Type const norm () const
Type const normSafe () const
Type const norm2 () const
Type const norm2Safe () const
Type const normInf () const
Type const mean () const
Type const meanSafe () const
Type const variance () const
Type const varianceSafe () const
Type const variance (Type const &mean) const
Type const varianceSafe (Type const &mean) const
template<typename Rhs >
Type const wsum (ExprBase< Rhs > const &weights) const
template<typename Rhs >
Type const wsumSafe (ExprBase< Rhs > const &weights) const
template<typename Rhs >
Type const wnorm (ExprBase< Rhs > const &weights) const
template<typename Rhs >
Type const wnormSafe (ExprBase< Rhs > const &weights) const
template<typename Rhs >
Type const wnorm2 (ExprBase< Rhs > const &weights) const
template<typename Rhs >
Type const wnorm2Safe (ExprBase< Rhs > const &weights) const
template<typename Rhs >
Type const wmean (ExprBase< Rhs > const &weights) const
template<typename Rhs >
Type const wmeanSafe (ExprBase< Rhs > const &weights) const
template<typename Rhs >
Type const wvariance (ExprBase< Rhs > const &weights) const
template<typename Rhs >
Type const wvarianceSafe (ExprBase< Rhs > const &weights) const
template<typename Rhs >
Type const wvariance (Type const &mean, ExprBase< Rhs > const &weights) const
template<typename Rhs >
Type const wvarianceSafe (Type const &mean, ExprBase< Rhs > const &weights) const
template<typename Rhs >
hidden::OperatorSelector< Derived, Rhs, Arrays::equalOp_ >::Result const operator== (ExprBase< Rhs > const &other) const
template<typename Rhs >
hidden::OperatorSelector< Derived, Rhs, Arrays::notEqualOp_ >::Result const operator!= (ExprBase< Rhs > const &other) const
template<typename Rhs >
hidden::OperatorSelector< Derived, Rhs, Arrays::greaterThanOp_ >::Result const operator> (ExprBase< Rhs > const &other) const
template<typename Rhs >
hidden::OperatorSelector< Derived, Rhs, Arrays::lessThanOp_ >::Result const operator< (ExprBase< Rhs > const &other) const
template<typename Rhs >
hidden::OperatorSelector< Derived, Rhs, Arrays::greaterThanOrEqualOp_ >::Result const operator>= (ExprBase< Rhs > const &other) const
template<typename Rhs >
hidden::OperatorSelector< Derived, Rhs, Arrays::lessThanOrEqualOp_ >::Result const operator<= (ExprBase< Rhs > const &other) const
template<typename Rhs >
hidden::OperatorSelector< Derived, Rhs, Arrays::sumOp_ >::Result const operator+ (ExprBase< Rhs > const &other) const
template<typename Rhs >
hidden::OperatorSelector< Derived, Rhs, Arrays::differenceOp_ >::Result const operator- (ExprBase< Rhs > const &other) const
template<typename Rhs >
hidden::OperatorSelector< Derived, Rhs, Arrays::productOp_ >::Result const prod (ExprBase< Rhs > const &other) const
template<typename Rhs >
hidden::OperatorSelector< Derived, Rhs, Arrays::divisionOp_ >::Result const operator/ (ExprBase< Rhs > const &other) const
template<typename Rhs >
hidden::OperatorSelector< Derived, Rhs, Arrays::moduloOp_ >::Result const operator% (ExprBase< Rhs > const &other) const
template<typename Rhs >
hidden::OperatorSelector< Derived, Rhs, Arrays::minOp_ >::Result const min (ExprBase< Rhs > const &other) const
template<typename Rhs >
hidden::OperatorSelector< Derived, Rhs, Arrays::maxOp_ >::Result const max (ExprBase< Rhs > const &other) const
template<typename Rhs >
hidden::OperatorSelector< Derived, Rhs, Arrays::logicalAndOp_ >::Result const operator&& (ExprBase< Rhs > const &other) const
template<typename Rhs >
hidden::OperatorSelector< Derived, Rhs, Arrays::logicalOrOp_ >::Result const operator|| (ExprBase< Rhs > const &other) const
template<typename Rhs >
hidden::OperatorSelector< Derived, Rhs, Arrays::bitwiseAndOp_ >::Result const operator& (ExprBase< Rhs > const &other) const
