template<typename Visitor > |
Visitor::TypeConst | visit (Visitor &visitor) const |
| Visit the container using a constant visitor.
int | count () const |
| compute the value of non-zero element in an expression.
bool const | any () const |
| check if there is any non-zero element in an expression.
bool const | all () const |
| check if all the elements in an expression are not zero.
int | nbAvailableValues () const |
Type const | minElt (int &row, int &col) const |
Type const | minEltSafe (int &row, int &col) const |
Type const | maxElt (int &row, int &col) const |
Type const | maxEltSafe (int &row, int &col) const |
Type const | minElt (int &pos) const |
Type const | minEltSafe (int &pos) const |
Type const | maxElt (int &pos) const |
Type const | maxEltSafe (int &pos) const |
Type const | minElt () const |
Type const | minEltSafe () const |
Type const | maxElt () const |
Type const | maxEltSafe () const |
Type const | sum () const |
Type const | sumSafe () const |
Type const | norm () const |
Type const | normSafe () const |
Type const | norm2 () const |
Type const | norm2Safe () const |
Type const | normInf () const |
Type const | mean () const |
Type const | meanSafe () const |
Type const | variance () const |
Type const | varianceSafe () const |
Type const | variance (Type const &mean) const |
Type const | varianceSafe (Type const &mean) const |
template<typename Rhs > |
Type const | wsum (ExprBase< Rhs > const &weights) const |
template<typename Rhs > |
Type const | wsumSafe (ExprBase< Rhs > const &weights) const |
template<typename Rhs > |
Type const | wnorm (ExprBase< Rhs > const &weights) const |
template<typename Rhs > |
Type const | wnormSafe (ExprBase< Rhs > const &weights) const |
template<typename Rhs > |
Type const | wnorm2 (ExprBase< Rhs > const &weights) const |
template<typename Rhs > |
Type const | wnorm2Safe (ExprBase< Rhs > const &weights) const |
template<typename Rhs > |
Type const | wmean (ExprBase< Rhs > const &weights) const |
template<typename Rhs > |
Type const | wmeanSafe (ExprBase< Rhs > const &weights) const |
template<typename Rhs > |
Type const | wvariance (ExprBase< Rhs > const &weights) const |
template<typename Rhs > |
Type const | wvarianceSafe (ExprBase< Rhs > const &weights) const |
template<typename Rhs > |
Type const | wvariance (Type const &mean, ExprBase< Rhs > const &weights) const |
template<typename Rhs > |
Type const | wvarianceSafe (Type const &mean, ExprBase< Rhs > const &weights) const |
template<typename Rhs > |
hidden::OperatorSelector< Derived, Rhs, Arrays::equalOp_ >::Result const | operator== (ExprBase< Rhs > const &other) const |
template<typename Rhs > |
hidden::OperatorSelector< Derived, Rhs, Arrays::notEqualOp_ >::Result const | operator!= (ExprBase< Rhs > const &other) const |
template<typename Rhs > |
hidden::OperatorSelector< Derived, Rhs, Arrays::greaterThanOp_ >::Result const | operator> (ExprBase< Rhs > const &other) const |
template<typename Rhs > |
hidden::OperatorSelector< Derived, Rhs, Arrays::lessThanOp_ >::Result const | operator< (ExprBase< Rhs > const &other) const |
template<typename Rhs > |
hidden::OperatorSelector< Derived, Rhs, Arrays::greaterThanOrEqualOp_ >::Result const | operator>= (ExprBase< Rhs > const &other) const |
template<typename Rhs > |
hidden::OperatorSelector< Derived, Rhs, Arrays::lessThanOrEqualOp_ >::Result const | operator<= (ExprBase< Rhs > const &other) const |
template<typename Rhs > |
hidden::OperatorSelector< Derived, Rhs, Arrays::sumOp_ >::Result const | operator+ (ExprBase< Rhs > const &other) const |
template<typename Rhs > |
hidden::OperatorSelector< Derived, Rhs, Arrays::differenceOp_ >::Result const | operator- (ExprBase< Rhs > const &other) const |
template<typename Rhs > |
hidden::OperatorSelector< Derived, Rhs, Arrays::productOp_ >::Result const | prod (ExprBase< Rhs > const &other) const |
template<typename Rhs > |
hidden::OperatorSelector< Derived, Rhs, Arrays::divisionOp_ >::Result const | operator/ (ExprBase< Rhs > const &other) const |
template<typename Rhs > |
hidden::OperatorSelector< Derived, Rhs, Arrays::moduloOp_ >::Result const | operator% (ExprBase< Rhs > const &other) const |
template<typename Rhs > |
hidden::OperatorSelector< Derived, Rhs, Arrays::minOp_ >::Result const | min (ExprBase< Rhs > const &other) const |
template<typename Rhs > |
