STK++ 0.9.13
STK::DotProduct< Lhs, Rhs > Class Template Reference

Generic expression where a DotProduct is applied to two expressions. More...

#include <STK_DotProduct.h>

Inheritance diagram for STK::DotProduct< Lhs, Rhs >:
Inheritance graph

Public Types

enum  {
  structure_ = hidden::Traits<DotProduct>::structure_ , orient_ = hidden::Traits<DotProduct>::orient_ , sizeRows_ = hidden::Traits<DotProduct>::sizeRows_ , sizeCols_ = hidden::Traits<DotProduct>::sizeCols_ ,
  storage_ = hidden::Traits<DotProduct>::storage_
typedef hidden::Traits< DotProduct >::Type Type
typedef hidden::Traits< DotProduct >::TypeConst TypeConst
typedef hidden::Traits< DotProduct >::Allocator Allocator
typedef TRange< sizeRows_RowRange
 Type of the Range for the rows.
typedef TRange< sizeCols_ColRange
 Type of the Range for the columns.
- Public Types inherited from STK::ExprBase< DotProduct< Lhs, Rhs > >
typedef ITContainer< DotProduct< Lhs, Rhs >, structure_ > Base
typedef hidden::Traits< DotProduct< Lhs, Rhs > >::Type Type
typedef hidden::Traits< DotProduct< Lhs, Rhs > >::TypeConst TypeConst