template<typename Rhs >
hidden::OperatorSelector< Derived, Rhs, Arrays::bitwiseOrOp_ >::Result const operator| (ExprBase< Rhs > const &other) const
template<typename Rhs >
hidden::OperatorSelector< Derived, Rhs, Arrays::bitwiseXorOp_ >::Result const operator^ (ExprBase< Rhs > const &other) const
UnaryOperator< OppositeOp< Type >, Derived > operator- () const
UnaryOperator< IsNaOp< Type >, Derived > isNA () const
UnaryOperator< NegOp< Type >, Derived > neg () const
UnaryOperator< IsFiniteOp< Type >, Derived > isFinite () const
UnaryOperator< IsInfiniteOp< Type >, Derived > isInfinite () const
UnaryOperator< AbsOp< Type >, Derived > abs () const
UnaryOperator< ExpOp< Type >, Derived > exp () const
UnaryOperator< LogOp< Type >, Derived > log () const
UnaryOperator< SqrtOp< Type >, Derived > sqrt () const
UnaryOperator< CosOp< Type >, Derived > cos () const
UnaryOperator< SinOp< Type >, Derived > sin () const
UnaryOperator< AcosOp< Type >, Derived > acos () const
UnaryOperator< AsinOp< Type >, Derived > asin () const
UnaryOperator< TanOp< Type >, Derived > tan () const
UnaryOperator< InverseOp< Type >, Derived > inverse () const
UnaryOperator< SquareOp< Type >, Derived > square () const
UnaryOperator< CubeOp< Type >, Derived > cube () const
UnaryOperator< EqualWithOp< Type >, Derived > operator== (Type const &value) const
UnaryOperator< NotEqualWithOp< Type >, Derived > operator!= (Type const &value) const
UnaryOperator< GreaterThanOp< Type >, Derived > operator> (Type const &value) const
UnaryOperator< LessThanOp< Type >, Derived > operator< (Type const &value) const
UnaryOperator< LeqThanOp< Type >, Derived > operator<= (Type const &value) const
UnaryOperator< GeqThanOp< Type >, Derived > operator>= (Type const &value) const
UnaryOperator< MinWithOp< Type >, Derived > min (Type const &value) const
UnaryOperator< MaxWithOp< Type >, Derived > max (Type const &value) const
UnaryOperator< SumWithOp< Type >, Derived > operator+ (Type const &value) const
UnaryOperator< DifferenceWithOp< Type >, Derived > operator- (Type const &value) const
UnaryOperator< ProductWithOp< Type >, Derived > operator* (Type const &value) const
UnaryOperator< DivisionWithOp< Type >, Derived > operator/ (Type const &value) const
UnaryOperator< ModuloWithOp< Type >, Derived > operator% (Type const &value) const
UnaryOperator< LogicalAndWithOp< Type >, Derived > operator&& (Type const &value) const
UnaryOperator< LogicalOrWithOp< Type >, Derived > operator|| (Type const &value) const
UnaryOperator< BitwiseAndWithOp< Type >, Derived > operator& (Type const &value) const
UnaryOperator< BitwiseOrWithOp< Type >, Derived > operator| (Type const &value) const
UnaryOperator< BitwiseXorWithOp< Type >, Derived > operator^ (Type const &value) const
UnaryOperator< PowOp< Type >, Derived > pow (Type const &value) const
UnaryOperator< SafeInverseOp< Type >, Derived > safeInverse (Type const &value) const
UnaryOperator< SafeOp< Type >, Derived > const safe (Type const value=Type()) const
template<typename OtherType >
UnaryOperator< CastOp< Type, OtherType >, Derived > const cast () const
UnaryOperator< Law::PdfOp< Type >, Derived > pdf (Law::IUnivLaw< Type > const &law) const
 compute pdf values to this using distribution law given by user
UnaryOperator< Law::LogPdfOp< Type >, Derived > lpdf (Law::IUnivLaw< Type > const &law) const
 compute log-pdf values to this using distribution law given by user
UnaryOperator< Law::CdfOp< Type >, Derived > cdf (Law::IUnivLaw< Type > const &law) const
 compute cumulative distribution function of this using distribution law given by user
UnaryOperator< Law::LogCdfOp< Type >, Derived > lcdf (Law::IUnivLaw< Type > const &law) const
 compute log-cumulative distribution function of this using distribution law given by user