hidden::OperatorSelector< Derived, Rhs, Arrays::maxOp_ >::Result const | max (ExprBase< Rhs > const &other) const |
template<typename Rhs > |
hidden::OperatorSelector< Derived, Rhs, Arrays::logicalAndOp_ >::Result const | operator&& (ExprBase< Rhs > const &other) const |
template<typename Rhs > |
hidden::OperatorSelector< Derived, Rhs, Arrays::logicalOrOp_ >::Result const | operator|| (ExprBase< Rhs > const &other) const |
template<typename Rhs > |
hidden::OperatorSelector< Derived, Rhs, Arrays::bitwiseAndOp_ >::Result const | operator& (ExprBase< Rhs > const &other) const |
template<typename Rhs > |
hidden::OperatorSelector< Derived, Rhs, Arrays::bitwiseOrOp_ >::Result const | operator| (ExprBase< Rhs > const &other) const |
template<typename Rhs > |
hidden::OperatorSelector< Derived, Rhs, Arrays::bitwiseXorOp_ >::Result const | operator^ (ExprBase< Rhs > const &other) const |
UnaryOperator< OppositeOp< Type >, Derived > | operator- () const |
UnaryOperator< IsNaOp< Type >, Derived > | isNA () const |
UnaryOperator< NegOp< Type >, Derived > | neg () const |
UnaryOperator< IsFiniteOp< Type >, Derived > | isFinite () const |
UnaryOperator< IsInfiniteOp< Type >, Derived > | isInfinite () const |
UnaryOperator< AbsOp< Type >, Derived > | abs () const |
UnaryOperator< ExpOp< Type >, Derived > | exp () const |
UnaryOperator< LogOp< Type >, Derived > | log () const |
UnaryOperator< SqrtOp< Type >, Derived > | sqrt () const |
UnaryOperator< CosOp< Type >, Derived > | cos () const |
UnaryOperator< SinOp< Type >, Derived > | sin () const |
UnaryOperator< AcosOp< Type >, Derived > | acos () const |
UnaryOperator< AsinOp< Type >, Derived > | asin () const |
UnaryOperator< TanOp< Type >, Derived > | tan () const |
UnaryOperator< InverseOp< Type >, Derived > | inverse () const |
UnaryOperator< SquareOp< Type >, Derived > | square () const |
UnaryOperator< CubeOp< Type >, Derived > | cube () const |
UnaryOperator< EqualWithOp< Type >, Derived > | operator== (Type const &value) const |
UnaryOperator< NotEqualWithOp< Type >, Derived > | operator!= (Type const &value) const |
UnaryOperator< GreaterThanOp< Type >, Derived > | operator> (Type const &value) const |
UnaryOperator< LessThanOp< Type >, Derived > | operator< (Type const &value) const |
UnaryOperator< LeqThanOp< Type >, Derived > | operator<= (Type const &value) const |
UnaryOperator< GeqThanOp< Type >, Derived > | operator>= (Type const &value) const |
UnaryOperator< MinWithOp< Type >, Derived > | min (Type const &value) const |
UnaryOperator< MaxWithOp< Type >, Derived > | max (Type const &value) const |
UnaryOperator< SumWithOp< Type >, Derived > | operator+ (Type const &value) const |
UnaryOperator< DifferenceWithOp< Type >, Derived > | operator- (Type const &value) const |
UnaryOperator< ProductWithOp< Type >, Derived > | operator* (Type const &value) const |
UnaryOperator< DivisionWithOp< Type >, Derived > | operator/ (Type const &value) const |
UnaryOperator< ModuloWithOp< Type >, Derived > | operator% (Type const &value) const |
UnaryOperator< LogicalAndWithOp< Type >, Derived > | operator&& (Type const &value) const |
UnaryOperator< LogicalOrWithOp< Type >, Derived > | operator|| (Type const &value) const |
UnaryOperator< BitwiseAndWithOp< Type >, Derived > | operator& (Type const &value) const |
UnaryOperator< BitwiseOrWithOp< Type >, Derived > | operator| (Type const &value) const |
UnaryOperator< BitwiseXorWithOp< Type >, Derived > | operator^ (Type const &value) const |
UnaryOperator< PowOp< Type >, Derived > | pow (Type const &value) const |
UnaryOperator< SafeInverseOp< Type >, Derived > | safeInverse (Type const &value) const |
UnaryOperator< SafeOp< Type >, Derived > const | safe (Type const value=Type()) const |
template<typename OtherType > |
UnaryOperator< CastOp< Type, OtherType >, Derived > const | cast () const |
UnaryOperator< Law::PdfOp< Type >, Derived > | pdf (Law::IUnivLaw< Type > const &law) const |
| compute pdf values to this using distribution law given by user
UnaryOperator< Law::LogPdfOp< Type >, Derived > | lpdf (Law::IUnivLaw< Type > const &law) const |
| compute log-pdf values to this using distribution law given by user
UnaryOperator< Law::CdfOp< Type >, Derived > | cdf (Law::IUnivLaw< Type > const &law) const |
| compute cumulative distribution function of this using distribution law given by user
UnaryOperator< Law::LogCdfOp< Type >, Derived > | lcdf (Law::IUnivLaw< Type > const &law) const |