Public Member Functions

 DotProduct (const Lhs &lhs, const Rhs &rhs)
RowRange constrowsImpl () const
ColRange constcolsImpl () const
TypeConst elt2Impl (int i, int j) const
 access to the element
TypeConst elt0Impl () const
 access to the element
Lhs constlhs () const
Rhs constrhs () const
Allocator constresult () const
- Public Member Functions inherited from STK::ExprBase< DotProduct< Lhs, Rhs > >
Visitor::TypeConst visit (Visitor &visitor) const
 Visit the container using a constant visitor.
int count () const
 compute the value of non-zero element in an expression.
bool const any () const
 check if there is any non-zero element in an expression.
bool const all () const
 check if all the elements in an expression are not zero.
int nbAvailableValues () const
Type const minElt (int &row, int &col) const
Type const minElt (int &pos) const
Type const minElt () const
Type const minEltSafe (int &row, int &col) const
Type const minEltSafe (int &pos) const
Type const minEltSafe () const
Type const maxElt (int &row, int &col) const
Type const maxElt (int &pos) const
Type const maxElt () const
Type const maxEltSafe (int &row, int &col) const
Type const maxEltSafe (int &pos) const
Type const maxEltSafe () const
Type const sum () const
Type const sumSafe () const
Type const norm () const
Type const normSafe () const
Type const norm2 () const
Type const norm2Safe () const
Type const normInf () const
Type const mean () const
Type const meanSafe () const
Type const variance () const
Type const variance (Type const &mean) const
Type const varianceSafe () const
Type const varianceSafe (Type const &mean) const
Type const wsum (ExprBase< Rhs > const &weights) const
hidden::Traits< DotProduct< Lhs, Rhs > >::Type const wsum (ExprBase< Rhs > const &weights) const
Type const wsumSafe (ExprBase< Rhs > const &weights) const
hidden::Traits< DotProduct< Lhs, Rhs > >::Type const wsumSafe (ExprBase< Rhs > const &weights) const
Type const wnorm (ExprBase< Rhs > const &weights) const
hidden::Traits< DotProduct< Lhs, Rhs > >::Type const wnorm (ExprBase< Rhs > const &weights) const
Type const wnormSafe (ExprBase< Rhs > const &weights) const
hidden::Traits< DotProduct< Lhs, Rhs > >::Type const wnormSafe (ExprBase< Rhs > const &weights) const
Type const wnorm2 (ExprBase< Rhs > const &weights) const
hidden::Traits< DotProduct< Lhs, Rhs > >::Type const wnorm2 (ExprBase< Rhs > const &weights) const
Type const wnorm2Safe (ExprBase< Rhs > const &weights) const
hidden::Traits< DotProduct< Lhs, Rhs > >::Type const wnorm2Safe (ExprBase< Rhs > const &weights) const
Type const wmean (ExprBase< Rhs > const &weights) const
hidden::Traits< DotProduct< Lhs, Rhs > >::Type const wmean (ExprBase< Rhs > const &weights) const
Type const wmeanSafe (ExprBase< Rhs > const &weights) const
hidden::Traits< DotProduct< Lhs, Rhs > >::Type const wmeanSafe (ExprBase< Rhs > const &weights) const
Type const wvariance (ExprBase< Rhs > const &weights) const
Type const wvariance (Type const &mean, ExprBase< Rhs > const &weights) const
hidden::Traits< DotProduct< Lhs, Rhs > >::Type const wvariance (ExprBase< Rhs > const &weights) const
hidden::Traits< DotProduct< Lhs, Rhs > >::Type const wvariance (Type const &mean, ExprBase< Rhs > const &weights) const
Type const wvarianceSafe (ExprBase< Rhs > const &weights) const
Type const wvarianceSafe (Type const &mean, ExprBase< Rhs > const &weights) const
hidden::Traits< DotProduct< Lhs, Rhs > >::Type const wvarianceSafe (ExprBase< Rhs > const &weights) const
hidden::Traits< DotProduct< Lhs, Rhs > >::Type const wvarianceSafe (Type const &mean, ExprBase< Rhs > const &weights) const
hidden::OperatorSelector< DotProduct< Lhs, Rhs >, Rhs, Arrays::equalOp_ >::Result const operator== (ExprBase< Rhs > const &other) const
UnaryOperator< EqualWithOp< Type >, DotProduct< Lhs, Rhs > > operator== (Type const &value) const
hidden::OperatorSelector< DotProduct< Lhs, Rhs >, Rhs, Arrays::notEqualOp_ >::Result const operator!= (ExprBase< Rhs > const &other) const
UnaryOperator< NotEqualWithOp< Type >, DotProduct< Lhs, Rhs > > operator!= (Type const &value) const
hidden::OperatorSelector< DotProduct< Lhs, Rhs >, Rhs, Arrays::greaterThanOp_ >::Result const operator> (ExprBase< Rhs > const &other) const