UnaryOperator< Law::CdfcOp< Type >, Derived > cdfc (Law::IUnivLaw< Type > const &law) const
 compute complementary cumulative distribution function of this using distribution law given by user
UnaryOperator< Law::LogCdfcOp< Type >, Derived > lcdfc (Law::IUnivLaw< Type > const &law) const
 compute complementary cumulative distribution function of this using distribution law given by user
UnaryOperator< Law::IcdfOp< Type >, Derived > icdf (Law::IUnivLaw< Type > const &law) const
 compute inverse cumulative distribution function using distribution law given by user
template<template< typename > class OtherOperator>
UnaryOperator< OtherOperator< Type >, Derived > const funct0 () const
template<template< typename > class OtherOperator>
UnaryOperator< OtherOperator< Type >, Derived > const funct1 (Type const value) const
TransposeOperator< Derived > const transpose () const
DiagonalizeOperator< Derived > const diagonalize () const
DiagonalGetterOperator< Derived > const getDiagonal () const
UpperTriangularizeOperator< Derived > const upperTriangularize () const
LowerTriangularizeOperator< Derived > const lowerTriangularize () const
SymmetrizeOperator< Derived > const symmetrize () const
UpperSymmetrizeOperator< Derived > const upperSymmetrize () const
LowerSymmetrizeOperator< Derived > const lowerSymmetrize () const
template<int Size_>
SubVectorOperator< Derived, Size_ > const sub (TRange< Size_ > const &I) const
ColOperator< Derived > const col (int j) const
RowOperator< Derived > const row (int i) const
template<int Size_>
SubOperator< Derived, sizeRows_, Size_ > const col (TRange< Size_ > const &J) const
template<int Size_>
SubOperator< Derived, Size_, sizeCols_ > const row (TRange< Size_ > const &I) const
template<int SizeRows_, int SizeCols_>
SubOperator< Derived, SizeRows_, SizeCols_ > const sub (TRange< SizeRows_ > const &I, TRange< SizeCols_ > const &J) const
template<class Rhs >
hidden::Promote< Type, typenameRhs::Type >::result_type const dot (ExprBase< Rhs > const &other) const
template<class Rhs >
hidden::Promote< Type, typenameRhs::Type >::result_type const dotSafe (ExprBase< Rhs > const &other) const
template<typename Rhs >
hidden::ProductSelector< Derived, Rhs, hidden::Traits< Derived >::structure_, hidden::Traits< Rhs >::structure_ >::ProductType const operator* (ExprBase< Rhs > const &other) const
template<typename Rhs >
hidden::Traits< Derived >::Type const wsum (ExprBase< Rhs > const &weights) const
template<typename Rhs >
hidden::Traits< Derived >::Type const wsumSafe (ExprBase< Rhs > const &weights) const
template<typename Rhs >
hidden::Traits< Derived >::Type const wnorm (ExprBase< Rhs > const &weights) const
template<typename Rhs >
hidden::Traits< Derived >::Type const wnormSafe (ExprBase< Rhs > const &weights) const
template<typename Rhs >
hidden::Traits< Derived >::Type const wnorm2 (ExprBase< Rhs > const &weights) const
template<typename Rhs >
hidden::Traits< Derived >::Type const wnorm2Safe (ExprBase< Rhs > const &weights) const
template<typename Rhs >
hidden::Traits< Derived >::Type const wmean (ExprBase< Rhs > const &weights) const
template<typename Rhs >
hidden::Traits< Derived >::Type const wmeanSafe (ExprBase< Rhs > const &weights) const
template<typename Rhs >
hidden::Traits< Derived >::Type const wvariance (ExprBase< Rhs > const &weights) const
template<typename Rhs >
hidden::Traits< Derived >::Type const wvarianceSafe (ExprBase< Rhs > const &weights) const
template<typename Rhs >
hidden::Traits< Derived >::Type const wvariance (Type const &mean, ExprBase< Rhs > const &weights) const
template<typename Rhs >
hidden::Traits< Derived >::Type const wvarianceSafe (Type const &mean, ExprBase< Rhs > const &weights) const