| compute log-cumulative distribution function of this using distribution law given by user
UnaryOperator< Law::CdfcOp< Type >, Derived > | cdfc (Law::IUnivLaw< Type > const &law) const |
| compute complementary cumulative distribution function of this using distribution law given by user
UnaryOperator< Law::LogCdfcOp< Type >, Derived > | lcdfc (Law::IUnivLaw< Type > const &law) const |
| compute complementary cumulative distribution function of this using distribution law given by user
UnaryOperator< Law::IcdfOp< Type >, Derived > | icdf (Law::IUnivLaw< Type > const &law) const |
| compute inverse cumulative distribution function using distribution law given by user
template<template< typename > class OtherOperator> |
UnaryOperator< OtherOperator< Type >, Derived > const | funct0 () const |
template<template< typename > class OtherOperator> |
UnaryOperator< OtherOperator< Type >, Derived > const | funct1 (Type const value) const |
TransposeOperator< Derived > const | transpose () const |
DiagonalizeOperator< Derived > const | diagonalize () const |
DiagonalGetterOperator< Derived > const | getDiagonal () const |
UpperTriangularizeOperator< Derived > const | upperTriangularize () const |
LowerTriangularizeOperator< Derived > const | lowerTriangularize () const |
SymmetrizeOperator< Derived > const | symmetrize () const |
UpperSymmetrizeOperator< Derived > const | upperSymmetrize () const |
LowerSymmetrizeOperator< Derived > const | lowerSymmetrize () const |
template<int Size_> |
SubVectorOperator< Derived, Size_ > const | sub (TRange< Size_ > const &I) const |
ColOperator< Derived > const | col (int j) const |
RowOperator< Derived > const | row (int i) const |
template<int Size_> |
SubOperator< Derived, sizeRows_, Size_ > const | col (TRange< Size_ > const &J) const |
template<int Size_> |
SubOperator< Derived, Size_, sizeCols_ > const | row (TRange< Size_ > const &I) const |
template<int SizeRows_, int SizeCols_> |
SubOperator< Derived, SizeRows_, SizeCols_ > const | sub (TRange< SizeRows_ > const &I, TRange< SizeCols_ > const &J) const |
template<class Rhs > |
hidden::Promote< Type, typenameRhs::Type >::result_type const | dot (ExprBase< Rhs > const &other) const |
template<class Rhs > |
hidden::Promote< Type, typenameRhs::Type >::result_type const | dotSafe (ExprBase< Rhs > const &other) const |
template<typename Rhs > |
hidden::ProductSelector< Derived, Rhs, hidden::Traits< Derived >::structure_, hidden::Traits< Rhs >::structure_ >::ProductType const | operator* (ExprBase< Rhs > const &other) const |
template<typename Rhs > |
hidden::Traits< Derived >::Type const | wsum (ExprBase< Rhs > const &weights) const |
template<typename Rhs > |
hidden::Traits< Derived >::Type const | wsumSafe (ExprBase< Rhs > const &weights) const |
template<typename Rhs > |
hidden::Traits< Derived >::Type const | wnorm (ExprBase< Rhs > const &weights) const |
template<typename Rhs > |
hidden::Traits< Derived >::Type const | wnormSafe (ExprBase< Rhs > const &weights) const |
template<typename Rhs > |
hidden::Traits< Derived >::Type const | wnorm2 (ExprBase< Rhs > const &weights) const |
template<typename Rhs > |
hidden::Traits< Derived >::Type const | wnorm2Safe (ExprBase< Rhs > const &weights) const |
template<typename Rhs > |
hidden::Traits< Derived >::Type const | wmean (ExprBase< Rhs > const &weights) const |
template<typename Rhs > |
hidden::Traits< Derived >::Type const | wmeanSafe (ExprBase< Rhs > const &weights) const |
template<typename Rhs > |
hidden::Traits< Derived >::Type const | wvariance (ExprBase< Rhs > const &weights) const |
template<typename Rhs > |
hidden::Traits< Derived >::Type const | wvarianceSafe (ExprBase< Rhs > const &weights) const |
template<typename Rhs > |
hidden::Traits< Derived >::Type const | wvariance (Type const &mean, ExprBase< Rhs > const &weights) const |
template<typename Rhs > |
hidden::Traits< Derived >::Type const | wvarianceSafe (Type const &mean, ExprBase< Rhs > const &weights) const |
class Derived>
class STK::ExprBase< Derived >
base class for template evaluation expressions and visitors.
This class is the base that is inherited by all objects (matrix, vector, point and expression). The common API for these objects is contained in this class.
- Template Parameters
Derived | is the derived type, e.g., a matrix, vector, type or an expression. |
Definition at line 113 of file STK_ExprBase.h.