UnaryOperator< GreaterThanOp< Type >, DotProduct< Lhs, Rhs > > operator> (Type const &value) const
hidden::OperatorSelector< DotProduct< Lhs, Rhs >, Rhs, Arrays::lessThanOp_ >::Result const operator< (ExprBase< Rhs > const &other) const
UnaryOperator< LessThanOp< Type >, DotProduct< Lhs, Rhs > > operator< (Type const &value) const
hidden::OperatorSelector< DotProduct< Lhs, Rhs >, Rhs, Arrays::greaterThanOrEqualOp_ >::Result const operator>= (ExprBase< Rhs > const &other) const
UnaryOperator< GeqThanOp< Type >, DotProduct< Lhs, Rhs > > operator>= (Type const &value) const
hidden::OperatorSelector< DotProduct< Lhs, Rhs >, Rhs, Arrays::lessThanOrEqualOp_ >::Result const operator<= (ExprBase< Rhs > const &other) const
UnaryOperator< LeqThanOp< Type >, DotProduct< Lhs, Rhs > > operator<= (Type const &value) const
hidden::OperatorSelector< DotProduct< Lhs, Rhs >, Rhs, Arrays::sumOp_ >::Result const operator+ (ExprBase< Rhs > const &other) const
UnaryOperator< SumWithOp< Type >, DotProduct< Lhs, Rhs > > operator+ (Type const &value) const
hidden::OperatorSelector< DotProduct< Lhs, Rhs >, Rhs, Arrays::differenceOp_ >::Result const operator- (ExprBase< Rhs > const &other) const
UnaryOperator< OppositeOp< Type >, DotProduct< Lhs, Rhs > > operator- () const
UnaryOperator< DifferenceWithOp< Type >, DotProduct< Lhs, Rhs > > operator- (Type const &value) const
hidden::OperatorSelector< DotProduct< Lhs, Rhs >, Rhs, Arrays::productOp_ >::Result const prod (ExprBase< Rhs > const &other) const
hidden::OperatorSelector< DotProduct< Lhs, Rhs >, Rhs, Arrays::divisionOp_ >::Result const operator/ (ExprBase< Rhs > const &other) const
UnaryOperator< DivisionWithOp< Type >, DotProduct< Lhs, Rhs > > operator/ (Type const &value) const
hidden::OperatorSelector< DotProduct< Lhs, Rhs >, Rhs, Arrays::moduloOp_ >::Result const operator% (ExprBase< Rhs > const &other) const
UnaryOperator< ModuloWithOp< Type >, DotProduct< Lhs, Rhs > > operator% (Type const &value) const
hidden::OperatorSelector< DotProduct< Lhs, Rhs >, Rhs, Arrays::minOp_ >::Result const min (ExprBase< Rhs > const &other) const
UnaryOperator< MinWithOp< Type >, DotProduct< Lhs, Rhs > > min (Type const &value) const
hidden::OperatorSelector< DotProduct< Lhs, Rhs >, Rhs, Arrays::maxOp_ >::Result const max (ExprBase< Rhs > const &other) const
UnaryOperator< MaxWithOp< Type >, DotProduct< Lhs, Rhs > > max (Type const &value) const
hidden::OperatorSelector< DotProduct< Lhs, Rhs >, Rhs, Arrays::logicalAndOp_ >::Result const operator&& (ExprBase< Rhs > const &other) const
UnaryOperator< LogicalAndWithOp< Type >, DotProduct< Lhs, Rhs > > operator&& (Type const &value) const
hidden::OperatorSelector< DotProduct< Lhs, Rhs >, Rhs, Arrays::logicalOrOp_ >::Result const operator|| (ExprBase< Rhs > const &other) const
UnaryOperator< LogicalOrWithOp< Type >, DotProduct< Lhs, Rhs > > operator|| (Type const &value) const
hidden::OperatorSelector< DotProduct< Lhs, Rhs >, Rhs, Arrays::bitwiseAndOp_ >::Result const operator& (ExprBase< Rhs > const &other) const
UnaryOperator< BitwiseAndWithOp< Type >, DotProduct< Lhs, Rhs > > operator& (Type const &value) const
hidden::OperatorSelector< DotProduct< Lhs, Rhs >, Rhs, Arrays::bitwiseOrOp_ >::Result const operator| (ExprBase< Rhs > const &other) const
UnaryOperator< BitwiseOrWithOp< Type >, DotProduct< Lhs, Rhs > > operator| (Type const &value) const
hidden::OperatorSelector< DotProduct< Lhs, Rhs >, Rhs, Arrays::bitwiseXorOp_ >::Result const operator^ (ExprBase< Rhs > const &other) const
UnaryOperator< BitwiseXorWithOp< Type >, DotProduct< Lhs, Rhs > > operator^ (Type const &value) const
UnaryOperator< IsNaOp< Type >, DotProduct< Lhs, Rhs > > isNA () const
UnaryOperator< NegOp< Type >, DotProduct< Lhs, Rhs > > neg () const
UnaryOperator< IsFiniteOp< Type >, DotProduct< Lhs, Rhs > > isFinite () const
UnaryOperator< IsInfiniteOp< Type >, DotProduct< Lhs, Rhs > > isInfinite () const
UnaryOperator< AbsOp< Type >, DotProduct< Lhs, Rhs > > abs () const
UnaryOperator< ExpOp< Type >, DotProduct< Lhs, Rhs > > exp () const
UnaryOperator< LogOp< Type >, DotProduct< Lhs, Rhs > > log () const
UnaryOperator< SqrtOp< Type >, DotProduct< Lhs, Rhs > > sqrt () const