Additional Inherited Members

- Protected Types inherited from STK::IContainer2D< SizeRows_, SizeCols_ >
typedef TRange< SizeRows_RowRange
 Type of the Range for the rows.
typedef TRange< SizeCols_ColRange
 Type of the Range for the columns.
- Protected Types inherited from STK::ExprBase< Derived >
enum  {
  structure_ = hidden::Traits<Derived>::structure_ , orient_ = hidden::Traits<Derived>::orient_ , sizeRows_ = hidden::Traits<Derived>::sizeRows_ , sizeCols_ = hidden::Traits<Derived>::sizeCols_ ,
  storage_ = hidden::Traits<Derived>::storage_
typedef ITContainer< Derived, structure_Base
typedef hidden::Traits< Derived >::Type Type
typedef hidden::Traits< Derived >::TypeConst TypeConst
- Protected Member Functions inherited from STK::Const::IConstArray< UpperTriangular< Type_, SizeRows_, SizeCols_ > >
 IConstArray ()
 default constructor
 IConstArray (Range const &rows, Range const &cols)
 constructor with specified dimension
 ~IConstArray ()
- Protected Member Functions inherited from STK::IContainer2D< SizeRows_, SizeCols_ >
void shift (int rbeg, int cbeg)
 Set the first index of the rows and columns.
void setRanges (RowRange const &I=RowRange(), ColRange const &J=ColRange())
 Set the ranges of the container.
void setRows (RowRange const &I=RowRange())
 Set the range of the number of rows.
void shiftRows (int beg)
 Set the first index of the rows.
void incRangeRows (int inc)
 Increment the range of the number of rows.
void incBeginRows (int inc)
 Increment the first index of the number of rows.
void decBeginRows (int dec)
 Decrement the first index of the number of rows.
void incEndRows (int inc)
 Increment the end of the number of rows.
void decEndRows (int dec)
 Decrement the end of the number of rows.
void setCols (ColRange const &J=ColRange())
 Set the columns range.
void shiftCols (int beg)
 Shift the columns first index to beg.
void incRangeCols (int inc)
 Increment the columns range.
void incBeginCols (int inc)
 increment the first index of the columns.
void decBeginCols (int dec)
 Decrement the columns first index.
void incEndCols (int inc)
 Increment the last index of the columns.
void decEndCols (int dec)
 Decrement the last index of the columns.
void exchange (IContainer2D &T)
 exchange this container with T
void incLastIdxRows (int inc)
 Increment the end of the number of rows.
void decLastIdxRows (int dec)
 Decrement the end of the number of rows.
void incLastIdxCols (int inc)
 Increment the last index of the columns.
void decLastIdxCols (int dec)
 Decrement the last index of the columns.
 IContainer2D ()
 Default constructor.
 IContainer2D (RowRange const &I, ColRange const &J)
 Constructor with specified ranges.
 IContainer2D (IContainer2D const &T)
 Copy constructor.
 ~IContainer2D ()
ColRange constcols () const
int beginCols () const
int endCols () const
int sizeCols () const
RowRange constrows () const
int beginRows () const
int endRows () const
int sizeRows () const
int lastIdxCols () const
int lastIdxRows () const
bool empty () const
- Protected Member Functions inherited from STK::ExprBase< Derived >
 ExprBase ()
 Default constructor.
 ~ExprBase ()
template<typename Visitor >
Visitor::TypeConst visit (Visitor &visitor) const
 Visit the container using a constant visitor.
int count () const
 compute the value of non-zero element in an expression.
bool const any () const
 check if there is any non-zero element in an expression.
bool const all () const
 check if all the elements in an expression are not zero.
int nbAvailableValues () const
Type const minElt (int &row, int &col) const
Type const minEltSafe (int &row, int &col) const
Type const maxElt (int &row, int &col) const
Type const maxEltSafe (int &row, int &col) const
Type const minElt (int &pos) const
Type const minEltSafe (int &pos) const
Type const maxElt (int &pos) const
Type const maxEltSafe (int &pos) const
Type const minElt () const
Type const minEltSafe () const
Type const maxElt () const
Type const maxEltSafe () const
Type const sum () const
Type const sumSafe () const
Type const norm () const
Type const normSafe () const
Type const norm2 () const
Type const norm2Safe () const
Type const normInf () const
Type const mean () const
Type const meanSafe () const
Type const variance () const
Type const varianceSafe () const
Type const variance (Type const &mean) const
Type const varianceSafe (Type const &mean) const
template<typename Rhs >
Type const wsum (ExprBase< Rhs > const &weights) const
template<typename Rhs >
Type const wsumSafe (ExprBase< Rhs > const &weights) const
template<typename Rhs >
Type const wnorm (ExprBase< Rhs > const &weights) const
template<typename Rhs >
Type const wnormSafe (ExprBase< Rhs > const &weights) const
template<typename Rhs >
Type const wnorm2 (ExprBase< Rhs > const &weights) const
template<typename Rhs >
Type const wnorm2Safe (ExprBase< Rhs > const &weights) const
template<typename Rhs >
Type const wmean (ExprBase< Rhs > const &weights) const
template<typename Rhs >
Type const wmeanSafe (ExprBase< Rhs > const &weights) const
template<typename Rhs >
Type const wvariance (ExprBase< Rhs > const &weights) const
template<typename Rhs >
Type const wvarianceSafe (ExprBase< Rhs > const &weights) const
template<typename Rhs >
Type const wvariance (Type const &mean, ExprBase< Rhs > const &weights) const
template<typename Rhs >
Type const wvarianceSafe (Type const &mean, ExprBase< Rhs > const &weights) const
template<typename Rhs >
hidden::OperatorSelector< Derived, Rhs, Arrays::equalOp_ >::Result const operator== (ExprBase< Rhs > const &other) const
template<typename Rhs >
hidden::OperatorSelector< Derived, Rhs, Arrays::notEqualOp_ >::Result const operator!= (ExprBase< Rhs > const &other) const
template<typename Rhs >
hidden::OperatorSelector< Derived, Rhs, Arrays::greaterThanOp_ >::Result const operator> (ExprBase< Rhs > const &other) const
template<typename Rhs >
hidden::OperatorSelector< Derived, Rhs, Arrays::lessThanOp_ >::Result const operator< (ExprBase< Rhs > const &other) const
template<typename Rhs >
hidden::OperatorSelector< Derived, Rhs, Arrays::greaterThanOrEqualOp_ >::Result const operator>= (ExprBase< Rhs > const &other) const
template<typename Rhs >
hidden::OperatorSelector< Derived, Rhs, Arrays::lessThanOrEqualOp_ >::Result const operator<= (ExprBase< Rhs > const &other) const
template<typename Rhs >
hidden::OperatorSelector< Derived, Rhs, Arrays::sumOp_ >::Result const operator+ (ExprBase< Rhs > const &other) const
template<typename Rhs >
hidden::OperatorSelector< Derived, Rhs, Arrays::differenceOp_ >::Result const operator- (ExprBase< Rhs > const &other) const
template<typename Rhs >
hidden::OperatorSelector< Derived, Rhs, Arrays::productOp_ >::Result const prod (ExprBase< Rhs > const &other) const
template<typename Rhs >
hidden::OperatorSelector< Derived, Rhs, Arrays::divisionOp_ >::Result const operator/ (ExprBase< Rhs > const &other) const
template<typename Rhs >
hidden::OperatorSelector< Derived, Rhs, Arrays::moduloOp_ >::Result const operator% (ExprBase< Rhs > const &other) const
template<typename Rhs >
hidden::OperatorSelector< Derived, Rhs, Arrays::minOp_ >::Result const min (ExprBase< Rhs > const &other) const
template<typename Rhs >
hidden::OperatorSelector< Derived, Rhs, Arrays::maxOp_ >::Result const max (ExprBase< Rhs > const &other) const
template<typename Rhs >
hidden::OperatorSelector< Derived, Rhs, Arrays::logicalAndOp_ >::Result const operator&& (ExprBase< Rhs > const &other) const
template<typename Rhs >
hidden::OperatorSelector< Derived, Rhs, Arrays::logicalOrOp_ >::Result const operator|| (ExprBase< Rhs > const &other) const
template<typename Rhs >