UnaryOperator< CosOp< Type >, DotProduct< Lhs, Rhs > > cos () const
UnaryOperator< SinOp< Type >, DotProduct< Lhs, Rhs > > sin () const
UnaryOperator< AcosOp< Type >, DotProduct< Lhs, Rhs > > acos () const
UnaryOperator< AsinOp< Type >, DotProduct< Lhs, Rhs > > asin () const
UnaryOperator< TanOp< Type >, DotProduct< Lhs, Rhs > > tan () const
UnaryOperator< InverseOp< Type >, DotProduct< Lhs, Rhs > > inverse () const
UnaryOperator< SquareOp< Type >, DotProduct< Lhs, Rhs > > square () const
UnaryOperator< CubeOp< Type >, DotProduct< Lhs, Rhs > > cube () const
UnaryOperator< ProductWithOp< Type >, DotProduct< Lhs, Rhs > > operator* (Type const &value) const
hidden::ProductSelector< DotProduct< Lhs, Rhs >, Rhs, hidden::Traits< DotProduct< Lhs, Rhs > >::structure_, hidden::Traits< Rhs >::structure_ >::ProductType const operator* (ExprBase< Rhs > const &other) const
UnaryOperator< PowOp< Type >, DotProduct< Lhs, Rhs > > pow (Type const &value) const
UnaryOperator< SafeInverseOp< Type >, DotProduct< Lhs, Rhs > > safeInverse (Type const &value) const
UnaryOperator< SafeOp< Type >, DotProduct< Lhs, Rhs > > const safe (Type const value=Type()) const
UnaryOperator< CastOp< Type, OtherType >, DotProduct< Lhs, Rhs > > const cast () const
UnaryOperator< Law::PdfOp< Type >, DotProduct< Lhs, Rhs > > pdf (Law::IUnivLaw< Type > const &law) const
 compute pdf values to this using distribution law given by user
UnaryOperator< Law::LogPdfOp< Type >, DotProduct< Lhs, Rhs > > lpdf (Law::IUnivLaw< Type > const &law) const
 compute log-pdf values to this using distribution law given by user
UnaryOperator< Law::CdfOp< Type >, DotProduct< Lhs, Rhs > > cdf (Law::IUnivLaw< Type > const &law) const
 compute cumulative distribution function of this using distribution law given by user
UnaryOperator< Law::LogCdfOp< Type >, DotProduct< Lhs, Rhs > > lcdf (Law::IUnivLaw< Type > const &law) const
 compute log-cumulative distribution function of this using distribution law given by user
UnaryOperator< Law::CdfcOp< Type >, DotProduct< Lhs, Rhs > > cdfc (Law::IUnivLaw< Type > const &law) const
 compute complementary cumulative distribution function of this using distribution law given by user
UnaryOperator< Law::LogCdfcOp< Type >, DotProduct< Lhs, Rhs > > lcdfc (Law::IUnivLaw< Type > const &law) const
 compute complementary cumulative distribution function of this using distribution law given by user
UnaryOperator< Law::IcdfOp< Type >, DotProduct< Lhs, Rhs > > icdf (Law::IUnivLaw< Type > const &law) const
 compute inverse cumulative distribution function using distribution law given by user
UnaryOperator< OtherOperator< Type >, DotProduct< Lhs, Rhs > > const funct0 () const
UnaryOperator< OtherOperator< Type >, DotProduct< Lhs, Rhs > > const funct1 (Type const value) const
TransposeOperator< DotProduct< Lhs, Rhs > > const transpose () const
DiagonalizeOperator< DotProduct< Lhs, Rhs > > const diagonalize () const
DiagonalGetterOperator< DotProduct< Lhs, Rhs > > const getDiagonal () const
UpperTriangularizeOperator< DotProduct< Lhs, Rhs > > const upperTriangularize () const
LowerTriangularizeOperator< DotProduct< Lhs, Rhs > > const lowerTriangularize () const
SymmetrizeOperator< DotProduct< Lhs, Rhs > > const symmetrize () const
UpperSymmetrizeOperator< DotProduct< Lhs, Rhs > > const upperSymmetrize () const
LowerSymmetrizeOperator< DotProduct< Lhs, Rhs > > const lowerSymmetrize () const
SubVectorOperator< DotProduct< Lhs, Rhs >, Size_ > const sub (TRange< Size_ > const &I) const
SubOperator< DotProduct< Lhs, Rhs >, SizeRows_, SizeCols_ > const sub (TRange< SizeRows_ > const &I, TRange< SizeCols_ > const &J) const
ColOperator< DotProduct< Lhs, Rhs > > const col (int j) const
SubOperator< DotProduct< Lhs, Rhs >, sizeRows_, Size_ > const col (TRange< Size_ > const &J) const
RowOperator< DotProduct< Lhs, Rhs > > const row (int i) const
SubOperator< DotProduct< Lhs, Rhs >, Size_, sizeCols_ > const row (TRange< Size_ > const &I) const
hidden::Promote< Type, typenameRhs::Type >::result_type const dot (ExprBase< Rhs > const &other) const
hidden::Promote< Type, typenameRhs::Type >::result_type const dotSafe (ExprBase< Rhs > const &other) const