hidden::OperatorSelector< Derived, Rhs, Arrays::bitwiseAndOp_ >::Result const operator& (ExprBase< Rhs > const &other) const
template<typename Rhs >
hidden::OperatorSelector< Derived, Rhs, Arrays::bitwiseOrOp_ >::Result const operator| (ExprBase< Rhs > const &other) const
template<typename Rhs >
hidden::OperatorSelector< Derived, Rhs, Arrays::bitwiseXorOp_ >::Result const operator^ (ExprBase< Rhs > const &other) const
UnaryOperator< OppositeOp< Type >, Derived > operator- () const
UnaryOperator< IsNaOp< Type >, Derived > isNA () const
UnaryOperator< NegOp< Type >, Derived > neg () const
UnaryOperator< IsFiniteOp< Type >, Derived > isFinite () const
UnaryOperator< IsInfiniteOp< Type >, Derived > isInfinite () const
UnaryOperator< AbsOp< Type >, Derived > abs () const
UnaryOperator< ExpOp< Type >, Derived > exp () const
UnaryOperator< LogOp< Type >, Derived > log () const
UnaryOperator< SqrtOp< Type >, Derived > sqrt () const
UnaryOperator< CosOp< Type >, Derived > cos () const
UnaryOperator< SinOp< Type >, Derived > sin () const
UnaryOperator< AcosOp< Type >, Derived > acos () const
UnaryOperator< AsinOp< Type >, Derived > asin () const
UnaryOperator< TanOp< Type >, Derived > tan () const
UnaryOperator< InverseOp< Type >, Derived > inverse () const
UnaryOperator< SquareOp< Type >, Derived > square () const
UnaryOperator< CubeOp< Type >, Derived > cube () const
UnaryOperator< EqualWithOp< Type >, Derived > operator== (Type const &value) const
UnaryOperator< NotEqualWithOp< Type >, Derived > operator!= (Type const &value) const
UnaryOperator< GreaterThanOp< Type >, Derived > operator> (Type const &value) const
UnaryOperator< LessThanOp< Type >, Derived > operator< (Type const &value) const
UnaryOperator< LeqThanOp< Type >, Derived > operator<= (Type const &value) const
UnaryOperator< GeqThanOp< Type >, Derived > operator>= (Type const &value) const
UnaryOperator< MinWithOp< Type >, Derived > min (Type const &value) const
UnaryOperator< MaxWithOp< Type >, Derived > max (Type const &value) const
UnaryOperator< SumWithOp< Type >, Derived > operator+ (Type const &value) const
UnaryOperator< DifferenceWithOp< Type >, Derived > operator- (Type const &value) const
UnaryOperator< ProductWithOp< Type >, Derived > operator* (Type const &value) const
UnaryOperator< DivisionWithOp< Type >, Derived > operator/ (Type const &value) const
UnaryOperator< ModuloWithOp< Type >, Derived > operator% (Type const &value) const
UnaryOperator< LogicalAndWithOp< Type >, Derived > operator&& (Type const &value) const
UnaryOperator< LogicalOrWithOp< Type >, Derived > operator|| (Type const &value) const
UnaryOperator< BitwiseAndWithOp< Type >, Derived > operator& (Type const &value) const
UnaryOperator< BitwiseOrWithOp< Type >, Derived > operator| (Type const &value) const
UnaryOperator< BitwiseXorWithOp< Type >, Derived > operator^ (Type const &value) const
UnaryOperator< PowOp< Type >, Derived > pow (Type const &value) const
UnaryOperator< SafeInverseOp< Type >, Derived > safeInverse (Type const &value) const
UnaryOperator< SafeOp< Type >, Derived > const safe (Type const value=Type()) const
template<typename OtherType >
UnaryOperator< CastOp< Type, OtherType >, Derived > const cast () const
UnaryOperator< Law::PdfOp< Type >, Derived > pdf (Law::IUnivLaw< Type > const &law) const
 compute pdf values to this using distribution law given by user
UnaryOperator< Law::LogPdfOp< Type >, Derived > lpdf (Law::IUnivLaw< Type > const &law) const
 compute log-pdf values to this using distribution law given by user
UnaryOperator< Law::CdfOp< Type >, Derived > cdf (Law::IUnivLaw< Type > const &law) const
 compute cumulative distribution function of this using distribution law given by user
UnaryOperator< Law::LogCdfOp< Type >, Derived > lcdf (Law::IUnivLaw< Type > const &law) const