Protected Attributes

Lhs constlhs_
Rhs constrhs_

Private Attributes

Allocator result_

Additional Inherited Members

- Static Public Member Functions inherited from STK::TRef< 1 >
static bool isRef ()
- Protected Member Functions inherited from STK::ExprBase< DotProduct< Lhs, Rhs > >
 ExprBase ()
 Default constructor.
 ~ExprBase ()

Detailed Description

template<typename Lhs, typename Rhs>
class STK::DotProduct< Lhs, Rhs >

Generic expression where a DotProduct is applied to two expressions.

Template Parameters
Lhsthe type of the left-hand side
Rhsthe type of the right-hand side

This class represents an expression where a dot product is applied to two expressions. The left hand side being a point_ (a row-oriented vector) and the right hand side a vector_ (a column-oriented vector).

Most of the time, this is the only way that it is used, so you typically don't have to name DotProduct types explicitly.

Definition at line 84 of file STK_DotProduct.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ Allocator

template<typename Lhs , typename Rhs >
typedef hidden::Traits<DotProduct>::Allocator STK::DotProduct< Lhs, Rhs >::Allocator

Definition at line 90 of file STK_DotProduct.h.

◆ ColRange

Type of the Range for the columns.

Definition at line 103 of file STK_DotProduct.h.

◆ RowRange

Type of the Range for the rows.

Definition at line 101 of file STK_DotProduct.h.

◆ Type

Definition at line 88 of file STK_DotProduct.h.

◆ TypeConst

template<typename Lhs , typename Rhs >
typedef hidden::Traits<DotProduct>::TypeConst STK::DotProduct< Lhs, Rhs >::TypeConst

Definition at line 89 of file STK_DotProduct.h.

Member Enumeration Documentation

◆ anonymous enum


Definition at line 92 of file STK_DotProduct.h.

93 {
94 structure_ = hidden::Traits<DotProduct>::structure_,
95 orient_ = hidden::Traits<DotProduct>::orient_,
96 sizeRows_ = hidden::Traits<DotProduct>::sizeRows_,
97 sizeCols_ = hidden::Traits<DotProduct>::sizeCols_,
98 storage_ = hidden::Traits<DotProduct>::storage_
99 };

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ DotProduct()

template<typename Lhs , typename Rhs >
STK::DotProduct< Lhs, Rhs >::DotProduct ( const Lhs lhs,
const Rhs rhs 

Definition at line 105 of file STK_DotProduct.h.

106 : lhs_(lhs), rhs_(rhs)
107 , result_()
108 {
112 if (lhs.range() != rhs.range())
113 { STKRUNTIME_ERROR_NO_ARG(DotProduct:DotProduct, sizes mismatch between Lhs and Rhs);}
115 result_.shift(lhs.beginRows(), rhs.beginCols());
116 result_.elt() =;
117 }
#define STKRUNTIME_ERROR_NO_ARG(Where, Error)
Definition STK_Macros.h:138
DotProduct(const Lhs &lhs, const Rhs &rhs)
Rhs const & rhs() const
Lhs const & lhs() const

References STK::DotProduct< Lhs, Rhs >::lhs(), STK::DotProduct< Lhs, Rhs >::result_, STK::DotProduct< Lhs, Rhs >::rhs(), STK_STATIC_ASSERT_POINT_ONLY, STK_STATIC_ASSERT_VECTOR_ONLY, and STKRUNTIME_ERROR_NO_ARG.