 compute log-cumulative distribution function of this using distribution law given by user
UnaryOperator< Law::CdfcOp< Type >, Derived > cdfc (Law::IUnivLaw< Type > const &law) const
 compute complementary cumulative distribution function of this using distribution law given by user
UnaryOperator< Law::LogCdfcOp< Type >, Derived > lcdfc (Law::IUnivLaw< Type > const &law) const
 compute complementary cumulative distribution function of this using distribution law given by user
UnaryOperator< Law::IcdfOp< Type >, Derived > icdf (Law::IUnivLaw< Type > const &law) const
 compute inverse cumulative distribution function using distribution law given by user
template<template< typename > class OtherOperator>
UnaryOperator< OtherOperator< Type >, Derived > const funct0 () const
template<template< typename > class OtherOperator>
UnaryOperator< OtherOperator< Type >, Derived > const funct1 (Type const value) const
TransposeOperator< Derived > const transpose () const
DiagonalizeOperator< Derived > const diagonalize () const
DiagonalGetterOperator< Derived > const getDiagonal () const
UpperTriangularizeOperator< Derived > const upperTriangularize () const
LowerTriangularizeOperator< Derived > const lowerTriangularize () const
SymmetrizeOperator< Derived > const symmetrize () const
UpperSymmetrizeOperator< Derived > const upperSymmetrize () const
LowerSymmetrizeOperator< Derived > const lowerSymmetrize () const
template<int Size_>
SubVectorOperator< Derived, Size_ > const sub (TRange< Size_ > const &I) const
ColOperator< Derived > const col (int j) const
RowOperator< Derived > const row (int i) const
template<int Size_>
SubOperator< Derived, sizeRows_, Size_ > const col (TRange< Size_ > const &J) const
template<int Size_>
SubOperator< Derived, Size_, sizeCols_ > const row (TRange< Size_ > const &I) const
template<int SizeRows_, int SizeCols_>
SubOperator< Derived, SizeRows_, SizeCols_ > const sub (TRange< SizeRows_ > const &I, TRange< SizeCols_ > const &J) const
template<class Rhs >
hidden::Promote< Type, typenameRhs::Type >::result_type const dot (ExprBase< Rhs > const &other) const
template<class Rhs >
hidden::Promote< Type, typenameRhs::Type >::result_type const dotSafe (ExprBase< Rhs > const &other) const
template<typename Rhs >
hidden::ProductSelector< Derived, Rhs, hidden::Traits< Derived >::structure_, hidden::Traits< Rhs >::structure_ >::ProductType const operator* (ExprBase< Rhs > const &other) const
template<typename Rhs >
hidden::Traits< Derived >::Type const wsum (ExprBase< Rhs > const &weights) const
template<typename Rhs >
hidden::Traits< Derived >::Type const wsumSafe (ExprBase< Rhs > const &weights) const
template<typename Rhs >
hidden::Traits< Derived >::Type const wnorm (ExprBase< Rhs > const &weights) const
template<typename Rhs >
hidden::Traits< Derived >::Type const wnormSafe (ExprBase< Rhs > const &weights) const
template<typename Rhs >
hidden::Traits< Derived >::Type const wnorm2 (ExprBase< Rhs > const &weights) const
template<typename Rhs >
hidden::Traits< Derived >::Type const wnorm2Safe (ExprBase< Rhs > const &weights) const
template<typename Rhs >
hidden::Traits< Derived >::Type const wmean (ExprBase< Rhs > const &weights) const
template<typename Rhs >
hidden::Traits< Derived >::Type const wmeanSafe (ExprBase< Rhs > const &weights) const
template<typename Rhs >
hidden::Traits< Derived >::Type const wvariance (ExprBase< Rhs > const &weights) const
template<typename Rhs >
hidden::Traits< Derived >::Type const wvarianceSafe (ExprBase< Rhs > const &weights) const
template<typename Rhs >
hidden::Traits< Derived >::Type const wvariance (Type const &mean, ExprBase< Rhs > const &weights) const
template<typename Rhs >
hidden::Traits< Derived >::Type const wvarianceSafe (Type const &mean, ExprBase< Rhs > const &weights) const

Detailed Description

template<typename Type_, int SizeRows_, int SizeCols_>
class STK::Const::UpperTriangular< Type_, SizeRows_, SizeCols_ >

Define the constant upper triangular matrix.

S =
  & 1 & & \text{\huge 1}\\
  &   & \ddots \\
  & \text{\huge 0} & & \ddots\\
  &               & &  & 1

The sizes can be either two fixed template arguments or dynamic sizes. Exemple:

STK::UpperTriangular<Real,3, 4> U3; // U3 is a 3x4 upper triangular matrix of Real
STK::UpperTriangular<Real> S(10, 20); // S is a 10x20 upper triangula matrix of Real
The MultidimRegression class allows to regress a multidimensional output variable among a multivariat...
Template Parameters
SizeRows_the number of row of the matrix. Default is UnknownSize.
SizeCols_the number of column of the matrix. Default is UnknownSize.

Definition at line 459 of file STK_Const_Arrays.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ Base

template<typename Type_ , int SizeRows_, int SizeCols_>
typedef IConstArray<UpperTriangular<Type_, SizeRows_, SizeCols_> > STK::Const::UpperTriangular< Type_, SizeRows_, SizeCols_ >::Base

Definition at line 462 of file STK_Const_Arrays.h.

◆ Type

template<typename Type_ , int SizeRows_, int SizeCols_>
typedef hidden::Traits<UpperTriangular<Type_,SizeRows_,SizeCols_>>::Type STK::Const::UpperTriangular< Type_, SizeRows_, SizeCols_ >::Type

Definition at line 463 of file STK_Const_Arrays.h.

◆ TypeConst

template<typename Type_ , int SizeRows_, int SizeCols_>
typedef hidden::Traits<UpperTriangular<Type_,SizeRows_,SizeCols_>>::TypeConst STK::Const::UpperTriangular< Type_, SizeRows_, SizeCols_ >::TypeConst

Definition at line 464 of file STK_Const_Arrays.h.

Member Enumeration Documentation

◆ anonymous enum

template<typename Type_ , int SizeRows_, int SizeCols_>
anonymous enum

Definition at line 466 of file STK_Const_Arrays.h.

467 {
468 structure_ = hidden::Traits< UpperTriangular <Type_, SizeRows_, SizeCols_> >::structure_,
469 orient_ = hidden::Traits< UpperTriangular <Type_, SizeRows_, SizeCols_> >::orient_,
470 sizeRows_ = hidden::Traits< UpperTriangular <Type_, SizeRows_, SizeCols_> >::sizeRows_,
471 sizeCols_ = hidden::Traits< UpperTriangular <Type_, SizeRows_, SizeCols_> >::sizeCols_,
472 storage_ = hidden::Traits< UpperTriangular <Type_, SizeRows_, SizeCols_> >::storage_
473 };

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ UpperTriangular() [1/2]

template<typename Type_ , int SizeRows_, int SizeCols_>
STK::Const::UpperTriangular< Type_, SizeRows_, SizeCols_ >::UpperTriangular ( )

default constructor

Definition at line 475 of file STK_Const_Arrays.h.

475: Base() {}
IConstArray< UpperTriangular< Type_, SizeRows_, SizeCols_ > > Base

◆ UpperTriangular() [2/2]

template<typename Type_ , int SizeRows_, int SizeCols_>
STK::Const::UpperTriangular< Type_, SizeRows_, SizeCols_ >::UpperTriangular ( Range  rangeRows,
Range  rangeCols 

constructor with specified dimension

Definition at line 477 of file STK_Const_Arrays.h.

477: Base(rangeRows, rangeCols) {}

Member Function Documentation

◆ elt2Impl()

template<typename Type_ , int SizeRows_, int SizeCols_>
TypeConst STK::Const::UpperTriangular< Type_, SizeRows_, SizeCols_ >::elt2Impl ( int  i,
int  j 
) const
the element (i,j) of the constant upper triangular matrix.
i,jrow and column indexes

Definition at line 481 of file STK_Const_Arrays.h.

481{ return i<j ? (Type(1)) : Type(0);}
hidden::Traits< UpperTriangular< Type_, SizeRows_, SizeCols_ > >::Type Type

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