Member Function Documentation

◆ colsImpl()

template<typename Lhs , typename Rhs >
ColRange const & STK::DotProduct< Lhs, Rhs >::colsImpl ( ) const
the columns range

Definition at line 121 of file STK_DotProduct.h.

121{ return result_.cols();}

References STK::DotProduct< Lhs, Rhs >::result_.

◆ elt0Impl()

template<typename Lhs , typename Rhs >
TypeConst STK::DotProduct< Lhs, Rhs >::elt0Impl ( ) const

access to the element

Definition at line 133 of file STK_DotProduct.h.

133{ return result_.elt();}

References STK::DotProduct< Lhs, Rhs >::result_.

◆ elt2Impl()

template<typename Lhs , typename Rhs >
TypeConst STK::DotProduct< Lhs, Rhs >::elt2Impl ( int  i,
int  j 
) const

access to the element

Definition at line 124 of file STK_DotProduct.h.

125 {
127 if ( (result_.beginRows() != i) || (result_.beginCols() !=j) )
128 { STKRUNTIME_ERROR_2ARG(DotProduct:elt2Impl,i,j,wrong indexes);}
130 return result_.elt(i, j);
131 }
#define STKRUNTIME_ERROR_2ARG(Where, Arg1, Arg2, Error)
Definition STK_Macros.h:120
TypeConst elt2Impl(int i, int j) const
access to the element

References STK::DotProduct< Lhs, Rhs >::elt2Impl(), STK::DotProduct< Lhs, Rhs >::result_, and STKRUNTIME_ERROR_2ARG.

Referenced by STK::DotProduct< Lhs, Rhs >::elt2Impl().

◆ lhs()

template<typename Lhs , typename Rhs >
Lhs const & STK::DotProduct< Lhs, Rhs >::lhs ( ) const
the left hand side expression

Definition at line 136 of file STK_DotProduct.h.

136{ return lhs_; }

References STK::DotProduct< Lhs, Rhs >::lhs_.

Referenced by STK::DotProduct< Lhs, Rhs >::DotProduct().

◆ result()

template<typename Lhs , typename Rhs >
Allocator const & STK::DotProduct< Lhs, Rhs >::result ( ) const
the result

Definition at line 140 of file STK_DotProduct.h.

140{ return result_; }

References STK::DotProduct< Lhs, Rhs >::result_.

◆ rhs()

template<typename Lhs , typename Rhs >
Rhs const & STK::DotProduct< Lhs, Rhs >::rhs ( ) const
the right hand side nested expression

Definition at line 138 of file STK_DotProduct.h.

138{ return rhs_; }

References STK::DotProduct< Lhs, Rhs >::rhs_.

Referenced by STK::DotProduct< Lhs, Rhs >::DotProduct().

◆ rowsImpl()

template<typename Lhs , typename Rhs >
RowRange const & STK::DotProduct< Lhs, Rhs >::rowsImpl ( ) const
the range of the rows

Definition at line 119 of file STK_DotProduct.h.

119{ return result_.rows();}

References STK::DotProduct< Lhs, Rhs >::result_.

Member Data Documentation

◆ lhs_

template<typename Lhs , typename Rhs >
Lhs const& STK::DotProduct< Lhs, Rhs >::lhs_

Definition at line 143 of file STK_DotProduct.h.

Referenced by STK::DotProduct< Lhs, Rhs >::lhs().

◆ result_

◆ rhs_

template<typename Lhs , typename Rhs >
Rhs const& STK::DotProduct< Lhs, Rhs >::rhs_

Definition at line 144 of file STK_DotProduct.h.

Referenced by STK::DotProduct< Lhs, Rhs >::rhs().

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: